Category Archives: Weather

What’s Happening Here In Port Loring, Ontario On Christmas Morning/2022

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Good Morning!!!

And Merry Christmas to ya all!

We made it … with another Christmas upon us. I bet there are some pretty excited people waking up this morning. Especially the young ones!

I have to admit, my wife and I sure miss the look on the faces of our young ones, when they got out of bed seeing all the presents lying under the tree, along with their stocking stuffed full of all kinds of goodies. But … the memories are still vividly in our minds of what did take place … many years ago. That is one thing that no one can take away, at least for now.

On another note, it is cold out there this morning with the temperature waking up sitting at -13.5 C | 7.7 F. It will remain cold for the next couple of days, before it warms back up a wee bit, which will be nice. I don’t like the cold that much anymore. Although… with the wood heat, it is quite comfortable here in our home. Nothing on this earth of ours can compare to wood heat. Well … hot water heat is pretty close. I had it in one of our homes on the farm, and it was damn nice, too. Kind of miss it, actually. The water was heated with an oil burner, though. Still nice. What isn’t nice … is the Government charging all that dumb tax on it, just crazy thinking on their part. Especially in a country that has lots of it right under our feet. They tax and punish us for using it, when they sell it to other countries. It is all about money, not common sense. Sheesh, here I go again, so enough of that … it’s Christmas, and I am not going to give them … the satisfaction of getting me riled up. Ha ha.

Highway 522 is pretty well bare, there are some icy sections throughout, but there should be no reason why folks can’t get to where ever they are going, be it family or friends. Here again though we were told the storm of the century would be hitting us, and looking outside for the past three days we only had around 5 or 6 inches at best. Mother Nature does what she wants. She doesn’t cater to any Government or high-tech equipment, that’s for sure. Thank goodness for that!!

With that, I am off for some pancakes that my Lovely Wife is making for me, and will then see if I can finish up a Christmas Podcast I have been working on. If I get it finished … I will put it live here on my Blog, along with other places on the Internet … including your Google Home a bit later on. If you have a Google Home, Just Say … Hey Google, Play Just One More Story By George Walters. Say it clearly … and It will play the last Newest Episode for you. I did put one on yesterday about Soda. Give it a listen too, I am sure you will enjoy it. I have been getting emails Gall or with folks letting me know how much they are enjoying them. You can also, listen to them right here on my Blog too for those that didn’t know. Here is the link …. George Walters Podcast

Have A Great Day My Friends, & Stay Safe If Out And About.

And Once Again.

Merry Christmas!!!

The Sun Just Came Out!

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec 24/2022

Click on Image to Enlarge!

Good Morning and Merry Christmas!!

It is getting close now when that chubby feller comes down the chimney, that’s for sure. And I suspect there are a lot of folks that can’t wait, hoping that Santa got their wish list. For my wife and I being the age we are, we don’t give gifts all that much anymore. Our gift is being with each other and being healthy.

On another note, we did have some snow yesterday and through the night. I would say another 4 inches or so, and it is coming down lightly at the moment. We sure didn’t get any storm of the century like they were calling for, or did anyone else in Ontario really, other than Fort Erie got a few more inches. But in saying that, it doesn’t take much snow to complicate things in and around Toronto these days, with folks going so fast and having no snow tires, along with not knowing how to drive. Especially with a lot of the truckers that are out there today. In all my days, I have never seen so many accidents involving trucks. I would think it should be putting up some red flags.

For us here in Port Loring it’s a normal occurrence at this time of year. We don’t even consider it a storm until we reach a foot or so. And even then, I have never seen anyone complain. Other than when the power goes out maybe. But I think that will change a wee bit now, with a lot of new people moving into our area, not being used to the cold and snow. Sign of the times, for sure. When we moved here 20 years ago, we could sit out on the highway, and you wouldn’t see a car or truck for a half hour or so. Maybe a snowmobile or 4×4 would pass you by, looking at you kind of funny. Ha Ha

Highway 522 is snow covered for most parts this morning, but the plow has been going up and down the highway all night long keeping it cleaned. For my wife and I we don’t have to go any place in particular for the next few days, so we will be staying home. My lovely wife is thawing out a turkey that we bought awhile back, and she is going to cook it either tomorrow or Monday. They take a few days to thaw out in the fridge. It should be tasty when all said and done. Looking forward to it. We don’t have it all that often, as they are expensive these days. But Christmas is special to us, so we splurge a wee bit. And on top of that she will make up a few meals and when we go to North Bay, we will drop them off at our Son’s place for him to enjoy, since we can’t be together this year. None will go to waste, that’s for sure.

