All posts by George Walters

Goodbye For Now My Fiend: Peter Falk dead at 83

Well here again we lost a great feller.   Peter in my eyes was one of the greatest actors that the world has ever seen.  His death was not really known, or so they say, but earlier he had had some major dental work done.  Kind of makes you wonder doesn’t it.  For me I have my own theory and with the way the medical profession is going today, well nothing more needs to be said.   See you around Peter.  My Opinion Only.

George Walters Fourth Book Ready For Book Signing Saturday

Was a great day thanks to all that dropped by meant a lot to Ruth & I.  Have a great summer and if your in the neighbourhood drop by. If you need books you can get them at Gulliver’s in North Bay on Main Street or you can get them here at our home.  Thanks again.

Our Fourth Book Paths We Choose is now complete.  For your signed copy stop by and visit us on Saturday June 18th  Saturday, Fathers Day Weekend from 1 to 3 PM  at Gulliver’s. Will be looking forward in seeing you all there. It’s you that keeps me writing.  Thanks George Walters

The signing will be held at our very good friends:  Gulliver’s Quality Books and Toys
Address:     157 Main Street W
North Bay, ON
P1B 2T6
Phone:     705-474-7335
Fax:     705-495-0449
Email:     [email protected]

Cover Of Paths We Choose. Great book you won’t want to miss this one. Click Picture to enlarge.

Not A Bad Plant

You know for most parts of the USA and Canada marijuana is illegal to grow for themselves.  I for one believe that it should be readily available to those that are in need of it, or for those that want to grow it for their personal use.  Now don’t get me wrong here, I myself have never ever even tried the stuff, but I have been around folks in my younger days that have smoked it.  Think they called it wacky tobacco or something like that.  For all the times I have seen folks smoking it, it never through my eyes really did any damage to the folks that used it, or for that matter to the surrounding folks. On the contrary, the folks around those that smoked, for most parts one got to know the true person.  Funny isn’t it how we today as a society have taken the plant … medicine that the creator has given us and made it illegal to grow or use and replaced them with prescription drugs, man made, some far more damaging to health and society than marijuana usage could ever be.  Weed’s a seed that grows in the ground, if source didn’t want it, then it wouldn’t be around.  My opinion only

George Walters Fourth Book Paths We Choose

Our Fourth Book Paths We Choose is now complete.  For your signed copy stop by and visit us on Saturday June 18th  Saturday, Fathers Day Weekend from 1 to 3 PM  at Gulliver’s. Will be looking forward in seeing you all there. It’s you that keeps me writing.  Thanks

The signing will be held at our very good friends:  Gulliver’s Quality Books and Toys
Address:     157 Main Street W
North Bay, ON
P1B 2T6
Phone:     705-474-7335
Fax:     705-495-0449
Email:     [email protected]

Cover Of Paths We Choose. Great book you won’t want to miss this one. Click Picture to enlarge.

News From Port Loring Ontario

Well been a couple cool days here.  Yesterday was cool enough for me to wear a jacket while getting my mowing done.  Also cloudy and day before that rained most of the day.  Today though is sunny and looks nice but still cool. Winds from the old north bringing in the cool air is the culprit but by the looks of the long range into next week things change back to warmer weather.  At least into the seventies they say, so that is ok with me.  Even had to put on the old furnace for a wee bit this morning to take the dampness out of the old bones and warm up the house a touch.  Today will get at working up my veggie gardens some, so that should keep me busy. Have to say they things are growing nicely too, been eating fresh veggies regularly every day now.   Our store is also open now for the season, loaded with all kinds of new items too.  So be sure to drop by when your out this way.  Can’t miss our place now as out front we have a brand new sign that says.  George & Ruth Walters Author and Artist with a gift shop sign underneath.  Have a great day.

Old Mirror Lodge Restaurant

Some very good friends of ours is opening up their Restaurant for the season on Fathers Day and if you are in for some very good food, well this is the place to go. I should also say they have some very nice cottages too that they rent.    Sets in off the main land, surrounded by nature  and fishing at its best.  What a great spot to bring your Dad….. or Mother for that matter.  Everyone is welcome.  I highly recommend it and know you won’t go away disappointed.

Old Mirror Lodge Restaurant

opens up for the season 2011 on



June 18th and 19th, 2011

Penne al Arrabiata

Italian Penne with a spicy tomato sauce & herbs,

parmesan cheese, side salad,

Garlic bread


Can$ 8.80

Add a Pork chop = $ 7.45


Bolognaise sauce = $ 6.80

Plus taxes

Urs & Verena Bartschi and the Team welcomes you!

