Category Archives: Weather

Morning Chat Nov 13/2020

Good Morning! I am hoping everyone is well on this Friday the 13th. While on the subject of Friday the 13th, for myself I have found over the years that the 13th is a lucky day for me. Not sure why but good things seem to happen. I know those science guys or gals would say it’s a myth. But then a lot of things they say or said where a myth are turning out to be true. LOL At any rate … temperatures have sure cooled down for our area. Waking up here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada they were sitting at 1.5 C | 34.7 F. It will warm up a touch as the day moves forward. But after that things become even colder. So we will see. Highway 522 has slowed down a lot these days. Some hunters have left the area with a few remaining. I don’t think it was a good year for hunting being so warm. I also believe once that first shot is fired them deer of old are gone into hiding. LOL Can’t say I blame them neither. Yesterday my wife and I had a great day watching the Masters Golf Game on TSN. It started off with a bit of rain but then I told it to stop and it did and was a great day after that for all the golfers. LOL The next three days look good weather wise too. Today we will be watching it again. At the end of the day Casey was winning it at minus 7. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Hmm, no, maybe I will have a cup of tea instead. I found that too much coffee isn’t the nicest on the old stomach. Take care, have a great day and stay safe. As this virus is surging rapidly all around us. I think the worst thing we could have done is opening businesses, letting them planes off the ground and opening schools. I said once they do that … we will be in for some hard times. And it’s happening now. Right now we aren’t doing what’s right in Ontario. So my friends if some aren’t doing what’s right … you do what’s right. Wear a mask, wash your hands, don’t touch your face and stay out of places unless it is absolutely necessary, and then think twice. GW

Morning Chat Nov 12/2020

So how you all doing this morning? All good I hope. Ruth and I are fine other than a couple sore backs. But we are slowly on the mend. Waking up here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada the sun is shinning. The temperature has cooled down some sitting at 0.9 C | 33.62 F. It will warm up a wee bit as the day moves forward. But even though it is cool, we will see a lot of sunshine for most the day. Highway 522 is bare and dry throughout. Traffic is slow with most folks out in the bush trying to get that trophy buck, which will give them some nice eating this winter. As I say I don’t hunt anymore. I kind of figure I will leave that to the younger folks. My warm home is more enticing these days. LOL Yesterday I did finish up some more things outside, in spite of the high winds we had. I made a dump run, washed the car and put some more things a way that needed to be put out of the weather. So now we should be all set for what Mother Nature has to offer. This morning I will help my wife make some oven bread and then settle in for the Masters Golf Game for 2020 in Augusta Georgia. Usually it is in the spring but with this virus they delayed it till now. So for the next four days my wife and I will be enjoying it. I paid a wee bit more this year on my Shaw bill, so we can watch all four days on TSN. Should be a great 4 days. It’s the only golf I watch. We especially like the course with all the trees, flowers and things. At the moment though it is on hold, as they are having some rain along with some thunderstorms moving through the area. But they are saying the golfers should be back playing in a half hour or so. With that, I am off for some pancakes with a fresh pear caramel sauce that my lovely wife is making. We picked up some Bartlett Pears last time in town. Should be tasty. She is one good cook. Take care and stay safe. Things aren’t good out there these days. GW

Morning Chat Nov 11/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We had some strong winds all night long, and it’s still quite windy this morning. The temperature waking up was sitting at 12.1 C | 53.78 F. It won’t warm up much as the day moves forward. But in saying that we should see a wee bit of sunshine later on this morning. Highway 522 is still busy with folks moving east and west. Lots of hunters this year, more than normal. On another note my wife and I went to North Bay to pick up some groceries. It was a nice trip in with just a few showers on the way in. But on the way back we had sunshine. While there we noticed a lot of the younger ones not wearing a mask and congregating here and there. I can see why so many folks are being infected these days. Too bad too as it is unnecessary. The thing is we just need to hang in there for a couple more months till this vaccine makes its way into our society. But such is that. Human behaviour is and always has been a mystery. Today I have to go to the dump as things are piling up. After that I will wash the car one more time, as it is dirty from going to town yesterday. After that I will put my garden hose away for winter and relax. Then if it doesn’t rain in Atlanta Georgia tomorrow, my wife and I will be watching the Masters Golf Game. The weather though doesn’t look too good. But you never know. This year at the Masters there won’t be any fans with this virus going around, so that should be interesting. There won’t be too many cheers that we usually hear. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee, and will then see what the day has in store. You never know. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right.