Yesterday I stayed inside, worked away a bit here on my Lap Top, and laid down off and on throughout the day, as I am still not feeling all that well. At any rate, I am still moving around, which is a good thing.

With that, you all take care, and my wife and I both would like to wish you all … a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!!! GW

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada On Dec 23/2022

Click on Image to Enlarge

Good Morning!

It’s a cloudy morning here, waking up. We didn’t have any snow overnight to speak of, but by what some are saying, we could see a lot of it throughout the day and into tomorrow. Some are calling it the storm of the century. Ha ha. We won’t really know till it is over, but at the moment it is pretty quiet outside. Living where we do, though, if anyone is going to get snow, Port Loring will. Highway 522 is partially covered this morning, and the way things are looking, I would think it would be a good day to stay home, at least until we see what the weather has in store. Other than that, things are rolling along. I haven’t been feeling all that good for the past couple weeks, so I haven’t been doing much. Today I will be taking it easy once again. Getting old is challenging.

On another note, it is getting close to Christmas. This year, both our boys will be staying home, and my wife and I will be on our own for Christmas. Which is fine with us. We all chat online, or on the phone, almost every day. As much as kids want to talk to their parents these days. Ha ha. It seems today the young ones have a full plate, like paying bills and things. Not to forget the taxes that the Powers That Be are taking off their pay checks each week, and then to add insult to injury, they go and tax us more on gas, fuel, oil, food, carbon tax, what a bunch of craaa, that is, and tons of other things. And then I suspect there is tax on things I don’t even know about. The working man here in Canada is taxed to death almost. Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it. I think some day there is going to be an uprising. But then again, a lot here in Canada seem to just sit back and smile. It’s amazing how a lot of us have changed over the years.

Anyway, enough of that. I get carried away occasionally.

ON another note, my lovely wife packed up a large box with food and things for our food bank here in town yesterday and dropped it off at the Credit Union. That is the place to take it if you have anything you can spare. You never know who might be hurting and a bit hungry these days. We don’t have much to spare, but we do what we can, as we always have.

With that, you all take care, and stay safe if out and about. Don’t want anyone getting hurt or sick.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well. GW

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec. 20/2022

Good Morning!

It’s a cloudy, cool morning here, waking up. We have around six inches or so of snow on the ground as of now. The temperature at the time of this post was sitting at -8.3 C | 17.06 F. They are also saying that a significant winter storm is expected late this week and into the holiday weekend. So it doesn’t look like travelling will be very good for the Christmas or beforehand for that matter. With rain, freezing rain, snow and then a cold front moving into our area. For my wife and I we are staying put over the holidays this year.

Yesterday, not feeling well for the past few days, I have stayed inside. Not doing much. I am hoping things get better for Christmas, health wise. Today I will do much the same, taking it easy. I will however try and get some fresh air and see if that helps. Always something these days, it seems. Other than that, we are doing fine here.

With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store. Stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well. GW

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec18/2022

Good Morning!

It’s another cloudy morning here waking up in Port Loring, and it has cooled down some with it sitting at -5.9 C | 21.38 F. It will warm a wee bit as the day moves forward. Highway 522 does have some snow covered areas along with some icy sections, so care needs to be taken if out and about. We had another inch of snow overnight, which brings our total up to around 4-5 inches.

Yesterday I didn’t do all that much, still not well, today will do the same. Always something.

With that I am off to put some wood in our furnace and will then see how things are going.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec 17/2022

What the Future Might Hold. Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning!

It’s another cloudy day here in Port Loring. We are also getting some more snow, with it coming down hard at certain times. But in saying that, we didn’t have any more snow overnight other than maybe a 1/4 inch. I would say we have around 4 inches on the ground as of now. We could see another inch or so today. Time will tell. Highway 522 is snow covered in certain areas, along with some icy sections. So care should be taken if out and about. Which is what everyone should be doing anyway, living where we do.

