Category Archives: What’s Happening

Good News For a Change

You Heard it Here! Yes, once again … the Walters Post has lived up to the expectations of others. Reporting!!!!

‘Wiarton Willie’ Our very own Ontario, Canada Ground Hog! … Predicts an Early Spring!!

What can be better than that? Well … I guess there are a few things, but spring and warm weather it seems, always puts a smile on folks faces and gets them to feeling good.

Morning Chat Feb 2/2021

Good Morning! Starting things off here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada we are seeing lots of sunshine these days, and I suspect it will remain with us for one more day. And it should warm up considerably for a few days, before we get some more snow on Friday and into the weekend. Temperature waking up was sitting at -17.5 C | 0.5 F. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, and should remain that way all day. On another note, yesterday I worked in the shop for a wee bit but then decided to take things a bit easy. Today I will do much the same. I might write up a story or two for my columns and things. I need to be in the right frame of mind to do that though, or so it seems. Other than that, not much else happening in and around our small community these days. With that I am off for a bite to eat and then will let the day unfold around me. Life is always a mystery. Now more than ever it seems. Take care, stay safe and do what is right relating to this virus, as it is getting a lot worse, even with the closing down. Reason being we aren’t closing down enough. They say they are, but they aren’t. It’s all about politics, money and pleasing everybody. Kind of like some people I know, they say one thing and mean another. Kind of speaking out of both sides of their mouth. The main things is they should be closing all the schools right now too, not opening them. The folks that are saying the schools are safe is out to lunch in my books. The schools might be safe … sure, but not the kids or the folks that work in them. They will spread it like crazy, especially this new strain that is starting to get a foot hold. I can’t see what their reasoning is. I guess they want to make a name for themselves or show their power. At our expense. At any rate, that is my slice of life for this morning. Take it for what it is worth.

Morning Chat Feb 1/2021

Good Morning! Well … it’s another cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature was sitting at -22.7 C | -8.86 F. With the sunshine that is upon us things will warm up as the day moves forward. And the next three or four days things will warm up even more. We could see temperatures above the freezing mark by Wednesday. Front porch sittin weather LOL. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning which will make travelling good for those that has to go somewhere. For my wife and I we will be staying home. Yesterday I did clean up the woodworking shop a bit and bring in a bit of firewood, but being so cold I decided to stay in the house after that. Not that it was cold in the shop, but just felt tired. Nice to be able to do that. Today I will do much the same taking it easy. On another note it is the first day of February starting things off. Kind of nice to see, as I figure once we are into February we are closing in on spring. Can’t wait. With that I am off for a bite to eat with my lovely wife and will then let the day unfold around us as it chooses to do. Take care and stay safe, things are getting worse with this new strain of the virus among us. GW

Morning Chat Jan 31/2021

Good Morning! Well … it’s a sunny morning here in Port Loring, Ontario for a change, but in saying that the sunshine isn’t helping the temperature much. This morning getting out of bed it was sitting at -24.4 C | -11.92 F. Not as cold as yesterday morning though that was sitting at -27.5 C | -17.5 F. It will warm up as the week moves forward. Today it will remain sunny for most of the day which is nice. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning for most parts, but there are a few icy sections here and there. Yesterday my wife and I went to town to pick up our groceries and drop some things off at our son, in his apartments parking lot. It was too cold to chat, so we decided to chat on the phone on our way home. After we saw him we had our lunch in a parking lot watching what was going on. After that we headed on home taking in nature. The trip there and back other than being very cold was quite nice. It’s good to get out of the house for a change. We don’t do it very often nowadays only when we need some groceries. On another note I just cleaned out some ashes from my wood furnace this morning along with my shop stove, as they both were getting so full I couldn’t get any more wood in them. They fill up with in a week with this cold weather that we have been having. Now I am going to have a bowl of oatmeal and will then move some things around in the woodworking shop, and then I am thinking I will take it a bit easy today for a change. With that you all take care of yourselves and stay safe. It is getting quite bad out there these days with the new variants of this virus among us. But in town yesterday, we noticed that a lot of people were doing what was right and fewer people were travelling and moving around. Keep it up, as it is the only way we are going to decrease the numbers. And hey! A lot of lives depend on us doing just that.