Morning Chat Nov 10/2020

Good Morning. I am hoping everyone is fine waking up. Looking out we are having some light showers here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. In spite of the rain though, the temperature is still quite nice, sitting a16.1 C | 60.98 Ft. It will stay warm all day. If we are lucky we could see a wee bit of sunshine later on, but for most parts it will remain cloudy with off and on showers. Highway 522 is bare and busy these days with hunters. But … things will slow down a lot in a week or so once hunting season with rifles is over. I see colder weather in the forecast starting on Thursday, and by the end of the week we might even have some snow flurries entering into the picture. It’s only a matter of time living where we do. That’s when the fun begins LOL. On another note, I did get everything cleaned up that I had to do outside yesterday. I didn’t think I had much left, but once I got started working, one thing led to another. My wife took it easy watching as her back is still quite bad and mine isn’t the greatest yet. But I am thinking we both are slowly getting a bit better every day. The trick is not to do anything right now to make it worse. LOL So with that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and a bite to eat, and then will see what the day has in store. Every day is a mystery for most parts. But … that’s what makes life interesting. Take care and stay safe, as this virus is getting much worse. My son was saying that there are two more cases in North Bay at the moment. So it’s starting up there once again. They were doing quite well for a bit there. But a lot aren’t wearing masks and the kids are back to school, so one is to expect what is taking place. Too bad too.

Good Morning Nov 9/2020

It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Yesterday was like summer, today is so so. But not too cold with the temperature sitting at 14.1 C | 57.38 F. Highway 522 was very busy yesterday with campers, trucks loaded with four wheeler’s, all kinds coming into the area for the hunt. I have to say I never seen so many hunters as this year. I suppose it is a good reason to get out of the cities. Can’t say I blame them in some ways. Knowing that though, we here have to take extra precautions for sure. This virus is starting to really gain ground now. I would think a lot is from opening up the school. And of course those that doesn’t wear a mask when out and about. At any rate. Yesterday my wife and I took it easy with both of us having sore backs. Today we will be doing the same. Can’t do much else. LOL With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal with my lovely wife and will then see what develops. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right with this virus.

Good Morning Nov 8/2020

So how you all doing on this fine morning? I say fine because it is a really nice day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning and the temperature at the time of this post was sitting at 8 C | 46.4 F. It will warm up a lot as the day moves forward. The nice thing is the warm sunny days will remain with us for the next three days. I put my lawn chairs away for the winter, but the day before last I took them back out and set them on the front porch for my wife and I to do some front porch sittin’, which we have been doing. It’s just perfect out there, no bugs, not to hot and lots of sunshine. I am thinking everyone should be outside soaking up some of that much-needed Vitamin D3. Especially with this virus among us. Yesterday my wife and I took it a bit easy as both of us are hurting a bit. So the only answer to that is rest for a spell. Seems every year we over do things a bit. Our minds say go ahead and do it but our bodies say …. whole up there a minute. LOL Oh well … such is that. On another note I see the Robbins are still with us. They have been chowing down on some small apples that is left on our tree beside the cottage. They are nice to watch. The bird feeder is also having its share of visitors but not so much since it got warm. I suppose they found natural food in the bush. But I know they will be back once the snow and cold weather is upon us. We sure enjoy watching them throughout the winter months and summer too for that matter. So with that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will then see what the day has in store for us. Take care and stay safe. This virus is getting much worse. GW

Morning Chat Nov 6/2020

Good Morning. It’s a foggy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature at the time of this post was sitting 7.5 C | 45.5 F. Temperatures will rise as the day moves forward, and we should see some sunshine a bit later too. Knowing that I think I will wash our car and after that put my garden hose away in the basement for winter. After that if I feel up to it, I might put a coat of wax on the old feller. It should then be ready for winter, other than getting my brakes checked over by Kerry a very good friend of mine. He did do an oil change earlier, but this still needs to be done. He said he would do it sometime next week. So once that is done we should be all set. I should mention that Kerry or ‘Booths Garage here in Port Loring, is a great place to take your vehicle too, if it is in need of something. I highly recommend him. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning. A few cars trucks and things moving from East to West. Mostly hunters and locals that are moving around. With that, I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and maybe a bowl of cereal. LOL Take care and stay safe. GW