Old Mirror Lodge Inc. / Public Restaurant & Cottages

PO Box 40, 287 Toad Lake, Port Loring ON P0H 1Y0 Canada,

Tel. 705 757 2377 Fax 705 757 0261

E-Coli & What May Be Happening Around The World

Very interesting article that we all should take a serious look at.

(NaturalNews) Even as the veggie blame game is now under way across the EU, where a super resistant strain of e.coli is sickening patients and filling hospitals in Germany, virtually no one is talking about how e.coli could have magically become resistant to eight different classes of antibiotic drugs and then suddenly appeared in the food supply.

This particular e.coli variation is a member of the O104 strain, and O104 strains are almost never (normally) resistant to antibiotics. In order for them to acquire this resistance, they must be repeatedly exposed to antibiotics in order to provide the “mutation pressure” that nudges them toward complete drug immunity.

So if you’re curious about the origins of such a strain, you can essentially reverse engineer the genetic code of the e.coli and determine fairly accurately which antibiotics it was exposed to during its development. This step has now been done (see below), and when you look at the genetic decoding of this O104 strain now threatening food consumers across the EU, a fascinating picture emerges of how it must have come into existence.

The genetic code reveals the history

When scientists at Germany’s Robert Koch Institute decoded the genetic makeup of the O104 strain, they found it to be resistant to all the following classes and combinations of antibiotics:

• penicillins
• tetracycline
• nalidixic acid
• trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol
• cephalosporins
• amoxicillin / clavulanic acid
• piperacillin-sulbactam
• piperacillin-tazobactam

In addition, this O104 strain posses an ability to produce special enzymes that give it what might be called “bacteria superpowers” known technically as ESBLs:

“Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBLs) are enzymes that can be produced by bacteria making them resistant to cephalosporins e.g. cefuroxime, cefotaxime and ceftazidime – which are the most widely used antibiotics in many hospitals,” explains the Health Protection Agency in the UK (…).

On top of that, this O104 strain possesses two genes — TEM-1 and CTX-M-15 — that “have been making doctors shudder since the 1990s,” reports The Guardian (…). And why do they make doctors shudder? Because they’re so deadly that many people infected with such bacteria experience critical organ failure and simply die.

Bioengineering a deadly superbug

So how, exactly, does a bacterial strain come into existence that’s resistant to over a dozen antibiotics in eight different drug classes and features two deadly gene mutations plus ESBL enzyme capabilities?

There’s really only one way this happens (and only one way) — you have to expose this strain of e.coli to all eight classes of antibiotics drugs. Usually this isn’t done at the same time, of course: You first expose it to penicillin and find the surviving colonies which are resistant to penicillin. You then take those surviving colonies and expose them to tetracycline. The surviving colonies are now resistant to both penicillin and tetracycline. You then expose them to a sulfa drug and collect the surviving colonies from that, and so on. It is a process of genetic selection done in a laboratory with a desired outcome. This is essentially how some bioweapons are engineered by the U.S. Army in its laboratory facility in Ft. Detrick, Maryland (…).

Although the actual process is more complicated than this, the upshot is that creating a strain of e.coli that’s resistant to eight classes of antibiotics requires repeated, sustained expose to those antibiotics. It is virtually impossible to imagine how this could happen all by itself in the natural world. For example, if this bacteria originated in the food (as we’ve been told), then where did it acquire all this antibiotic resistance given the fact that antibiotics are not used in vegetables?

When considering the genetic evidence that now confronts us, it is difficult to imagine how this could happen “in the wild.” While resistance to a single antibiotic is common, the creation of a strain of e.coli that’s resistant to eight different classes of antibiotics — in combination — simply defies the laws of genetic permutation and combination in the wild. Simply put, this superbug e.coli strain could not have been created in the wild. And that leaves only one explanation for where it really came from: the lab.

Engineered and then released into the wild

The evidence now points to this deadly strain of e.coli being engineered and then either being released into the food supply or somehow escaping from a lab and entering the food supply inadvertently. If you disagree with that conclusion — and you’re certainly welcome to — then you are forced to conclude that this octobiotic superbug (immune to eight classes of antibiotics) developed randomly on its own… and that conclusion is far scarier than the “bioengineered” explanation because it means octobiotic superbugs can simply appear anywhere at any time without cause. That would be quite an exotic theory indeed.