Morning Chat Jan 29/2021

Good Morning! Well, it’s a cold morning here in Port Loring Ontario, Canada. Temperatures have risen a touch sitting at -17.3 C | 0.86 F. It will warm up a wee bit as the day progress’s. But not much. It will remain cold now until the beginning of next week. We should see some sunshine after a bit. Tomorrow we will have lots of sunshine for a change, but it will be very cold. And one has to remember that we are coming into February which is the coldest time of the year for our area. I believe we have had it good so far temperature wise. Highway 522 is bare for most parts, but there are some icy sections here and there so care should be taken if you have to go anywhere. Other than that not much happening in and around our community. Yesterday I worked in the woodworking shop putting the first coat of finish on the coat trees, cupboard and swing I made. Today I will finish that up and then maybe take a week off from the shop, and do some writing. I will see how that goes as one never knows these days. With that I am off for a bowl of cereal with my lovely wife and will then see about doing something. LOL. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat Jan 28/2021

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy morning here in Port Loring Ontario Canada. And very cold too, with the temperature sitting at -18.5 C | -1.3 F. When I got up being so cold I decided to plug my car in for an hour or so to warm it up a touch. Pays to do that when it gets this cold or colder. I will turn it off in an hour or so. Actually I hooked it up to my Google Home which makes it easier. That way I don’t have to go outside in the cold to turn it on and off. Just say Hey Google Turn on Chase. LOL We named our car for those who is wondering who Chase is LOL. Makes things simpler. So far it works great. Modern technology in the works you could say. I have always figured the old ways are fine to some extent, but if there is an easier way, or a way that is better, than go for it. It’s called evolution. If you dwell on the past, you stay in the past. Look towards the future just don’t plan the results is my modo. LOL Highway 522 is bare for most parts throughout, but there are some icy sections here and there, so care should be taken if out and about. We could see some sunshine off and on as the day progresses, which will make things feel a lot nicer than it is right now. I froze my ears off going to the woodworking shop this morning to light my stove. LOL I do keep it going through the night loading it up before I go to bed, but it is usually pretty well out by morning. But it is still not to bad temperature wise. Nothing is nicer than having a warm shop to work in, especially this time of the year. Yesterday I finished up my coat trees, I made two. One to replace the one I sold in our home and another for the cottage to be. Today is finishing day, so I am hoping I can get one coat on the cupboard, coat trees and our new swing. Tomorrow I will finish them. Once all said and done I will take a picture or two to show you. With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal. Hmm, no I am wrong in saying that, as this morning my lovely wife is making me bacon and eggs for a change. Should be tasty. And I will then get to work. Take care my friends, stay safe when ever possible. And … have a great day.

Morning Chat Jan 27/2021

Good Morning!! Well … for a change we are having some sunshine this morning. But it is a touch cool with the temperature sitting at -15.1 C | 4.82 F. Truth be told though, it is still a lot warmer than what we are accustomed to in our area. Especially coming into February. Kinda nice. Highway 522 is partially snow covered with icy sections throughout. Caused by some flurries that we had yesterday and through the night. Nothing much to speak of though, maybe two inches at the most. On another note, yesterday I worked away in the woodworking shop. I have two nice coat trees all set to put together today, that my lovely wife designed years ago. I haven’t made them for a good number of years, so … some thinking was in order. But it is amazing what the mind remembers once you get into the thick of things. I am a firm believer that a person needs to keep the mind working all the time. If you slack off, not so good things begin to happen. And while I am on the subject of the conscious mind, for those that are having a hard time coping with this virus and other things, there is one thing you can do that will bring your mind back to normal so to speak. What would that be? Well … I will tell you, now that you asked. LOL Reading!! If you find a ‘GOOD BOOK‘, or even listen to a‘GOOD BOOK’, the mind is then forced into relaxing and not thinking bad things. It’s simple as that. I found it to work for over 50 years now. If anything is bothering me, I head on off to bed, and pick up a good book … and within minutes the worrying is gone. The conscious mind it seems, can’t dwell on bad things when reading. The good thing is, you won’t need any therapy from these so-called specialists, ‘scoundrels I call them’, that are now trying to capitalize (making money), on peoples weaknesses, which actually aren’t weaknesses at all. At any rate, that is my Slice of Life for this morning. I hope you are all well. Take care my friends, and have a great day, make it a good day. It’s all up to you. No one can do it for you.