Good Morning Nov 5/2020

It’s a really nice morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning, and the temperature at the time of this post was sitting at 10.5 C | 50.9 F. The warm temperatures should stay with us until next Tuesday. Which will make things pretty nice for our area. Especially if you want to do some outside work. I have a few things to do, but for most parts we are set for winter. Highway 522 is bare and dry with a few cars moving around. At this time of year it is mostly locals going here and there. For my wife and I we don’t go very far these days. Maybe every two weeks or so, we head off to North Bay for some groceries, but that’s about it. If we don’t need to go into stores we don’t. Looking outside things are really nice and green. The grass is as green if not greener than it has been all summer. I also notice a few Robbins chowing down on some worms on our lawn for the past few days. Nice to see, but I am thinking they will be heading south where it is warmer shortly. On another note I have been busy working on some things in the basement along with some work on my podcasts and things. Seems there is a never ending of things to do. The good thing is, they are all things I enjoy doing. Today I will take it a bit easy, as my old back, along with my wife’s back isn’t the greatest these days. So I am thinking we both need some downtime. All work and no play, isn’t always the best, especially when you are getting up there in years. So with that, I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then let the day do as it wants. Best not to make too many plans. LOL Take care, stay safe and do what’s right when it comes to this virus. It’s the only defence we have at the moment. GW

Morning Chat Nov 3/2020

Good Morning! So how you all doing this morning? Fine I hope. Ruth and I are making out good so fare these days. We have been very busy with a lot of things on our plate going on. All good things though. I didn’t get on here yesterday as our power was out for almost 20 hours. We had to get up at 2:00 AM and drag out our generator and hook it up. I have it set up, so I just flip a switch in the panel box, start the generator, and we are up and running. I don’t have it hooked up to the whole house, just a few things like fridges, freezers, well pump, some lights and things. So we have heat and can cook and things don’t spoil in the freezers and fridge. Works slick. The generator earned its keep yesterday. Seems we have had a lot of outages lately since Hydro One was sold. Strange…. Highway 522 is still busy these days with folks coming in for the hunt. Is it a good thing? Well … all I can say is they are all out in the bush, so they shouldn’t spread the virus around too much. At least you wouldn’t think they would. A lot of my hunter friends are staying home this year not wanting to chance it. I can’t say I blame them. It has been cold here in Port Loring, Canada the past few days. We did have a wee bit of snow. Nothing to write home about. It is supposed to warm up to almost summer weather later on this week and remain with us for a couple of weeks. That will be nice. It could stay that way all winter if I had any say in the matter. LOL On another note I have been quite busy these days getting set up for doing some more podcasts. Just have to bring things together as over summer I forget a lot of things. LOL But it’s coming along. I also have been updating the Blog (Website> Here) I am adding Ruth my lovely wife to it, so she can show off her paintings and some work she has done over the years and what she is doing in the present. Once she gets some time I will start adding things. You will have to take a look see, as she is one fantastic paintings with them over the years being sold all over the world. So … with that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and a poached egg with my lovely wife. After that we will see what develops. You just never know. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right when it comes to this virus going around. It is getting worse every day. Not so bad here yet though, which is a good thing. I hope it stays that way. GW

Morning Chat for Nov 1/2020

So how you all doing this morning? Good I hope. It’s a never ending battle these days with what is taking place in this old world of ours. But … things will get better if we all hang in there for a bit longer. This morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada it is raining, and cool. It pretty well rained all night long, with some strong winds at times. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 5.5 C | 41.9 F. We should be seeing some sunshine tomorrow. Which will be nice. “So … looking out I suspect I will stay in where it’s warm and dry today.” The good news is, we don’t have to shovel it. LOL. Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning with a few cars moving up and down the highway. Some probably heading off to church when in my eyes, they should be staying at home. But … it’s their life, not mine. Kind of makes me shake my head … with all we now know about this virus, yet some still think it is nothing to be concerned about. At any rate … such is life. On another note, I was glad to see that most of the parents here in town, kept their kids at home this Halloween, as last night it was very quiet. That is a good thing. For my wife and I we watched a good movie and relaxed. The old saying is: Life is what you make it. And for my wife and I we choose to make it exciting and happy when ever possible. LOL With that … I am off for a bowl of porridge and a cup of fresh perked coffee with my lovely wife. After that, I will be working away here on my computer getting ready to do some more PODCASTS. Again … my thanks to all that has gotten in touch with me saying how much they are enjoying them. Keeps me wanting to make more. Have a great November 1st, stay safe and do what’s right. GW

