Morning Report June 13/2020

Good Morning! Waking up here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada the sun has made an appearance, and if things goes to plan it should remain with us for most of the day and all next week. Over night we did have a wee bit of frost. Thinking we might be going to have some along with my son Karl mentioning it to me on the phone last night, I covered my plants in my vegetable gardens. I am glad I did. Takes a bit of work, but it’s better than loosing everything. Tonight there is a possible chance of some more frost so I am thinking I will cover it one more time just in case. I have to admit in all the 17 Years I have lived where we are now, this is the weirdest spring of them all. But it is to be expected with the earth healing herself. Which is a good thing. That is one good thing that is coming out of this virus. Will people realize this and do more to protect our environment? Not likely. Heck … there are a lot of them out there that won’t protect themselves … or others. And it isn’t just some of the young that are doing this … it is a lot of the older folks too. Being a Senior I have to say that I am ashamed of some of our seniors these days. As they should know better. On another note my wife and I did get our grass cut yesterday, so our property is looking good. The black-flies weren’t all that bad … I never seen hardly a one. The mosquitoes were not so bad either which was nice. They were out there last night though … when I was covering my plants before going to bed. Today I will take it a bit easy, maybe work on another Podcast for next Friday, and if things warm up my wife and I will do some front porch sitting. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will let the day unfold around me. Take care, stay safe and do ………. what’s right.

George Walters Podcast’s

Morning Report June 12/2020

Good Morning!. It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. And along with that it is a touch cool too with temperatures sitting at 6.3 C | 43.34 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is now. We actually have the oil furnace going this morning to take the dampness and coolness out of the house. Tomorrow however things will start to improve and we should be in for some really nice weather for all of next week with lots of sunshine. Highway 522 is slow this morning and I suspect it will stay that way for most of the day, with the weather being as it is. The Black-flies are still with us but slowing down. The Mosquitoes are another story as they are annoying. They love this damp wet weather. But once the sun returns they should ease off a bit too. The vegetable gardens are thriving since the rain we had. Lettuce is growing leaps and bounds and we are eating it daily. Sure is tasty this year. Today is mowing day for us, so that will keep us out of trouble for the day. Usually takes most the day to complete. The grass is slowing down some comparing it to last week. Which is okay by me. So with that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and then get to work. Should be not so bad being a touch cool this morning be good for working. Take care and stay safe.

George Walters Podcast’s

Morning Report June 11/2020

Good morning!. Weather wise here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada is not looking too good this morning. At the moment we are having light showers, windy conditions and it is quite cool. It will stay this way up till Saturday. Yesterday we had our share of rain and it continued through the night.. Temperatures have dropped down to 10.6 C | 51.08 F. It won’t rise much more than it is now. Highway 522 is slow this morning with the weather keeping people at home. Which is a good thing right at the moment. I would also like to say that is my opinion that we keep our boarders closed for awhile longer yet, as if we do open them things will defiantly turn for the worse. Right now in the USA the virus is spreading like crazy and will continue to do so with all the opening of business’s. I don’t have any problems with them opening, but it should be done in a responsible manner. The next problem is that there are so many people out there now that doesn’t care, and these protesters are making it even worse. Sure it is their right, we all know that … but this isn’t the time. We have enough to worry about, without a bunch of people swarming together spreading this virus further. A Quote for one of the major health experts says: And in fact, the evidence that we have, given the percentage of people, which is about 25 – 45 percent of the totality of infected people, likely are without symptom,” he said. “And we know from epidemiological studies that they can transmit to someone who is uninfected, even when they’re without symptoms.” So that should tell you, that some of these folks that are out there protesting or not social distancing, can and is going to make things a lot worse than they are now. For my wife and I we are putting extra precautions in motion, for us and family, and will continue to do so, in spite of what others are saying. That’s my rant for this morning. LOL I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and then will see what the day has in store. You just never know. Take care, Stay Safe, and do …… what’s right.

Morning Report June 10/2020

Good Morning. Rainy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We are even having a bit of lightning and thunder. We are in need of some rain as my vegetable gardens were getting a bit dry. Saves me watering. I do have my water barrels filling which I have hooked up to my eve-troughs. Seems to work out about right. By the time they are empty we get some more rain to refill things LOL Highway 522 is quiet but as always it is early when I do this post. It does however pick up a lot throughout the day with out-of- townees travelling through and staying at cottages. I don’t really mind truth be told, as long as they do what they are suppose to do. Like keep their distance and take the precautions necessary. Some do …. but a lot doesn’t. Knowing that my wife and I have to take extra safety measures. Not much more a person can do. At any rate since it is raining here quite hard this morning, I will work on a new podcast for Friday. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning report June 9/2020