Morning Chat Jan 26/2021

Good Morning from Port Loring. Ontario Canada that is. It’s another cloudy morning here in our small community. We could see some sunshine off and on throughout the day. If we are lucky! LOL. Yesterday though was nice, and the temperature even got up above freezing. I actually went out to our bush where we have a bench, and sat there taking in the sunshine for a while. Which was nice. Temperature this morning was sitting at -9.2 C | 15.44 F. Not too shabby. It will warm up a wee bit as the day progresses, but not too much. However, there is more very cold weather in the forecast within the next few days. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling fair. But as I have been saying … if you don’t have to go anywhere. Don’t go. Home is the safest place you can be. Unless … you are like some that are allowing anyone and everyone into it. These are the ones that are causing the problems, or I should say a lot of the problems. And now that this new strain of the virus is among us, we could be in for some even more serious trouble. And they now are thinking it is more deadly than the one we have at the moment. Talking about that, I suspect it will mutate again, especially if we humans keep spreading it around. On another note, yesterday I worked in the woodworking shop for most of the day, and will do the same today. I am starting to cut out our two new coat trees, racks or whatever one calls them LOL. I will take a picture once I have them made. I have to admit, I am enjoying it out in the shop these days. Keeps me busy and my mind on good thing, other than the news. LOL So with that bit of info under your hat, I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then get to work. Doing what I enjoy.

Update: And if that is not enough for businesses to stay closed and people staying at home, How about this. As of today scientists have said the U.K. variant of the coronavirus, that is behind a surge in COVID-19 infections, it may be not only more transmissible, but also more lethal – with a mortality risk of around 30 per cent higher than other variants. And it is here in Ontario Canada now. Take care and stay safe.

Morning Chat Jan 25/2021

Good Morning! We are having another cloudy day starting things off here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. It’s possible that we might have a few sunny breaks off and on throughout the day. But for most parts it will remain cloudy with light flurries today and into tomorrow. After that we should if lucky, see some sunshine for a few days. Which will make it a lot healthier for every living thing on this planet. Pretty amazing huh? LOL The temperature has warmed up a touch sitting at -4.4 C | 24.08 F. It’s a lot better than them minus below numbers. Highway 522 is mostly bare this morning, but there are some icy sections throughout. Travelling will be pretty good, but you shouldn’t be going anywhere unless it is necessary. I hope the powers that be has enough sense to keep things locked down for a couple of months more. I know some won’t like it, but it’s the only way we can slow this thing down. Especially since the vaccines are on hold for a couple of weeks. Which is another thing that bothers me to no end, as there is no reason we should have to deal with this. Especially at this time in the game. What we need to do is get busy and okay a few more different vaccines that are reliable, and more importantly, not the ones from China. I am kind of thinking it all boils down to money. The best thing we could and should be doing, is start manufacturing these vaccines right here in Canada, so we are self efficient. And do it now not later!!!! Canada to me is a wimp in many ways, always relying on others. If this isn’t a wake-up call … I don’t know what is. At any rate … that is my Slice of Life for this morning. On another note for the past few days I have been working in the woodworking shop. I did finish up a swing for my lovely wife which we will hang in the spring. Turned out great. I will add a few pictures of it later on today. Now I am going to start working on a couple of stand-up coat racks. Really nice design that my wife designed up years ago. I can’t remember how many of them we sold over the years. But there has been a good number that’s for sure. With that I am off for a bowl of oatmeal and will then get to work. Stay safe my friends, as this virus is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Especially now as it seems that a few people have brought back this other strain of the virus, that infects people a lot faster, into our country. I am wondering what part of staying at home, they don’t understand. Anyways … have a great day.

Morning Chat Jan 22/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy day so far here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. And I am afraid the clouds will remain with us for most of the day. But tomorrow is another story, as we should be seeing lots of sunshine. Which is what is needed with this virus that is in our midst. I am a firm believer that vitamin D 3 is one of the best things we could be getting that will help with this virus, other than the vaccine. Reason being here in Canada we don’t get the sunshine that is needed, as most folks are inside these days. Mostly sitting in front of computers. LOL Highway 522 is bare this morning with some icy sections throughout. Care should be taken if out and about. The night before last and yesterday we had another 3-4 inches or so of snow. MY friend Kerry just dropped by this morning and cleaned out our driveway. I had him do that part this year. And I am glad I did, as most of the snow so far has been wet and heavy. We have enough to do without having to do that, as I have paths all over my property that my wife and I can walk on throughout the winter months. Along with helping our neighbour clean her car off and her deck. Once all that is done we have had it for the day LOL. For the past few days I have been working in the shop on some projects I have going. One is a Adirondack Swing for my wife and I. I will take some pictures and post it on here when all said and done. Today I will do much the same, after I clean up some of this snow. That is if I am up to it. So with that … I am off for my morning cup of tea or coffee with my lovely wife and will then get to work. Stay safe and take extra precautions, as this virus is getting much worse. I hope they keep things locked down for another month or so.