Good Morning Oct 29/2020

Good Morning! So I missed a couple of days here on the Walters Post LOL The reason for that is … our Internet was down for just about two days. Not much we can do about that. You know, I have to admit I never would have thought the internet would become such an important part of one’s life. At any rate, we are up and running this morning and things look to be working fine. It would be nice if they fixed it, so we here in Port Loring get the speeds that we are paying for. LOL Not very likely, but you never know, with all the new people moving into our area. It has been quite cool the past few days, especially through the night. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 1.4 C | 34.52 F which is a bit warmer than the day before. Highway 522 is still busy with hunting season for Deer almost here. It lasts pretty well for the first two weeks of November. If I might suggest … I would recommend anyone other than hunters to stay out of the bush for a few weeks. You just never know nowadays. LOL On another note, my wife and I did go to North Bay for Groceries yesterday. Picked them up, had lunch, and cup of coffee my wife made before we left and came back home. We didn’t get to see our youngest son Karl this time round, as he is now back to work. He was off for most of the summer with this virus. Is he happy about that? Well that remains to be seen. LOL. I am pretty sure he will be okay as the cases in North Bay are still low … but as parents, it is a concern. Our trip to town was great, as it is nice to get out and breath some different air and see different things. We eat our lunch in our car taking in what others are doing. As I said in other posts … it’s called being nosy. LOL We did see that, almost everyone is wearing a mask when going into the stores and some are even wearing them walking around or driving their cars, which in my mind is a good thing. Can’t take too many precautions these days. Today I will do some work here in the house getting ready some more podcasts. I am a bit excited this year to get back to making them, as I have some new ideas for the shows in mind. What would they be? Well … what would be the fun in telling you? You will have to wait and see. LOL With that, I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then get doing some things. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right, when it comes to this virus that is in our midst. GW

Good Morning Oct 27/2020

Good Morning! So how you all doing this morning? Good I hope. Ruth and I are making out okay other than the normal aches and pains caused by the weather and maybe being a touch older. But we are still moving around complaining so things aren’t all that bad. It is a cool morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada this morning with temperatures sitting at -3.1 C | 26.42 F. It’s the coldest morning so far. It will warm up a wee bit as the day progresses but not much. Highway 522 is busy this morning with cars, pick-ups and trucks along with busses taking the kids to school. So in seeing that it seems a lot of folks got out of bed early this morning. For myself and my wife when we wake up we get up. It hasn’t always been that way but where we are at in life now we do what our body lets us do. If anyone says. “It must be nice to sleep in now and then.” We say, “yep it sure is. We earned it too.” LOL. Yesterday we took it easy once again. Both our backs aren’t the greatest so taking it easy for a few days is high up on the lists of things to do. They are getting better slowly. All that outside work getting things ready for winter took a toll on us this year. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and then we will see what takes place for the remainder of the day. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right with this virus. It’s not getting any better. But in saying that the vaccines they are working on are getting closer to being had. Have a great day. It all boils down to how you make it. GW

