Good Morning Port Loring

To start things off it looks and feels like we might be going to get a bit of a storm. I was taking out my ashes from the wood furnace and felt the wind coming from the East. So that isn’t a good sign. Winds from the east isn’t fit for man or beast is the old saying of years ago. Meaning a storm of some kind isn’t too far off. At the moment Highway 522 is bare and dry but I suspect that will change shortly.

There are warnings up all over saying : Snow at times heavy beginning this afternoon and continue into Wednesday. Easterly winds gusting up to 60 km/h may cause near zero visibility.
Total snowfall amounts of 30 to 40 cm are likely before the snow tapers off Wednesday afternoon.
Localized power outages are also possible.

So I suspect my snowblower will be getting a work out after things ease off a touch. We have had a lot of ice this year also. I see in North Bay they have a shortage of salt as everyone is buying it up for their sidewalks and things. Myself I use the ashes from my wood furnace. They work quite well other than being a bit messy for a day or so. But it is better than slipping and falling. So with that I am heading off for a bite to eat. Have a great day.

Good Morning Port Loring

Looks like a pretty fair day waking up here this morning. Sun is shinning and Highway 522 is almost bare an dry. Temperatures were sitting at -13.4 C | 7.88 F But things are suppose to change starting tomorrow, with another storm moving in. Snow will begin Tuesday morning. Strong easterly winds gusting up to 70 km/h will cause some problems with blowing snow. You can expect around 25 to 35 cm (13 Inches) of snow before it eases off Wednesday. So I would think if you are in need of a few things, they should be gotten today. I am the kind of guy that doesn’t mind the storms, as long as I am sitting inside looking out. So with that, I am heading off for a nice cup of coffee freshly made by my lovely wife, and then I will enjoy the day as it unfolds. Have a great day!

Here is one for you. I don’t like to drink alone.

Good Morning Port Loring

Well another cold day. Waking up temperatures were hovering around -15.1 C | 4.82 F. The forecast for today is calling for a stray morning flurry; otherwise, cloudy. Which is what is happening now. Highway 522 is mostly covered with light snow, along with some icy sections throughout. I haven’t seen the snowplow as of yet this morning, but I am sure it will be along. The good thing about living right on Highway 522 is that they keep the highway in pretty fair shape. Which makes it nice in case you have to go somewhere. Like North Bay for groceries. I have to admit I sure miss our General Store. With it you could always pick up what was needed at any given time. It was a great asset to our community. But as with anything you get used to doing things differently. Now we head on off to town once every two weeks and pick up what we need, along with taking in a meal at our favorite restaurants. Actually in one way, you could say it gets you out of the house and into a different frame of mind, which we all need at this time of year. Also while in town you can visit the new stores that are opening, which is a treat in itself. With that, have a great day and stay warm. GW

Good Morning Port Loring

Well, what can I say? It’s cold outside once again. Temperatures waking up was sitting at -17.2 C | 1.04 F. But there is solutions for days like today. How about a touch of Italian Brandy mixed with a cup of fresh perked coffee, a pair of fuzzy socks and a warm blanket. The only thing missing would be a good book, and I am writing such a book, it should be out this spring. My lovely wife and I have been working on it now for over two months. The name of the book will be, “Keep Turning Pages.”  It is chocked full of short stories. Close to a 100 if my mind holds true. There’s no better place to escape to after a long, cold and stressful day, than inside a good book. On another note, Highway 522 is partially bare, but there are some icy sections throughout. On the good side of things the sun is shinning this morning, which does make the day more inviting. Finally remember this. “Paradise doesn’t have to be tropical.” Have a great day! GW

Good Morning Port Loring

Well, it was quite a hectic night wind wise. I was surprised the hydro stayed on as it did. The wind was so strong and noisy it woke me up a few times through the night. Temperatures waking up was sitting at -7.3 C | 18.86 F Today’s forecast is calling for snow at times, accumulating 1-3 inches and breezy . Roads are partially covered with some icy sections throughout. The snowplow has been through sanding and salting where needed. So all an all not so bad of a day thus far. On the bright side of things, our temperatures aren’t as bad as Saskatchewan. In SASKATOON they shattered a 112-year-old cold mark when the temperature plummeted to -42.5 C. The previous record for Feb. 6 was set in 1907 at -41.7 C. When you look at them temperatures, ours looks not so bad. With that you all have a great day! GW