On another note, my wife and I did manage to get our driveway cleaned out yesterday, along with our decks, and we also helped out our neighbour, cleaning off her car and her deck. She is getting up there in years. I am glad we got it cleaned up though, as it was very wet and heavy, and if it had frozen we wouldn’t have been able to move it.

Today I am going to take it easy as I am not feeling all that well once again. Must have overdone it yesterday. So not much I can do other than rest up for a few days. Joys of getting old, I suppose.

With that I am off for a bite to eat, my lovely wife hasn’t decided on what she will feed me as yet. Good woman she is, wouldn’t have made it this far without her.

Stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring on Dec 15/2022

Click on Image to Enlarge!

Good Morning!

It’s exactly 10 days now till Christmas. I can’t remember when time has flowed by so fast. You know … years ago when I was a boy, around this time of year, time seemed to stand still, and I thought Christmas would never come. That boy sure loved Christmas, more so Santa. At least the years, he made it to his house. Most of the time he did, as hey! I was always good.

Waking up this morning, the temperature has risen a bit, with it sitting at -0.9 C | 30.38 F. Not too bad for this time of year. There shouldn’t be too many complaints in the weather complaint basket these days. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, and while on the subject of the highway, there have been a lot of vehicles moving around for the past few days. Means folks are out and about doing things, getting some fresh air. Which is what we should be doing.

We only have around a couple inches of snow to speak of, still not enough for the folks that like to snowmobile. But I am sure it won’t be long before we have enough for them to get moving. It’s nice to see folks having fun, especially these days, with the price of things being like they are, not to forget all the needless taxes we are all paying. I won’t get into that this morning. Ha ha.

On another note, I didn’t do all that much yesterday, bugged my wife for most of the day. I am starting to feel somewhat better, which I am happy about. We will see if it continues. You never know what the day might bring when you get my age.

Today I am going to write up a story or two for my newspaper columns, which … if I allow, will take most of the day. In doing so, it keeps the mind fresh and wanting to look ahead.

With that I am off for a bowl of cereal that my lovely wife is putting together and will then see what develops other than what I have planned.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec 12/22

Good Morning!

It’s a cloudy, cool morning here in Port Loring. The temperature waking up was sitting at -7.2 C | 19.04 F. We should start to see some sunshine as the day moves forward. Let’s hope so. Highway 522 is pretty well bare throughout, but there are some icy snow patches here and there. So care should be taken if out and about. My wife and I don’t have to go anywhere today, so we will be staying put.

On another note Christmas is closing in on us fast now only a couple of weeks left before the big day. Yesterday I worked and then played around here on my Computer and will do the same today, other than laying down off and on as I am still not up to snuff.

With that I am off for a bite to eat that my lovely wife is making for me and will then see what the day has in store.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec 11/22

Click On Image To Enlarge!

Good Morning!

We are all waking up, here in Port Loring, to snow. So far we have had around 2 inches, but in saying that it is still coming down which will give us a bit more. Back to white looking out this morning. Highway 522 in both directions is snow covered for most parts. The temperature has risen through the night, which is expected with the snow in our midst. At the moment, it is sitting at -6.6 C | 20.12 F, and it will remain there all day. Tomorrow if lucky which I think we will be the sun will return. Looking forward to it. Reason being it brightens up our day. In more ways than one

Special Announcement!

Over the years a lot of people has asked if I could set up a place where all my stories could be read, so lately I have been working on that. Not an easy chore as I have over 1000 stories or more, not to forget my Podcasts. I will be charging a small fee, which you could call a donation. The reason for the fee is that it’s going to take a lot of my time, not to forget all my work writing them over the past 40 years. All that has to be worth something. Ha ha. I will let you know more about it once I have things lined up. And then we will see how that works out. The hard part will be getting the word around. My son Karl will be coming for a visit for Christmas, so he is going to give me a hand, as he is very good with this high technology stuff.

Moving along, my lovely wife is going to be putting up our Christmas Tree this morning. I enjoy watching her. She has a knack to doing these things. With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store … other than what I have planned.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada

Good Morning!