Good Morning Oct 26/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cold morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 0 C | 32 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is now. And it will remain cloudy for most of the day with the possibility of some light flurries. Actually we did have some through the night, but nothing that is staying on the ground. Highway 522 is bare and dry with a few cars and trucks moving from East to West. Where are they going? Your guess is as good as mine. LOL. Hunting season for deer is closing in on us being the first two weeks of November, so I suspect we will have a few more coming into our area in a week or so. Yesterday I took it a bit easy as my old back is acting up, and I will probably be doing the same today. Seems it happens every year about this time. Crazy weather causes all kinds of things to take place. On another note we are burning some oil these days to keep our home warm. It’s not cold enough to burn wood yet, but I suspect it won’t be long before we light it up. The oil is nice as you just set the temperature to what you want and that’s all that is needed. Where wood you have to keep an eye on it and feed it constantly. Not that I mine though as it gives me something to do and keeps me fit going up and down the stairs into the basement. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, do some chatting, and then we will see what takes place. You never know what can happen throughout a day. Stay safe and do what’s right as I see now we are over the 1000 a day being infected here in Ontario. Sad to see as we could cut that in half if folks would just wear a mask and stop going to places like restaurants, churches, visiting and places like that. I am beginning to lose my faith in some human’s. At any rate not much we can do other than set a … good example and look after ourselves and family. GW

Morning Slice of life Oct 24/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cool morning here in Port Loring Ontario, Canada. Temperatures were sitting at -0.1 C | 31.82 F. Along with the cooler temperatures we are having our first bit of snow. Just light flurries, but still … it is a sign of what’s to come in the near future. Highway 522 is busy this morning with locals and a few hunters heading over for breakfast. For myself and my wife, we stay out of places like that, at least for now with this virus going around. Which is getting a lot worse. And besides that … there is enough gossip that goes around small towns, without me adding to it. LOL On another note, my vegetable garden is finished now for another year. I did have 4 nice tomatoes left hanging on one vine that wanted to grow. They started showing colour a couple of days ago, so I picked them and got them sitting in the window to ripen. As I said before, I am sure going to miss them toasted tomato sandwiches. Yesterday I moved some things around in the basement for a new freezer we bought. We do have one, but we thought a second small one would be great for meals that my wife is going to make. That way come meal time, she just takes one out and warms it up. Great idea I thought, as that way she has more time to do her painting this winter. If there is a will there is a way they say. She also says it is a way of making use of all the left overs. Freezers are getting hard to find these days with the virus in our midst, but they are out there if you search hard enough. I found ours at Best Buy. They even delivered it right to our door, free of charge. Especially with us living out in the sticks so far. Can’t beat that. Lately we have been buying a lot online. Reason being it saves us going into stores or driving. I kind of like it, as most things are delivered for free these days. But as I always say … TO EACH THEIR OWN. LOL Today I will be working here in the house, as my lovely wife has some things on the go she needs help with. After that, we will take things easy a bit and give our boys a call and see how they are making out. We do that every other day or so. With that, I am off for some oatmeal or Porridge as I like to call it and a cup of fresh ground perked coffee with my lovely wife. I am not sure if you know this? … But Porridge is one of the best foods you can eat for your heart, along with lowering and keeping your blood pressure stable. Eat a bowl of that every day and no medicine is needed. At least for most folks. Take care, stay safe and as I always say … do what’s right when it comes to this virus. Just because some don’t give a DAM! Doesn’t mean you need to follow in their footsteps! GW

Oh! And for all my Podcasts in one place … click on the link below! Once the page opens just scroll down. What could be easier than that? LOL


Morning Slice of life Oct 22/2020

Good Morning! So. How’s everyone doing this morning? Good I hope. Ruth and I are fine so far, staying home when ever possible and doing things around the house here. Truth be told … we are doing as we have always done for most parts, other than travelling or visiting folks and family. But … we stay in touch on the phone or on the computer. I suppose there is something to be said about these high tech gadgets we have today. LOL But in saying that, I am all for things that makes life easier and more interesting. Highway 522 is busy these days with campers and locals moving around. Getting to the point I don’t know to many folks anymore, with them moving here from other towns and cities. Temperatures waking up were somewhat cool sitting at 4.2 C | 39.56 F. Things will warm up a bit as the day moves forward. We did see some sunshine this morning but at the moment it is cloudy. There are warnings up for our area saying: Rain, at times heavy, expected this evening into Friday. Rainfall totals of 30 to 50 mm are expected. Or around 2 inches or so, if you’re using the old scale, which I do. Seems to me that the metric system makes everything sound so bad when it comes to weather. LOL So knowing that, I guess I will finish up some of my outside work this morning. Yesterday I worked in the woodworking shop once again on a few projects I have on the go, and if I get time later on this afternoon will carry on. I enjoy it out there when it’s cold outside. My small wood stove keeps me warm, and being around my tools and equipment always seems to put a smile on my face. We have had frost for the last few nights, but in spite of that I still have around six tomatoes ready to pick which I will do today. I am sure going to miss them, as them store boughten ones have no taste whats so ever. We don’t buy them. But the good part is, my wife did a bunch up this year making them into Chili Sauce and things. So we will be getting into them in the coming days. With that, I am off for some pancakes this morning for a change that my lovely wife is whipping up from scratch. They sure are tasty, let me tell you. After they are put down the old hatch, we will then enjoy our morning cup of fresh perked coffee, and then get into our morning chat. It seems we are never at a loss for something to discuss. I would say that is a sign of a great marriage. LOL Take care, stay safe in these trying times … and do what’s right. GW