Morning Chat Jan 19/2021

Good Morning Port Loring. It’s a cloudy morning with light flurries waking up. We could see around 6 cm or 2 inches. The temperature is a touch cool sitting at -9.4 C | 15.08 F. It will warm up a wee bit later on, but not much. Highway 522 is snow covered with icy sections throughout, so care should be taken if out and about. Yesterday my wife and I cleaned up the snow we had which took most of the morning. The good part was that my snowblower is working great now after I fixed it. It’s a pleasure now using it. The problem was the reverse gear wasn’t working right, but as I said yesterday all it needed was some lubricant. Works slick now LOL. Today I will continue on in my wood working shop cleaning up things. I should be finished today and then can get onto making a new hanging swing for my wife and I. Once finished and the weather warms up I will build a trellis affair and hang it from it. Will be nice to sit on come summer. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee or tea with my lovely wife, and will then get to work. Take care, and stay safe. This virus is closing in on everyone. Caused by folks spreading it. Physical distancing, mask-wearing, hand-washing, staying away from crowds and enclosed spaces — it all matters, perhaps now more than ever, to slow transmission and give the virus fewer opportunities to spread and evolve.

Morning Chat Jan 18/2021

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We should see some sunshine for a while, but then clouds will enter into the picture. It is cool this morning with temperatures sitting at -14.6 C | 5.72 F. It will warm up a few degrees as the day moves forward. Not much though. Highway 522 is partially snow covered with some icy sections throughout. Not that you should be going anywhere, unless you are in need of some groceries or things of importance. Which actually is what my wife and I did yesterday, as we had to go to North Bay to pick up our groceries we ordered online. I have to say it wasn’t the greatest ride in with the snow we had the night before, but on the way home the roads cleared up somewhat, which made things a lot nicer. We even had some sunshine thrown into our adventure for good measure. I have to say it sure looked pretty with all the snow on the trees. I would say we had around another 6 inches or so to add to the 8 – 10 inches we have now on the ground. While there we dropped off some things to our son in his parking lot. Chatted a bit with our masks on keeping our distance, and then headed on home stopping off in a parking lot to have our lunch. There we sat, chatted to each other and watched what others were doing. In other words being a bit nosey LOL. After that we headed on home taking in what nature had to offer. Once home my wife put things away and for the rest of the day we took it easy. It’s a full day to go to North Bay and back when all said and done. Nice though as it gets us out away from things for a few hours. Today we will clean up the snow we had the day before yesterday, and then I am thinking a rest will be in order. Kind of anxious to see how my snowblower works, it is only a couple of years old, but the reverse didn’t work worth a dam, so I finally decided last week to take it apart and see what was going on. All I could see was that it needed a bit of lubricant which I applied. Seems to work fine now, but … I haven’t tried it out in some snow yet. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store. You just never know. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right as this virus is getting much worse.

Morning Chat Jan 16/2021

Good Morning From Port Loring! Ontario, Canada. It’s another cloudy day here in our small community. We are also having a few flurries which will continue on throughout the day. The snow will stop, as night fall approaches. I don’t really think it will amount to much, but in saying that, here in Port Loring anything is possible. Highway 522 is wet and bare so far this morning, but that could change. Around town things are quiet with a lot of folks doing what they should be doing …. staying home. As it is getting bad out there with this virus. And for those that think it is nothing to worry about, what do you say about the 100 people a day that are dying from this virus in Ontario alone. And while on that subject … one thing that bothers me a lot, is that everyone is saying … well if you look at the statistics the folks that are dying the most are the seniors in homes and places. What the hell does that mean?? Is it that we older folks don’t matter?? Makes me shake my head with the mentality of some people. It’s the same as this thing that is going around Black Lives Matter. Hell every life matters!! If asked I would say that most of all these folks that are promoting this stuff, are causing more harm than good. And one last thing. A lot of folks are saying that it is the virus that is to blame for it spreading so rapidly. That makes me shake my head too … as in reality … it’s also what we humans didn’t do. Anyways … that is my Slice of Life for this Saturday morning. Take it for what it’s worth. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and a bowl of oatmeal, and will get back to my shop reorganizing. It’s been a week of 8-hour days, and I am still not finished. LOL Take care, stay safe and do what’s right to protect yourself, family and friends.

