What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada

Hmm, I can actually remember when those old plough’s were used. They are so old the spelling checker doesn’t recognize the word, ha ha.

It’s once again a cloudy morning here in Port Loring. We did have a lot more rain yesterday and through the night. At least it wasn’t snow. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling pretty good for those in need of some groceries and things. The temperature has cooled down some, with it sitting at 2.8 C | 37.04 F getting out of bed.

Yesterday I worked in the woodworking shop for most of the day. I am making a one of a kind coffee table using an old wash tub for a base. Once I finish it, my wife is going to do a painting on the top. I will take a picture of it when all said and done. I enjoy doing things like that.

Today I have to take our vehicle down to Kerry’s shop, so he can put on our snow tires along with checking out our brakes along with an oil change. I like to change my oil twice a year, once in the spring and once in the Fall. After that, we should be all set for the winter. Having to go into North Bay for groceries every so often, snow tires are a must.

With that I am off for a bowl of porridge that my lovely wife is making for me and will then get on with my day. Stay safe, I hear a lot of folks sneezing and coughing when I was out yesterday. I am glad I wore my mask and put sanitizer on my hands before I Ieft the house.

In Closing I Would Like To Wish You Well.

What’s Happening In Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Oct 17/2022

Click on Image to enlarge

Good Morning!

It’s another cloudy morning here in Port Loring. We did see a touch of sunshine yesterday, but that was about it. A touch. We also had a lot of heavy rain through the day. Today will be much the same as yesterday, other than we could see a few flakes of the white stuff. I won’t mention what it is really called, as I don’t want to encourage it too much. The temperature waking up was sitting at 4.3 C | 39.74 F. It will warm up a bit, but not much as the day moves forward. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling pretty good.

On another note, we still aren’t burning any wood in our wood furnace yet. As if we did, the house would be too warm. So until it gets colder, we use our oil furnace. Speaking about heat sources. For the past five years, the Powers that Be have been trying to switch everyone over to gas and propane along with electricity. Now that they have done so, the price has almost doubled. It’s easy enough to say that they are doing this to save the environment, but that is the furthest thing from the truth as in all honesty, none of the other countries are doing anything … which cancels out anything we do. If anything, these other countries are producing more coal and things than they ever were. Unless everyone does their share, nothing will change. My opinion on the subject is we here in Canada should be looking at ways of making what we have, like gas and oil and coal, more efficient, so we can use them. There are ways, but some folks believe that their way is the only way, and work very hard at pushing it on others. We also need to be building more refineries here in Canada, so we can make our own gas and oil instead of relying on others, as we are doing now. If we did that, our country would be more self efficient, and we would be able to drop the price of our gas and oil down to half of what it is now, which would eliminate a lot of our problems we are having today. Improve what we have now, not do away with it. All that is happening by not using oil and gasoline is making other countries use more and get rich. They are laughing at us. Anyway, not sure how I got on that subject. Oh, ya, I mentioned that we haven’t turned on our wood furnace yet. Ha ha.

With that, I am off for a bowl of oatmeal with a piece of toast and then see what the day has in store. Stay safe, there is a lot of sickness going around these days. Might be more if these so-called Powers that Be keep raising the prices of things. No one will be able to eat or have a place to get out of the cold this winter. In all my years, I haven’t seen our world be in such despair.

In Closing I Would Like To Wish You Well!

What’s Happening in and around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Oct 16/2022

Well … actually, not much is taking place in our small community these days. Overnight we had some heavy downpours, along with some high winds thrown in for good measure. Waking up, the temperature was sitting at5.8 C | 42.44 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is right now. The sun will be a lazy riser this morning, if it shows itself at all. Looking ahead we could see up to 1 inch of wet snow on Tuesday and following that on Thursday we could see another 2-4 inches of the wet white stuff. Kind of depends on what the temperature will be. Highway 522 is wet and quiet traffic wise these days. The hunters aren’t having a good year, that’s for sure. But as I said before, the critters are happy.

On another note, I decided to tackle cleaning up my woodworking shop yesterday. It took me most of the day. Least now when I get the urge I can do some work out there. I enjoy my shop when I am feeling good. I do have a few projects that I want to make through the winter for our store come spring. After I got my shop cleaned up, I took it easy for the remainder of the day.

Today I might do some more straightening of things in the shop, and maybe get to working on a coffee table that I have in mind. It will be a one of a kind project. It should keep me out of trouble for a while.
With that, I am off for some pancakes my lovely wife is preparing for me, and will then see what the day has in store. You never know what might take place. I start off in one direction and end up going in another. Keeps life interesting, to say the least.

In Closing I Would Like To Wish You Well!


In a small town, a man just opened a small store selling trumpets and guns.

One day, his neighbour pays him a visit and says, “So, how is your strange business going?”

“What do you mean strange?”

“Because you sell only trumpets and guns!”


“Well, let me put it this way, what do you sell the most, trumpets or guns?”

“It evens itself out. Each time a customer buys a trumpet, one of his neighbours buys a gun.”

Yea, I agree, it is pretty bad.

What’s Happening In and Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Oct 15/2022

Popeye Chicken Dinner

Good Morning!