It’s another cold morning here in Port Loring. The temperature waking up was sitting at -12.5 C | 9.5 F. The coldest day so far this winter. On the good side of the coin, the sun is shinning this morning, which at the very least makes it look nice outside. Highway 522 is bare and dry for most parts, which will make travelling pretty good today, for those heading off to the big city of North Bay. I have to admit, it sure has grown over the years. They have almost every store there is other than Costco. We never shop there as I can’t see having to pay to shop. If anything, they should be paying us to shop. To each their own, though.

On another note, being so cold outside, I got my wood furnace going this morning. A feller would burn a lot of oil on days like this, where wood is much nicer. Kind of depends on the type of lifestyle you’re used too I suppose. Every home we have ever owned always had some form of wood heat. When you come in from the cold, there is none better.

Not too many birds this year feeding at our birdfeeder these days. A few Doves, Blue Jays, Nuthatches and some Chickadees, but just a couple here and there. Could be they are getting a bit fussy on what we put out for them to eat these days. Ha ha.

On another note, I didn’t do any work in my woodworking shop yesterday, stayed inside where it is warmer, as I am still not feeling all that well. And today I suspect I will do the same.

With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal that my lovely wife is making for me and will then at the very least do some writing and feeding our furnace.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

Stay warm.

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec 9/2022

Good Morning!

It’s a cloudy, cool morning here in Port Loring. The temperature waking up was sitting at -7.7 C | 18.14 F. It’s starting to feel more like winter. We still don’t have any snow to speak of, but I am sure it isn’t that far off. Which will make the Snowmobilers happy. Makes me smile when I see them out and about having fun. Highway 522 is wet with a few icy sections, but for most, travelling will be pretty good. That is, if you’re not going too far north.

On another note, we had some more visitors at our bird feeder yesterday, a few Wild Turkeys. I found they like cleaning up the scraps from what the birds knock out of the feeder onto the ground. Being the nice fellow I am, I throw a bit more down occasionally. Hate to see them make the trip to our feeder for just a few seeds. I also found they enjoy apples. Earlier in the Fall we bought a bushel of Macs that were on sale, some were getting soft, so I threw them out, and low and behold they soon got to eating them. Seemed like they were enjoying them as they were all in a frenzy deciding who would get them first.

Yesterday I stayed in the house writing up a couple stories for my newspaper columns. I enjoy doing that when a story comes to mind. Today I think I will do the same, being that it is such a gloomy cold day. But we should see some sunshine later on in the day. I hope.

Last but not least, this morning, I would like to thank Larry for buying me a couple cups of coffee yesterday, using the Buy Me A Coffee Button here on my Blog. I sure appreciate it. As a matter of fact, my wife is making them for me now. I do enjoy my coffee. Thanks again Larry.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well. GW

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec 8/2022

Good Morning!

It’s another cloudy day here in Port Loring. We did have a touch of snow through the night, hardly an inch. But we are seeing some white instead of green this morning. The temperature has cooled down some, with it sitting at -6.5 C | 20.3 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is now. And it will remain cold now for a week or so. We can’t complain though, as it has been nice. Highway 522 is bare and wet, which will make travelling fair for those having to go to town. My wife and I are pretty well set for Christmas, so we will be staying home.

On another note, I didn’t do all that much yesterday, still not feeling all that good. Not sure what is bugging me. So today will take it easy once again, staying inside. Not much more I can do about that.

With that I am off to start up our house wood furnace which will save us some oil. We burn oil through the night, which lets us sleep without having to get up to put wood in the furnace. Take care and stay safe. GW

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec 7/2022

Good Morning!