Good Morning Port Loring

Well waking up this morning we actually seen a wee bit of sunshine, shinning through our bedroom window. Temperatures were sitting at -11.2 C | 11.84 F  which is actually not to bad, considering what we been having. Today Freezing rain is expected late this afternoon through this evening. It wasn’t a great day yesterday neither, as we had freezing rain then too. We had to make a trip to Sundridge, and at times it was quite challenging. Especially on the way home when the freezing rain started. But we came upon the snowplow, so we sat in behind him all the way home. Other than that we had a successful trip. So with that I will head on off to put some wood in our furnace, have a cup of coffee with my lovely wife and then maybe work a bit on a new book we are putting out this spring. Going to be a great book. This time it will hold a hundred short stories. I have had so many folks asking when I will be putting out a new one, so I am bowing to your wishes, so to speak. The book is called “Keep Turning Pages” Suitable wouldn’t you say? Have a great day and stay safe. GW

Good Morning Port Loring

Well a gloomy day waking up but it isn’t that cold outside. At the time of getting out of bed temperatures were sitting at -3.8 C | 25.16 F There is a warning up stating that: Freezing rain will begin early this afternoon. Several hours of freezing rain are expected before it ends later this afternoon or this evening. Then expect cooler weather for tomorrow. We should see some sunshine tomorrow. Highway 522 is partially bare but you can expect some icy sections throughout. The highway could get quite bad later on so it might be a good idea to stay home today. On another note I did manage to get our driveway cleaned out yesterday and raked the roof a bit. Might help some with the melting today. Other than that I don’t have anything else to report at this time. Have a great day and be careful if your out and about. GW

Good Morning Port Loring

Well temperature wise it’s not to bad a day. Waking up it was sitting at -9.1 C | 15.62 F. There are some warnings up for Freezing rain and snow Monday into Monday night. We did have around three of four inches of the white stuff yesterday. So I guess that means I will be needing to take a few swipes down my driveway with the snowblower. The only good part is this weather makes it so a person that is able gets a lot of exercise. On another note it is time to plan your vegetable garden for the upcoming growing season. Myself I like to mix up my plants which in turn discourages the unwanted pests. The exception to this is where plants require special protection, like cabbages, broccoli and cauliflower, they may be grown together if they are all going to be protected with netting. I like to cover mine early which discourages the caterpillars, taking it off as they get larger. So will leave you with that. Have a great day and if you are driving today watch for the ice later on. GW

White Christmas Cactus

Well this Christmas Past we had our old Cactus produce some flowers. Just in time for Christmas too. So I thought I would share a picture or two with you. If you are a high tech person, another name for it is Schlumbergera. Myself I prefer Cactus, as I have always always said, if you can’t pronounce a word, don’t use it. GW

White Christmas Cactus Bloomed December 25/2018
Christmas Cactus,

Good Morning Port Loring

Well it is nice to report that it isn’t as cold this morning with temperatures hovering around -8 C | 17.6 F But on the down side it is snowing with wind making things quite miserable. I am happy that my lovely wife and I went to North Bay yesterday as today the roads don’t look good at all. Yesterday the roads were great,, bare and dry. Actually the sun was shinning for most the day which made our day out quite enjoyable. I have to say though North Bay was a zoo. You could hardly move for people and cars. I have to admit North Bay is growing up. Lots of stores and new ones opening all the time. If they get the Casino built it will make it just that much nicer. Oh I know some say it isn’t such a good idea building it, as it will take money away from those that have a hard time controlling their urges. Well truth be known, folks have to deal with these problems, if it is a problem, and move on. Least that is my opinion on the subject. Snowplow just went by heading East on Highway 522. So roads should be clear for a few minutes. It is snowing pretty good at the moment, but things are suppose to warm up. We will see. Have a good day! GW