Good Morning!. Things are looking mighty nice for us here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada this morning. The sun his burning off the moisture in the air and I have to say with the shadows from the trees laying across the grass it sure looks nice. Makes a fellow want to do nothing but sit and enjoy it. Highway522 is slow this morning as it always is this time of day, but it will pick up as the day moves forward. Temperatures this morning were sitting at 14.9 C | 58.82 F warmer than yesterday morning. We didn’t need the furnace on. It will warm up a lot as the day progresses. On another note I did get a lot of outside work done yesterday. Painted two of my decks and today will paint the two outside doors. Once all said and done should be looking good around here. The black-flies weren’t bad at all yesterday, and the mosquitoes stayed away too. The only place they bothered me was in my shop. They seem to like to get in where it is darker out of the sun. But I did notice a few deer flies making an appearance. Them things are really annoying, as they just don’t let you alone no matter what you do. LOL Joys of summer in the north. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and then will get to work. Have a great day and stay safe. The virus hasn’t left us it’s still there as it has been. Don’t let this opening up of business’s and places fool you.

Morning Report June 8/2020

Good Morning! Things were a bit cloudy waking up here in Port Loring Ontario, Canada. It’s not the warmest with temperatures sitting at8.5 C | 47.3 F. It will however warm up and the sun should make an appearance shortly. Highway 522 is quiet as it should be being so early in the morning. The black-flies are still with us, but everyday we see less. Usually they are here from Mothers Day to Fathers Day. The mosquitoes on the other hand are annoying, but if we get some sunshine it will help eliminate a lot of them too. And with the Dragon Flies here now they will help too. On another note my vegetable gardens are starting to take shape, and yesterday we had our first fresh lettuce for supper. That’s nice for sure. This year we planted all different kinds so that we can try something different from time to time. Actually I even planted a half a row of spice lettuce. LOL I am not sure what that will taste like, but we will see in a couple days as it is almost ready to eat. My tomatoes are also looking good, it was touch and go there for a wee bit. Being so cold when I planted them slowed them down some. But they are okay now. Today I will do some things around the house here, maybe work on a story or two for my columns. Then if the sunshine comes out I will venture out to the front porch with my lovely wife, and see how our rocking chairs are holding up. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will let the day unfold around me. Take care … and stay safe. GW

Morning report June 7/2020

Good Morning! Another great looking day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures were a bit cool though sitting at 7.6 C | 45.68 F. Actually we had to turn the oil furnace on for a half hour to warm things up a bit. Crazy weather. It will warm up as the day progresses and even nicer tomorrow. Highway 522 is slow this morning, but it is Sunday and the churches are closed. Which is a good thing. I hope they keep them closed for the remainder of the year, until we come up with something to combat this virus. Every day we are learning more. The problem now is that we humans have to learn to live with it and take the precautions necessary so we can carry on. Congregating in groups is only going to make it worse. As I keep on saying … the virus is still out there stronger than ever before … it hasn’t gone away. We just need to hang in there for awhile longer. Anyways enough of that no matter what I say some people just don’t give a dam. I guess the best thing we can do is set a good example and go about our lives taking extra care to protect ourselves and family. On another note the Black flies are slowing down somewhat and the mosquitoes are easing off a wee bit. The good news is the Dragon flies are back for another summer. They in turn eat millions of them blood sucking parasites LOL. Which helps a lot. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and then I will enjoy the day. It’s all in what I make it truth be told. Have a great day, stay safe and do what’s right. GW

Morning Report June 6/2020

Good Morning! I hope you are all well. Looking outside things seem to be shaping up to be a really nice day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning and temperatures are sitting at 12.2 C | 53.96 F. It’s not as warm as some would like, but it’s still a nice day. It will warm up a bit as the day moves forward. There is a another chance of a shower later on this afternoon. But I don’t suspect it will amount to much. The rain we were suppose to get yesterday tracked north of us. Highway 522 is quiet this morning. So far. Yesterday my lovely wife and I managed to get our grass cut. I have to say it sure was long. But we managed and when all said and done it sure looks nice around here. I think I could sit outside and admire it all day. LOL Not bragging but it is a really nice piece of property we have. The wife says there isn’t one window that we look out that isn’t beautiful LOL. I have to agree with her. I also managed to hoe up around my tomatoes and things yesterday which will loosen the soil and allow the air to get to the roots, which will help things get to growing a wee bit better. Hoeing the garden is relaxing to me, takes my mind off things. Today I will work on another Podcast I have in mind. I got busy yesterday and didn’t have time to add this weeks. I will do that once I have finished this Morning Report. On another note the Black-flies are dwindling down somewhat. I am happy about that. The Mosquitoes aren’t as bad as they were there for a couple days. The sunny weather slows them down. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will then see what mischief I can get into. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right. And remember … just because the governments are opening things up … doesn’t mean the virus isn’t with us anymore. It’s the same as it was in the beginning and with what is going on today with folks protesting and things, I am sure it will get worse before it gets better. Sometimes I don’t understand certain people. The only thing we got going for us is that most, say around 70% of the people know and are doing what is right. For the moment. Take care. GW