It’s a cloudy, wet morning here in Port Loring. The rain just started, and it sure looks gloomy out there. On days like this, I like to turn on our lights, along with my computer, turn up the heat a notch and enjoy what our home has to offer. TV is fine, but we only watch it in the evening hours. The temperature waking up was sitting at 9.8 C | 49.64 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is now. And with that said … the rain will stay with us for the next 4 days or so, and it is possible that some light snow might enter into the picture off and on. Highway 522 is wet this morning and the traffic has settled down to just a few locals moving around.

On another note, my wife and I decided to head into North Bay yesterday to pick up some groceries and things. It’s the closest for us and have more than we need. Actually, it turned out to be a real nice day, with the sun coming out for most of our trip in and back home. There are still some leaves on the trees, but they are falling fast, and I suspect after the weekend we won’t see them again till next year. Sad to see them go, but the trees do need a rest. While in town, we decided to try out the new Popeye’s Chicken place on Lake shore road for lunch. I have to admit, it was pretty tasty. We had the Crispy Chicken sandwich with some fries as show in the picture above. The only thing I recommend is don’t order large fries if you’re not a big eater, as they give you a lot. So many we had to take over half home. I guess that is okay for some. But for us, it is too much and if you have to warm them back up, they don’t taste all that good. A bit pricey, with our lunch costing us $29.00 for the two of us. Not the healthiest meal either, but we don’t eat out all that much, but once in a while we enjoy trying something new.

While in town, we also picked up some Northern Spy Apples at the Garden centre on Lake shore near Highway 11. They sure are tasty this time of year, and if you’re wanting to make pies, there are no better apples to do it with than the Northern Spy.

After we had lunch, we headed on home, enjoying a perked coffee that my lovely wife prepared for us before we left home. All in all, it was a great day. An expensive day after buying groceries and a few other things, but not much you can do about that. We are lucky to be able to do what we do.
With that I am off for a bowl of oatmeal which will make up for the not so good food we ate yesterday ha ha. Have a great day, make it a great day. GW

In Closing I Would Like To Wish You Well

Episode 102: Buying My First Car

Click On Image To Enlarge

Where It All Takes Place

Episode 102: Hi Folks. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and staying healthy. Today I have another Podcast lined up for you that took place many years ago. I am sure you will enjoy it. Give it a listen too when you find time. Have a great day. George Walters

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

What’s Happening In Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Oct 14/2022

An old farmyard on the Canadian Prairies. Click On Image to Enlarge.

Good Morning!

Waking up here in Port Loring this morning, it is a bit cloudy. It is also wet, caused by all the heavy rain we had through the night. I have to say it rained pretty good too. I do however like to listen to it fall on our roof at night. It seems to lull me to sleep. It reminds me of when I was young many years ago as my bedroom was upstairs, and we had a steel roof. You could say, memories of the good old days. The temperature getting out of the sack was sitting at 5.2 C | 41.36 F. It will warm up some as the day moves forward. And taking a look at my weather station, we could see some sunshine today. But it will be short-lived, as more rain is in the forecast for the next few days. And I hate to mention the word snow, but we could see some flurries later next week. Highway 522 is bare and wet once again this morning, and the traffic is slow these days.

On another note, I was going to head on out to my woodworking shop yesterday, but decided to stay inside where it was warm and dry. And you know … I can do that. Ha ha. Some say it must be nice. I say yep it sure is, but my lovely wife and I earned it too. For most of our life, we worked from daylight to dark.

Today I will see what develops. Now I am feeling somewhat better, my mind is on doing all kinds of things. I just have to choose cautiously, as I don’t want to be laid up all winter. My mind says okay let’s do this, but my body says hold … up there a minute partner, and think this out.

With that, I am off for a bowl of oatmeal and a piece of toast that my wife is making for me. Then I will see what the day has in store. Stay safe there is a lot of sickness spreading around these days, and it will be quite bad for the next month or so before things settle down.

Funny in one way, as when we were all wearing masks, you hardly ever heard of anyone catching a cold or flue. Actually, no one even needed the flu shot. Makes me wonder why more of us aren’t wearing them these days, especially going into winter. For my wife and I we do when ever we go into stores or where there is a lot of people. We also use hand sanitizers before and after too. We feel it is a lot better than getting sick. But, as I always say. “To Each Their Own.”

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

What’s Happening In Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Oct 13/2022

Fresh Cream For Your Coffee This Morning

Good Morning!

Well, starting things off, it is a rainy morning here in Port Loring. We did have a lot of rain yesterday and through the night. The winds yesterday weren’t all that bad, but last night they got up there a bit. Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning, and it has been quite busy with a lot of trucks moving around. Most of the trucks are from our local construction. There are also a lot of hunters still coming into our area and a few folks just wanting to take in the changing of the leaves. I have to admit they have been putting on quite a show this year with some exceptional colours.

Yesterday I didn’t do all that much, kind of took it easy. Got rested up after the Thanksgiving weekend. I did however work on another #Podcast which will be posted here on my Blog come Friday morning at 9:00 AM. Other than that, not much else is happening in and around our small town.

With that information under your hat. I am off for a bowl of oatmeal for a change. Have a great day.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well! GW

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

Author, Writer of Fiction/Non Fiction, Columnist, Podcaster Storytelling, Woodworker, Farming, Gardening