Morning Slice of life Oct 20/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We did have some light rain overnight, but I am thinking later on we will see some sunshine. Which will brighten up a weary day. To me, it doesn’t matter what kind of day is upon us if the sun is shinning, I can handle what comes along. Highway 522 is still quiet but in town our small stores are busy. I suspect it is because of all the new folks that have moved into our area fixing and building things. As a matter of fact … I went to Home Hardware yesterday to pick up a few things and say hi to my friend Steve who works there, great fellow and knows everything there is to know about a lot of things. It’s handy as I can walk there as it is right across the street from where we live. While there I noticed lots of people browsing around that I didn’t know or seen before. LOL. Sign of what’s to come I suppose. Some folks like new folks moving in … some don’t. To each, their own I say. To me … it doesn’t matter one way or another at this stage in my life. But I will say this. The price of properties in our area have almost doubled in price since this virus struck and every piece of property that comes on the market for sale, is sold very quickly. That is if the price is reasonable. That is nice to know, but the thing is, if you do sell … where do you go? For myself, I sure wouldn’t move to the cities that’s for sure knowing what we do today. But here again … it’s up to the individual. On another note. Yesterday I did do a full days work in my old woodworking shop on some cabinets. Later on I clipped off the stocks from my garlic I have hanging in the shed. I put them there when I dig them, so they can dry nicely throughout the summer months. Now I will put them upstairs where it is cool, and we should be eating fresh garlic all winter long. We didn’t have as much this summer for some reason. Not sure why that was, and the cloves are small. Hmm … have to give that some thought. Everything else I planted was great. So I guess I shouldn’t complain. Today I will do some more work in the woodworking shop once again. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will then get to work. Oh! And for those living where it is cool. Just in case you didn’t remember! … Today is the day you bring out your Long Handles to wear. I got mine on and they sure feel good. Actually, my lovely wife ordered a new pair for herself today. So you see … they aren’t just for men, pretty ladies like them too LOL. Although … hers does look a touch sexier than mine. Stay safe and do what’s right.

This Morning’s Slice of life Oct 19/2020

Good Morning! Cool morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. It did go down quite cool last night, and we had ice in the bird bath. So it looks like winter is edging closer. Still no snow yet though. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 1.9 C | 35.42 F. It will warm up a few degrees as the day progresses. Yesterday our power was off all morning. I decided to hook up my generator we have, which took care of things till it came back on. The good part is that the generator got a good work out, which is needed now and then. Today I have some outside work to do which will keep me busy for most the day. After that I will take it a bit easy as my old back has been talking back to me these days. They say now, the scientists … that weather affecting ones back and joints is a myth. LOL Well let me tell ya. What they are saying is a myth … as my back says different. It happens every fall and lasts for a couple of months till things gets back to a partial normal. LOL Once summer arrives with the warm weather I start to feel a lot better body wise. On another note Highway 522 is slowing down, as most of the hunters are already here and set up in the bush somewhere. Here again … I will leave that kind of thing to the young. I can’t see myself sitting out in the bush at my age, where it is cold and wet for any length of time anymore. LOL With that I am off for a boiled egg with some bacon this morning, that my lovely wife is making for me. She is one great cook. Along with good lookin’! LOL. Take care and stay safe. Things are getting a lot worse out there, with this virus. GW

Morning slice of life Oct 16/2020

Good Morning! Well …. to start things off it is a bit cool this morning with temperatures sitting at -1C/30F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. But it will feel cool. Great day for doing some outside work that takes some energy. LOL Highway 522 is still quite busy caused by hunting season. Today I will work away on cleaning up some leaves. I like to mulch them and lay them on top of my vegetable garden and come spring work them in. Makes for some great compost and doesn’t cost me a cent. LOL We also have to clean the eve troughs out and if I have enough left in me I will take a tree down that fell with the wind we had the night before last. It is kind of hung up on another so, that should be interesting. After that I am thinking a rest will be in order for the remainder of the day. With that take care, and I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and bowl of cereal, oatmeal.