Morning Chat Jan 14/2921

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario Canada. Kind of a norm for this time of year. We could see some light flurries or freezing rain later on today. There is a freezing rain advisory in effect at the moment. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning so far which will make travelling good, but that could change in a bit. However, … no one should be going anywhere other than for groceries or things that are necessary. We have around ten inches of snow in total on the ground here in our area, Temperatures though have been quite mild for most of our winter so far. This morning the temperature getting out of bed was sitting at -0.8 C | 30.56 F right on the freezing line of things. It will cool down a lot starting Sunday. On another note I have been working redesigning my woodworking shop for the past week. Not doing as much woodworking over the years a lot of my things needed fixing and dusting off. Heck of a mess. But I decided to get back into it a wee bit, just enough to keep me busy. I am kind of missing it. The reason I haven’t done much was that my allergy to dust and things has bugged me to where I could hardly do anything out there. Now though knowing what I have learned over the years came up with my own filtering system using and old box fan with a good furnace filter attached to it. Works great and the air in my shop is always nice and clean. Other than when I open the door to my shop stove too quickly. When that happens I head for the house for a coffee till things settle down LOL. Speaking of coffee I guess I will go and have one now with my lovely wife, and then see what the day has in store. Take care, stay safe as this virus is now getting out of hand.

Morning Chat Jan 11/2021

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures though have risen substantially sitting at -1.3 C | 29.66 F. It will warm up a touch more later on. So not a bad day temperature wise that’s for sure. And along with that the winds have changed from the north to the south-west which, usually brings in warmer temperatures. For how long … who knows. The downside of the warmer weather it could bring us some more snow or even ice which I don’t like. But it is winter … so anything and everything is on the table for our area. Highway 522 is wet throughout this morning, but travelling should be okay being that the temperature is in the mid-range. On another note I worked in the shop all day again yesterday on a wall cabinet for our cottage. It’s about finished now other than the door which is done, where my wife is going to do a painting on the front of it. Once that is done I will stain and urethane it and install it in our cottage for all to enjoy. That is when ever this virus is finished annoying us humans. Which might be awhile by the looks of things. I don’t think this year will be much better than last year, if anything it will be a lot worse. Today I decided to do some changing around in my woodworking shop making things easier to get at. Problems arise when you have all the toys but don’t know where they are located. LOL Some days it takes me a half hour to figure out where I put things. LOL So that is about to change. I think. The trouble with a small shop is that there is only so much one can do or move things around. I wonder if there is woodworking shop designer out there LOL LOL At any rate … I will do what I can. It can’t be any worse than it is now LOL Sheesh. So with that you all take care and stay safe. Chat tomorrow.

Morning Chat Jan 10/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy frosty morning here for Port Loring, Ontario Canada. Kind of unusual for this time of year. But it is nice to see with the trees all covered with white frost. Highway 522 is bare and dry, and if we are lucky we could see some sunshine on and off throughout the day. Which will make it nicer. Temperatures are still cool this morning sitting at -16.4 C | 2.48 F. It will warm up a wee bit as the day moves forward. On another note I have been keeping busy in my woodworking shop working away on a new wall cabinet for our cottage to be. It’s coming along and should be finished today, other than staining and painting, which I will get too in a day or so. Other than that not much happening in our small community these days. With that I am off once again for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife and will then see what the day has in store. Take care and stay safe. It’s getting pretty bad out there virus wise these days.