It’s a very cloudy, wet morning here, waking up. The temperatures though have been staying quite warm, which is sure nice for this time of year. It rained most of the night. Pretty well of all our snow we did have is gone. We are back to seeing green once again. Highway 522 is bare and wet. The temperature waking up was sitting at 0 C | 32 F. A smidgen above freezing. Yesterday my wife and I had to go to North Bay as she had a dentist appointment. She got that looked after, and we then picked up some groceries. The price of fresh veggies was outrageous, and everyone standing around the produce department was shaking their head and complaining about how much things cost. The worst part was, that most of what they are selling should be thrown in the garbage. Years ago when I was farming … if I had been selling such produce I would have been fined and told to stop selling it. Not today, as I kind of think that strings are being pulled to protect the big sellers. So much bureaucratic bull shi… going on today, it’s terrible. And so many damn laws, that doesn’t amount to anything, other than hinder the working man. It’s good for the powers that be, though. Just look at the gun laws that are being pushed upon us. What a joke that is. Actually, it isn’t a joke, as what they are trying to do is disarm everyone in this country, so that they have full control of them. Now don’t take me the wrong way, as there are some guns that shouldn’t be sold, but hitting on us hunters is another thing. And you know. Truth be told, no matter what they do, it won’t stop the shootings. Humans are humans. If anything, you can bet your bottom dollar, there will be more shootings. Just crazy thinking on their part, to say the least.

Anyway, not sure why I got onto that subject, but feels good to unleash once in a while. Ha ha. We did however have a good trip to town. Picked up a few things, had lunch in our car people watching and then came on home. You know you can tell a lot just by watching people.

Once home we put things away, cleaned ourselves up and took it easy for the rest of the day. I am still not feeling all that well. Not sure what is bugging me. We will see what happens as time moves by.

With that I am off for a bowl of cereal my lovely wife has made for me and will then see what the day has in store. Stay safe. Had my rant for the day.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario on Dec 4/2022

Click On Image to Enlarge!

It’s a cloudy, snowy morning here in Port Loring this morning. Quite a change from yesterday. The temperature has cooled down a lot, sitting at -4.3 C | 24.26 F. It will warm up some as the day moves forward. But not all that much. It started to snow early this morning and so far we have about two inches. It is still coming down though. Not enough yet that would warrant a feller or gal to wake up their snowmobile. We don’t have one ourselves, but there are a lot that does in our area. Reason being there are tons of snowmobile trails running all through our area. It’s nice to see them out and about, enjoying life. Although there isn’t as many these days as there used to be. Years ago, you would see fifty or more heading over to Jake’s for breakfast or lunch at any given time. I suspect the virus didn’t help, along with the price of the gas and things. Not to forget the price of what it costs to buy a machine these days. And once you have one the insurance and plates aren’t cheap neither. And then you have to pay to ride the trails. So lots to take into consideration before purchasing one of these machines, that’s for sure.

Highway 522 is snow covered this morning, which will make travelling not so good. But it is Sunday, and on Sundays most folks stay at home. At least in our area.

On another note, I did work in my woodworking shop a bit yesterday but wasn’t feeling all that good so quit for the day and will take it easy today too. Always something to hold a feller back from doing things.

With that I am off for a bowl of cereal and will see how I feel after that. Take care and stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well. GW

What’s Happening in & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec 3/2022

Good Morning!
So, how is everyone doing this morning? Good I hope. It is a cloudy rainy day here in Port Loring, but in saying that we are having some more warm temperatures with it sitting at 6.9 C | 44.42 F getting out of bed. Things will cool off some starting tomorrow, but it’s still well above normal for this time of year. Which is fine with me, as every day brings us closer to spring. Ha ha. I am sure though, we will be in for some not so good weather in the near future.

Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning which other than the rain will make travelling not so bad, for those that need some groceries and things in North Bay or Powassan.

On another note, on my way to pick up the mail yesterday I was stopped by the OPP standing on the corner of Wilson Lake road by Home Hardware. They were stopping and asking folks if they had anything to drink. I said no, nothing other than coffee, not sure if that counts. They then smiled and said, “How about Marijuana.” Ha ha. I laughed and said, “nope, that it is hard to get around our area.” They said I should open up a shop, as I would be the first one in town to do so. Ha ha. I told them that North Bay has enough for everyone, and they agreed saying that North Bay had more Marijuana stores than Tim Horton’s Ha ha. I said. “Yep, that’s for sure, who would have thought.” With that they waved me on with all of us having another good laugh. Nice couple of fellers they were.

Yesterday I worked in my woodworking shop for most of the day. Today will do the same. I did light up my stove this morning if for nothing else to take out the dampness, as it is wet out there this morning. The shop wasn’t all that bad, though, as I put in a large piece of hardwood before going to bed.