My conclusion actually makes more sense: This strain of e.coli was almost certainly engineered and then released into the food supply for a specific purpose. What would that purpose be? It’s obvious, I hope.

It’s all problem, reaction, solution at work here. First cause a PROBLEM (a deadly strain of e.coli in the food supply). Then wait for the public REACTION (huge outcry as the population is terrorized by e.coli). In response to that, enact your desired SOLUTION (total control over the global food supply and the outlawing of raw sprouts, raw milk and raw vegetables).

That’s what this is all about, of course. The FDA relied on the same phenomenon in the USA when pushing for its recent “Food Safety Modernization Act” which essentially outlaws small family organic farms unless they lick the boots of FDA regulators. The FDA was able to crush farm freedom in America by piggybacking on the widespread fear that followed e.coli outbreaks in the U.S. food supply. When people are afraid, remember, it’s not difficult to get them to agree to almost any level of regulatory tyranny. And making people afraid of their food is a simple matter… a few government press releases emailed to the mainstream media news affiliates is all it takes.

First ban the natural medicine, then attack the food supply

Now, remember: All this is happening on the heels of the EU ban on medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements — a ban that blatantly outlaws nutritional therapies that help keep people healthy and free from disease. Now that all these herbs and supplements are outlawed, the next step is to make people afraid of fresh food, too. That’s because fresh vegetables are medicinal, and as long as the public has the right to buy fresh vegetables, they can always prevent disease.

But if you can make people AFRAID of fresh vegetables — or even outlaw them altogether — then you can force the entire population onto a diet of dead foods and processed foods that promote degenerative disease and bolster the profits of the powerful drug companies.

It’s all part of the same agenda, you see: Keep people sick, deny them access to healing herbs and supplements, then profit from their suffering at the hands of the global drug cartels.

GMOs play a similar role in all this, of course: They’re designed to contaminate the food supply with genetic code that causes widespread infertility among human beings. And those who are somehow able to reproduce after exposure to GMOs still suffer from degenerative disease that enriches the drug companies from “treatment.”

Do you recall which country was targeted in this recent e.coli scare? Spain. Why Spain? You may recall that leaked cables from Wikileaks revealed that Spain resisted the introduction of GMOs into its agricultural system, even as the U.S. government covertly threatened political retaliation for its resistance. This false blaming of Spain for the e.coli deaths is probably retaliation for Spain’s unwillingness to jump on the GMO bandwagon.

That’s the real story behind the economic devastation of Spain’s vegetable farmers. It’s one of the subplots being pursued alongside this e.coli superbug scheme.

Food as weapons of war – created by Big Pharma?

By the way, the most likely explanation of where this strain of e.coli was bioengineered is that the drug giants came up with it in their own labs. Who else has access to all the antibiotics and equipment needed to manage the targeted mutations of potentially thousands of e.coli colonies? The drug companies are uniquely positioned to both carry out this plot and profit from it. In other words, they have the means and the motive to engage in precisely such actions.

Aside from the drug companies, perhaps only the infectious disease regulators themselves have this kind of laboratory capacity. The CDC, for example, could probably pull this off if they really wanted to.

The proof that somebody bioengineered this e.coli strain is written right in the DNA of the bacteria. That’s forensic evidence, and what it reveals cannot be denied. This strain underwent repeated and prolonged exposure to eight different classes of antibiotics, and then it somehow managed to appear in the food supply. How do you get to that if not through a well-planned scheme carried out by rogue scientists? There is no such thing as “spontaneous mutation” into a strain that is resistant to the top eight classes of brand-name antibiotic drugs being sold by Big Pharma today. Such mutations have to be deliberate.

Once again, if you disagree with this assessment, then what you’re saying is that NO, it wasn’t done deliberately… it happened accidentally! And again, I’m saying that’s even scarier! Because that means the antibiotic contamination of our world is now at such an extreme level of overkill that a strain of e.coli in the wild can be saturated with eight different classes of antibiotics to the point where it naturally develops into its own deadly superbug. If that’s what people believe, then that’s almost a scarier theory than the bioengineering explanation!