Morning Chat Jan 9/2021

Good Morning! We are having a touch of sunshine this morning, but it is cold. The temperature getting out of the sack was sitting at -16 C | 3.2 F. It will warm up a bit but not much. This is the kind of weather where your firewood starts to pay for itself. The other alternatives to wood heat, are still too high in price to talk about. LOL Looking out Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning. It also has been quite quiet, not much traffic … as, well, simply put, with the stores being closed down no one has any place to go. Which I believe is a good thing with this virus now well over the 4000 mark a day here in Ontario alone. But as I say there is no one to blame, than the people themselves. The old saying is … give certain folks enough rope they eventually hang themselves. The trouble with that saying in this instance, is that they take a lot of others with them that shouldn’t be taken. Such is that. On another note I have been busy in the woodworking shop these days working on projects for spring. Not for our store mind ya, as opening that would be inviting this virus to our door. The things I am working on is for us and our new cottage. The thing I like about it, is that it keeps my mind focused on what is important in life. With that bit of info under your hat I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife and a bowl of oatmeal. After that I will see what the day has in store, other than what I have planned. You just never know. Take care, and do what’s right.

Morning Chat Jan 8/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cold morning here In Port Loring Ontario, Canada. The sun is going to be with us for most of the day, which will make things a bit nicer to be outside. Temperatures getting out of bed were sitting at -16.9 C | 1.58. Highway 522 is bare and dry, and quiet these days with everything being closed down. Yesterday they announced that we will be shut down up here in the north for another two weeks. Which is a good thing. I am hoping they will extend it even further after that. As things are getting pretty bad. They need to keep things closed up tight till the vaccine is made available to everyone. Then things should start to improve. The thing is … we have to give up some things to get out of this mess. No other way. Yesterday I started to work in the shop but got distracted with some things here in the house. Today I think I will be working in the woodworking shop on some things I have in the works. I just put some more wood in the shop stove that I have been keeping going since Christmas. Feels good going into a warm shop. I also lit the wood furnace here in the house which is really nice. There is nothing like the warmth that comes off of wood heat. Especially on cold days like today. With that I am heading for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will then see what the day has in store. Stay safe and do what’s right for you, family and friends.

Morning Chat Jan 7/2021

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy day starting things off here in Port Loring, Ontario Canada. We should see some sunshine a bit later on this morning. One can only hope. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, so if it is absolutely necessary that you have to travel … your good to go. LOL. We haven’t had any more snow for the past few days, which is okay by me. Temperatures have stayed quite warm, but it is cooling down some this morning with it sitting at -8.5 C | 16.7 F. It will remain cool for the next few days before warming up a bit. Kind of nice for our area. On another note … my wife has been busy with orders for some paintings and I have been busy working on some new cupboards for our cottage. Which is keeping us busy. Today I will be doing much the same. It’s nice to have a shop that I can make things in. It is also nice to be making some things for us, rather than others. LOL Not complaining mind ya, as the woodworking business has held our head above water so to speak, for the past thirty years or so. Before that it was farming. Which I actually miss in some ways. I don’t miss the politics that surrounds it these days. So with that I am off for my morning cup of tea and a bite to eat with my lovely wife and will then see what the day has in store. Life is full of mysteries. Take care, stay safe as this virus is getting stronger every day.

Ontario reported a single-day record of 3,519 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, January 7/2021, as well as 89 more deaths of people with the illness — the deadliest day so far of the entire pandemic.

It should also be noted that we now know that people without symptoms spread the virus in more than half of the cases, which is just one more reason why we all should be wearing face masks’ and staying away from folks’.

And the worst part is that a lot of folks still believe that this virus isn’t all that bad. Makes me shake my head. But … such is people.

Morning Chat Jan 6/2021

Good Morning!. It’s a nice looking day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. There are a lot of clouds but the temperature getting out of bed was sitting at -2.2 C | 28.04 F. Not to shabby for this time of year. It will get a touch cooler as the week progresses, but still well above normal. We have around ten inches of snow on the ground at this time. Highway 522 this morning is bare, dry and quiet with folks staying home as they should be doing. If folks here in Ontario had done that from the very beginning we would have had a lot less cases along with a lot less deaths. No one to blame but people themselves. I am beginning to think that around 50 % of our population here in Canada isn’t using that thing on their shoulders these days. And for the life of me … I can’t see why, as how much more evidence do they need proving that this virus is deadly and a lot deadlier than all the other diseases put together. You know these so-called people that say well … we have more people dying from heart disease or other diseases. What a stupid statement, as truth to be told these other diseases aren’t being spread like the virus is. And a lot of these other diseases are self-made and could be fixed with a better lifestyle. At any rate such is that. That is my slice of life for today LOL Take it for what it is worth. Stay safe and do what’s right.