Good Morning Port Loring

Well once again we have a really cold day waking up. Temperatures were sitting at Temperature -29.6 C | -21.28 F. So with temperatures being so cold I don’t think I will do any outside work, other than maybe heading off to North Bay for some groceries. I figured I would make the trip now that the roads are in fair shape, and it is a sunny day. Not that the sun is warming things up much. The good news is that we should be seeing some warmer weather in the next couple days. With that have a great day, and once again..stay warm. GW

Cold Morning

Well getting out of bed temperatures were sitting at -26.5 C | -15.7 F I have to say we sure have been having our share of cold weather. Some say. Hey! it’s winter time and you live here in the North. I say Hey! your right, but I don’t have to like it. Oh well warmer weather isn’t that far off. We are now heading off into February which is a short month. On another note my lovely wife and I have a lot of friends in Florida and they all have informed us that it hasn’t been that warm down there this winter thus far. So being that we were unable to go this year I don’t feel so bad. Well I had better go. I have to clean my driveway sometime today as I didn’t get to it yesterday with it being so windy and snowy. I did have a friend with his backhoe clean the end of my driveway out this morning, as there was a huge chunk of ice blocking a portion of it. That will make things much easier for me. Good to have friends in the right places. Have a great day and stay warm. GW

Severe Weather Alerts – Port Loring, Ontario

Extreme Cold Warning
Extreme Cold Warning in effect until 7:38 PM EST. Source: Environment Canada

A prolonged period of very cold wind chills is expected.

Extreme wind chill values near minus 40 to minus 45 continue this morning.

Wind chill values will moderate today. However windchill values near minus 40 are possible for northern portions tonight.

Extreme cold puts everyone at risk.

Watch for cold related symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain, muscle pain and weakness, numbness and colour change in fingers and toes.

Pictures of Our Home In Port Loring Ontario, Canada

Thought I would share with you a few pictures taken this morning while I was out feeding the birds. Not that there are any birds out there this morning. I think they are smarter than I am.. Have a great day!

Our Home January 30/2019
Our Home January 30/2019
Downtown Port Loring, Highway 522 , January 30/2019
Our Trailer out by the road. Shows how high the snow is. January 30.2019

More Snow For Port Loring Ontario Canada

Well waking up once again we have more snow. Not as cold though, with temperatures sitting at -14.2 C | 6.44 F. It’s not the amount of snow that has fallen this time it is the drifting. In some spots our back of our house there are drifts two to three feet high. So I guess my snowblower will be getting another work out later on. I don’t figure it is worth the effort going out there at the moment, with the way the wind is blowing and snowing like it is. So I will wait till things clears up a touch. For all your weather information pertaining to Port Loring you can click the link below. The weather station has been running now for over six years logging data every 15 minutes not missing a day since it was put up. I would also like to thank all those that have helped in supporting it. Most are from out of town that have cottages in our area. It’s nice to see so many folks using it. With that I guess I will head off to the basement and put in another piece of wood in the wood furnace. It sure is nice having a good wood furnace as it keeps the house warm on the coldest day without any effort at all. It is nice to come into a warm home on a cold snowy day like today. Stay warm! GW

Snowy Morning For Port Loring Ontario, Canada

Well lots more snow for us here in Port Loring. Waking up I would suspect we have another six inches or so. More in drifts up by my shop. Seems to gather there for some reason. I am thinking it does it on purpose just to aggravate me. I don’t mind the snow really other than having to clean things up after it is finished. But then again the snow blower makes short work of things so can’t complain. The only other thing about the not so good weather is when a person has to go to town for groceries. As with it being so far off and if the roads are covered it makes things challenging to say the least. But I suppose that is what freezers are for. Well I guess I will go for a bite to eat and put some wood in the furnace. You all have a great day and stay warm. Least it isn’t as cold as it was yesterday. Man, I almost had to put a tea shirt on yesterday. GW

Author, Writer of Fiction/Non Fiction, Columnist, Podcaster Storytelling, Woodworker, Farming, Gardening