Morning Slice of life Oct 15/2020

Good Morning! It’s a rainy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. It has warmed up a wee bit, with temperatures sitting this morning at 57F/14C. It will remain there for most the day. We should see some sunshine a bit later on and into tomorrow, but then back into rain. The long range for the whole of winter, with what I see within Nature we will be having not so cold temperatures, and if the pattern holds we will see a lot of snow. So …. it might pay to get the snowblower or ? Ready to go! I think mine is okay, other than waking it up after it’s summer’s rest? Lazy old thing. But it does fulfill its duty when the time comes. LOL Highway 522 is fairly busy these days with campers, trucks and things moving into the area for this year’s hunt. A lot of new folks are also moving into the area, as I see lots of U Hauls going up and down the highway. But then again, every home within a decent price range that comes up for sale has been sold within weeks. Reason being a lot of folks now realize, that the cities aren’t the place to be. Hmm, I have been saying that for years. On another note my wife and I went to town yesterday and picked up our groceries we apply for online. Then we go in and when we are at the store we call them, and they bring it out to us. We have a couple we go to. Can’t beat that, and we aren’t subjected to the virus if it is around the immediate area. We feel better doing it this way. There are two new cases now in North Bay, with them saying they got it from the community while out shopping. So that tells me there is more out there. It will get a lot worse, before it gets better. But … we did have a good time while there as it feels good to get out and about and breathe some new air. Not good to stay cooped up at home all the time. There will be enough time we have to do that in the coming weeks, once the snow and cold makes it’s way into the area. I am not looking forward to it for most parts. If it stays mild it won’t be so bad, other than pushing snow. LOL While in town we saw our youngest boy Karl in the parking lot of his apartment, from a distance for a bit, then had our lunch my wife packed for us in a nice spot where we could watch people. They call it being … nosy! LOL We then poured ourselves a nice coffee from the thermos we brought with us, and headed on home taking in what is left of the leaves. I have to say they still are quite nice and made our trip just that much nicer. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and a toasted pea meal bacon sandwich. I enjoy that from time to time. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right for you. It is getting worse out there. Oh! It might pay to stock up a wee bit with some canned goods, not that I think there will be a shortage, but if we get the snow I am thinking this winter it will be nice to have extra in the house to feed off of. Have a great day. It’s all how you make it. GW

Morning slice OF LIFE Oct 13/2020

Good Morning! I hope you all are well and had a great Thanksgiving. For my wife and I we are having our Thanksgiving today as yesterday we had a lot of work to be done in the old woodworking shop. Today I will continue on with things but my wife will be making a nice turkey dinner with all the trimmings and homemade cherry pie made from Montmorency Cherries for desert. They are sour so a touch of sugar has to be added. But in saying that, there isn’t any cherries better than them for making pies. We used to grow them many years ago when we had our farms in Niagara. Along with a lot of other things. Today highway 522 is quiet but there has been a lot of campers coming into our area. I suspect it because hunting season is upon us. Good to see folks out and about doing what they love. The good thing is they should be able to keep their distance being out in the bush. LOL Let’s hope they do just that. The weather here in Port Loring, Ontario Canada was really nice yesterday and I suspect once this rain moves through we should be seeing some more of the same for today. Which will make our Thanksgiving Day just that much better. Our boys are staying at their home this year not venturing to our place. We feel it is best to stay apart for the time being with them living in other cities. The crazy part is a lot aren’t doing that, with taking a chance. Also, one contributor to spreading this virus is those that goes to church. Right now in my mind they should stay home. What ever they do there … they can do at home. And hey! It’s not forever. But to each, their own I say. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will then get to work. GW