A new era has begun: Bioweapons in your food

But in either case — no matter what you believe — the simple truth is that the world is now facing a new era of global superbug strains of bacteria that can’t be treated with any known pharmaceutical. They can all, of course, be readily killed with colloidal silver, which is exactly why the FDA and world health regulators have viciously attacked colloidal silver companies all these years: They can’t have the public getting its hands on natural antibiotics that really work, you see. That would defeat the whole purpose of making everybody sick in the first place.

In fact, these strains of e.coli superbugs can be quite readily treated with a combination of natural full-spectrum antibiotics from plants such as garlic, ginger, onions and medicinal herbs. On top of that, probiotics can help balance the flora of the digestive tract and “crowd out” the deadly e.coli that might happen by. A healthy immune system and well-functioning digestive tract can fight off an e.coli superbug infection, but that’s yet another fact the medical community doesn’t want you to know. They much prefer you to remain a helpless victim lying in the hospital, waiting to die, with no options available to you. That’s “modern medicine” for ya. They cause the problems that they claim to treat, and then they won’t even treat you with anything that works in the first place.

Nearly all the deaths now attributable to this e.coli outbreak are easily and readily avoidable. These are deaths of ignorance. But even more, they may also be deaths from a new era of food-based bioweapons unleashed by either a group of mad scientists or an agenda-driven institution that has declared war on the human population.

Interesting articles.

Cell Phone Problems

Scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a group affiliated with the World Health Organisation (WHO), say that mobile phones are a “possible” carcinogen that may be a cause of cancer. The findings, which support previous research on the subject, add to the growing body of evidence which suggests that the electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile phones causes serious health problems.

This is just the tip of the ice burg though, as there are many more problems relating to these cell phones.  One huge problem that they won’t admit is what is emitted through the air waves.  I am a firm believer that these have caused a lot of the problems that we are having with our bee population.   What they do is disrupt their homing signals and cause them to go off course and can’t find their way back to the hives.  Also the same thing is happening with our birds as they have a homing sense too which is being messed with.  Yes modern technology has its place but to what expense does it really cost us all?  My opinion only.

The e.coli outbreak in Germany

The e.coli outbreak in Germany is raising alarm worldwide as scientists are now describing this particular strain of e.coli as “extremely aggressive and toxic.” Even worse, the strain is resistant to antibiotics, making it one of the world’s first widespread superbug food infections that’s racking up a noticeable body count while sickening thousands.

Of course, virtually every report you’ll read on this in the mainstream media has the facts wrong. This isn’t about cucumbers being dangerous, because e.coli does not grow on cucumbers. E.coli is an intestinal strain of bacteria that only grows inside the guts of animals (and people). Thus, the source of all this e.coli is ANIMAL, not vegetable.

But the media won’t admit that. Because the whole agenda here is to kill your vegetables but protect the atrocious practices of the factory animal meat industries. The FDA, in particular, loves all these outbreaks because it gives them more moral authority to clamp down on gardens and farms. They’ve been trying to irradiate and fumigate fresh veggies in the USA for years. (…)

Leeks For Prostate & Colon Cancer

Leeks may taste similar to onions, they are actually related to the asparagus family. They originated in The Mediterranean and Asia but are now also grown in more temperate parts of the world. These veggies contain anti-cancer compounds called kaempferol (which is also known for promoting cardiovascular health) and quercetin (which is known to inhibit carcinogenic development in the body). These compounds are especially beneficial in fighting against prostate and colon cancers.

Hmm now I know why source got me to plant a few rows of them this spring.  Never planted them before.  Now I know why.

Germany Says It Will Shut Down All Nuclear Power Plants

Germany’s coalition government agreed early Monday to shut down all the country’s nuclear power plants by 2022, the environment minister said, making it the first major industrialised power to go nuclear-free since the Japanese disaster. Here in Canada we have. First off just Ontario alone has.  1-Bruce and Douglas Point, 2-Pickering, 3-Darlington, 4-Gentilly, 5-Point Lepreau, 6-NPD. Douglas Point, Gentilly 1. And the rest are located at;  1-Univ Alberta, Edmonton (S), 2-Saskatchewan Research Council, Saskatoon (S), 3-AECL Whiteshell (WR-1, S Demo), 4-McMaster Univ, Hamilton (P), 5-Univ. Toronto (S), 6-Royal Military College, Kingston (S), 7-AECL Chalk River Laboratories (NRU, NRX, PTR, ZED-2, ZEEP), 8-Nordion, Kanata (S), 9-Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (S), 10-Dalhousie Univ., Halifax (S). S=Slowpoke II (20 kw); P=Swimming Pool (5 MW). AECL’s Whiteshell reactors.  In other words any one of them large commercial ones would have the potential to wipe out most of all Canada if a disaster were to hit.