Morning report June 5/2020

Good Morning! Well another sunny day is upon us this morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. I have to say it sure looks nice out there. Temperatures at the time of post were sitting at 12.6 C | 54.68 F. It will warm up some as the morning moves forward. We will see some rain later on in the day, so if you have some outside work to be done this morning would be the time to do it. Which I will be doing as my grass needs to be cut. It sure is growing now and never in fifteen years been so green. Highway 522 is quiet this morning but it will pick up as the day moves forward. with most folks heading to the liquor store. LOL. Busiest store in town. But I am not knocking them … you could say they are enjoying life to the fullest. LOL Yesterday my lovely wife and I went to North Bay to pick up our grocery order. Lots of people out and about and stores were packed. And this time round we didn’t see very many people wearing a mask. But … just Because they weren’t my wife and I did. Not that we went into any stores. After we picked up our order we dropped by our sons and chatted to him in the parking lot for a bit from a distance. He built a new computer for his mother so we picked that up while there. Nice having a son to do these things. So with that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will then get to work before the rain comes. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Report June 4/2020

Good Morning! Well … it looks like a really nice day for us here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning for a change and temperatures have warmed up to where it makes a fellow feel like going outside. The Black Flies and Mosquitoes on the other hand, are enjoying it too though, so we will have to deal with them for the next week or so. We should see lots of sunshine throughout the day and into tomorrow but then tomorrow afternoon we will see some more rain. Temperatures at the time of this post were sitting at 11.7 C | 53.06 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. Highway 522 is quiet so far but it is early. Things will pick up as the day moves forward. On another note the grass is sure greening up and growing leaps and bounds. When we mow it tomorrow we will save the cuttings for our vegetable gardens. Which in turn will give our veggies and things some extra needed flavour this summer. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and then I will head on to the dump and get rid of some garbage. Then I will see what the day has in store. Take care stay and stay safe. GW

Morning Report June 3/2020

Good Morning!? It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. If things goes to plan we should see some sunshine a bit later on in the day. One can only hope. It’s sure been a mixed up spring, weather wise. One day it’s warm enough for an air-conditioner, the next day you need to turn on your furnace. Then it so dry you have to water your gardens, and now so wet and damp them skeeters are out in full force. So what can you do about that? Nothing. LOL Absolutely nothing. But… there is a light at the end of the tunnel weather wise, we just have to wait it out. Same goes for this Virus that is among us. Highway 522 is quiet this morning, but it’s a norm for it to pick up a bit throughout the day. Some folks are doing what is right wearing a mask, distancing themselves from others, and taking precautions … where others simply put, doesn’t give a dam. No use sugar coating it. For my wife and I we are staying put and doing things around our home. There is always something that needs doing. The vegetable gardens are coming along, it was touch and go there for awhile. Once things dries up some I will do some hoeing loosening up the soil a bit, which will make things grow even better. I have to say I enjoy being out there … when them bugs ease off a bit. They sure love this kind of weather we are having at the moment. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then work on the Podcast for Friday that I have in the works. Take care an stay safe. GW

Morning Report June 2/2020

Good Morning! There is no sunshine for us here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada this morning. What we are having … is rain and it will remain with us most of the day. Tomorrow is when things start to improve weather wise. Not much we can do about the weather other than accept what is given to us. Highway 522 is quiet this morning and will remain that way until the end of the week, as it seems that is when folks start to move around a bit more. Especially if the weather is nice. For myself and my lovely wife we are staying put enjoying the comfort of our home. I will finish up another Podcast that I have in the works and my wife will work on some painting orders that have come in. Actually … she has been quite busy for the past two months filling orders for signs and paintings that folks want her to do. Kind of nice, as its something that she can do with out getting close to anyone. And on top of that we make a couple dollars which will help us out financially, since our store won’t be opening this year. On another note the black-flies are slowing down as the weather hasn’t been to good for them. But the skeeters are loving it. But that should change once the sun comes out and things dry up a touch. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will let the day unfold around me. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right. GW

Morning Report June 1/2020

Well it’s the first day of June, the world is still in a dismal state in some ways, but in other ways, things are okay. We are learning more about this virus every day, coming up with different ways to combat it. Which is a good thing. It never ceases to amaze me how one small bug has the ability to affect the whole world all at one time. And we humans thought we were the superior beings on earth. Not so. On another note it is cloudy here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada this morning with temperatures at the time of this post sitting at 7.1 C | 44.78 F. The good news is we didn’t have a frost last night. My vegetable gardens are smiling this morning. We should see some sunshine throughout the day with some clouds. Then things will cloud up and more rain is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow and possibly on Wednesday too. Which will bring on the skeeters and things as they love the moist warm temperatures. Not much we can do though but wait it out. It’s the story of our lives these days. Or so it seems. We actually had to turn on the furnace for a bit yesterday and this morning to take the chill off. Highway 522 is slow this morning traffic wise, but I suspect it will increase as the day moves forward. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and a bite to eat. Then I will finish up this Podcast I have on the go for this coming Friday. Take care and stay safe. GW