With that I am off for a bowl of porridge that my lovely wife is making for me, and will then see what the day has in store. Stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec 2/2022

Good Morning!’

It’s a cool morning here, waking up in Port Loring. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at -1.4 C | 29.48 F. It will warm up above freezing later on. Which is good as I have a bit of outside work that needs attending. Highway 522 is bare and dry, which is good for those that want to do some Christmas shopping. For my wife and I we don’t buy gifts anymore for our boys as what ever they want they buy anyway. And for us, well … we got each other and that is all that matters. We do have a nice meal though which is what I look forward too along with our sons occasionally coming to visit.

On another note, yesterday once again I worked all day in our woodworking shop on a few orders and today after I get some outside work done up will get back to the orders. I did light the wood stove, so it is warming things up for me.
With that, not much else happening around town. Real quiet these days as hunting season is all but done and most folks have their cottages closed up tight for winter.
Take care and have a great day.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada On Dec 1/2022

And here it is December 1st. Man, time sure flies by these days. The good news is the weather has been quite nice for the past few months, which brings spring that much closer. Three months and we are back into some warmer sunshine. Makes me smile thinking about it. It is a bit cool this morning with the temperature sitting at -2.3 C | 27.86 F. It will warm up somewhat as the day moves forward, and we should see a lot of sunshine throughout the day. Highway 522 is bare, frozen and dry this morning which will once again make travelling good for those heading off to North Bay or ??? My wife and I are making out pretty good these days, so nothing pressing is taking place to warrant a trip to town. Maybe next week. We will see.

On another note, yesterday I worked all day in my old woodworking shop on some orders. Today will do the same. MY lovely wife is working on more orders in her studio. I did lite up the stove in my shop this morning, which should bring the temperature up a bit, so I can work out there. I also split some kindlin’ before breakfast and brought it into the house for our wood furnace and got it going. With the crazy price of oil, a feller has to do something. I don’t know how long us older folks can maintain a warm lifestyle if this keeps up. These so-called Powers That Be’s sit in a warm home, never having to worry about such things. Crazy world we live in, that’s for sure. Seems a bit one-sided,

With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store. Take care and stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

What’s Happening in And & around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 30/2022

Good Morning!

It’s a cloudy, rainy morning here in Port Loring. It started to rain around 11:00 PM last night, and it is still raining. Pretty well, any snow we did have is gone now. It is warm out though with the temperature sitting at 5.5 C | 41.9 F. It will remain there for most of the day along with the rain. Our grass in our lawn thinks it is summer as it is growing leaps and bounds, and it never looked so green. It could remain this way all winter if it was up to me. But it isn’t. Highway 522 is wet, but travelling should be good other than being a rainy day.

On another note, I worked all day in the old woodworking shop yesterday and will continue on today. Kind of nice out there with the weather being as it is. Keeps my mind on the good things in life when I am not writing or chatting to my lovely wife. Speaking of my lovely wife, she has just finished my breakfast, so I had better go and get to eating. Have a great day and stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

Oh, and my thanks goes out to all those that have taken the time to say hello here on my Blog regarding my Podcasts, morning posts and things. It means a lot. GW

What’s Happening in & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 29/2022

A picture I took earlier in the year. We sure live among some nice country.

Click on Image to Enlarge!

Good Morning!

It’s another cloudy morning here, waking up in Port Loring. The temperature is still staying quite mild, sitting at -1.4 C | 29.48 F. We could see some sunshine as the day moves forward. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, and the snow we did have is all but gone. When you look outside, we were seeing green grass. So no snowmobiles are out yet. So far it’s been a 4-Wheeler kind of year. And those that have them know they aren’t cheap by no means to run or own. But it seems that is the case with everything these days. They raise the prices and then drop them a wee bit, and then stay the same, thinking they have the public fooled. Which in most cases they are right, as I have found that there are a lot of people out there today with blinders on. Sign of the times, I suppose.

On another note, yesterday I worked all day in my woodworking shop, and will probably do the same today. I have it fixed up nice in there now, which makes it nice. And my old shop stove keeps me toasty … so to speak.

With that I am off for my morning bowl of porridge my lovely wife is making for me and will then see what develops. Stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!