Now do you think Canada will start thinking the right way like Germany?  Not for awhile that’s for sure as Canada loves nuclear power, even feeds it to people telling them it heals them.  Only you are the ones that can stop this.  You alone have to take the reigns back and become your own keeper.  Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourselves and what is right.   My opinion only.

Sunshine Does Not Cause Cancer

For decades, irresponsible cosmetic companies and a small group of very vocal, publicity-seeking dermatologists have strongly advocated that chemical sunscreens  should be heavily applied before any exposure to sunlight, even on young children. They insisted that such sunscreen use would prevent skin cancer and protect your health. This was despite of a lack of any adequate safety testing of these chemicals. (It should be emphasized that most dermatologists are much more cautious and careful.)

On the other hand, over the past decade, many scientists studying cancer have come to virtually the opposite conclusion; that is, the use of sunscreen chemicals may be increasing the incidence of cancer and that sunlight exposure may actually decrease human cancer rates and improve your health.

It now appears that many heavily-used chemical sunscreens may actually increase cancers by virtue of their free radical generating properties. And more insidiously, many commonly used sunscreen chemicals have strong estrogenic actions that may cause serious problems and further increase cancer risks.

No Frost Here In Port Loring

Well  I covered up my plants before headin’ to bed last night.  As temperatures looked as if they might go down a bit low and some frost would set in.  At our home we had none.  Pretty wet though in the gardens let me tell ya.  Like a soup bowl in there, but once the sun comes out I know it will dry up really fast.   Sunshine is in the forecast today, some cloud tomorrow and a touch of rain on Sunday.   The long range looks good for sunshine and warmer temperatures starting after Sunday.  With the warm pushing up from the south meeting the cold pushing down from the north, nothing more can be expected than rain.  But the warm southerly breezes will prevail and summer will be upon us in no time.  So enjoy the day folks and get ready to head on outside as that body of yours is just waiting for its vitamin D kick, which it is so badly  in need of.

What We All Need Is More Sunshine

This article as the last one just goes to show you what is happening out there today. Folks minds are so clouded up with modern medicines allusions, that if let go for too much longer a lot of folks will become gravely sick. I guess that is a misprint as folks are gravely sick now.  All brought on by the powers that be, out to making that all mighty dollar.

Marketing is a powerful tool used to shape and influence beliefs. Often these beliefs fail to hold up under scrutiny. The ritualistic use of sunscreen lotion for the purpose of preventing skin cancer is one such belief. The fact that the American Cancer Society recommends every man, woman, and child use sunscreen lotion every time he, or she, steps into the sun should hold little sway.  The American Cancer Society is wrong on so many fronts. This is just one issue amongst many. Never mind that we know for a fact that Vitamin D deficiency can lead to cancer, diabetes, and numerous other life threatening diseases. We know that without sunlight our body cannot manufacture Vitamin D. The illogical recommendation of avoiding the sun is astounding, and should be challenged if you wish to make great progress in improving your health.

What Biopsies Can Do

Kind of gets a fellow to thinking.  Read On. Might save your life.  I wished now I would have listened to my wife and not have had mine done.  Never again will I subject myself to these so called live saving biopsies. Just hoping now they didn’t do more harm to my chances of survival.   My Opinion Only

A new study published in the Journal of Urology warns about a newly-recognised danger associated with cancer screenings — the spread of deadly “super-bugs.” According to the report, biopsies, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests, and other invasive cancer screening procedures are a direct cause of serious infections, many of which eventually lead to death.

Dozens of studies conducted in recent years have confirmed that not only are many conventional cancer screening methods ineffective or inaccurate, but they also cause more harm than good, in many cases. The number of infections alone that have been caused by prostate biopsies have more than doubled in the last ten years. And roughly 50,000 American men develop infections from prostate biopsies every single year, while nine out of every 10,000 men whose scans return negative end up dying from complications caused by the scan itself.

Even worse, a 2004 study put forth by the John Wayne Cancer Institute in California revealed that needle biopsies, which are the most common screening method used to detect prostate cancer, actually increases the chance that cancer will spread by about 50 percent. So not only does the screening spread deadly infection, but it also increases a man’s risk of dying from the cancer it allegedly detects.