Category Archives: Weather

Morning Report March 8/2020

Another sunny morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. It’s sure nice waking up to sunshine. Warmer temperatures will be with us today which will make it really nice for getting outside. I might even wash the car today. With our kind of roads things do get a bit messy at times. And it’s good to keep things cleaned up. We didn’t have anymore snow overnight. Today we will loose a lot more once things begin to warm up. Temperatures waking up were sitting at -0.6 C | 30.92 F. Not to bad. Highway 522 is bare and dry which will make travelling good. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will let the day unfold as it so chooses to do. Have a great day. GW

Morning report March 7/2020

Good morning. Hope you all had a great night. Looking outside things are starting off right with lots of sunshine. What can be better than that? Well … for me, warmer weather, along with that sunshine would be nice. Which we will get later on today, and tomorrow we could crowd the 50F/7C mark. Might even put my lawn chairs outside and soak up some of that Organic Vitamin D 3. LOL. Some have asked me, what I think they can do to help with this virus that is starting to spread here in Canada. Well …. looking back at all my notes relating to health, and from what I have learned over the years, I figure if you really want to help yourself and family, you should be taking at the minimum of 1000 UI of Vitamin D3 every day. Make sure it is Vitamin D3. The others are okay, but not as good. It’s to much for me to explain right here an now how it works, but it will help a lot. And of course wash your hands, and wipe down things in your home with a Good Wipe like Clorox Wipes, I don’t recommend Lysol wipes, as they can bother the sinus and other things, which could weaken the lungs. And don’t forget your door knobs and light switches around the home, and your handles and steering wheel on your car. “And if your feeling poorly stay home and get better.” Very Important. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good. So, there you have it and for those that has sent me E-mails an asked, I hope this helps. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and then will see what the day has in store. Other than lighting my wood furnace as it is cool this morning,with temperatures sitting at -11.9 C | 10.58 F. But it will warm up in a bit. Have a great day. GW

Morning Report March 6/2020

Good morning. Well we are still having a wee bit of winter by the looks of things. We did have some flurries overnight which amounted to around 2 inches or so. We are also in the midst of clouds this morning. We could see another inch of snow throughout the day, but I suspect that, some sunshine should break through as the day progresses. Which is fine by me, as I am ready for spring. After today things will warm up considerable. Above the freezing mark which will melt most of the snow we have laying around. Highway 522 is mostly bare and wet this morning. Travelling should be good later on today. Yesterday my wife and I went to town to pick up more supplies, as it is always nice to have a bit extra in case of need, living so far off the beaten path so to speak. The store were quite busy, but not so bad as you had to wait in line long. We also had a visit with our son while having lunch, and headed on home. Great day all way round. Nice to get out now and then as it breaks up the normal routine, which can get to being boring after awhile. Today I will do some work around the house here helping my lovely wife, and then will go from there. Just never know … as things change as time moves by. Have a great day. GW

Morning Report March 4/2020

Good morning. Great looking day out there waking up. The sun is shinning at the moment, but it will turn cloudy as the day progresses. We could see a light flurry or two, but nothing to write home about. Temperatures starting the day were sitting at -1.6 C | 29.12 F. Not to bad, and it will warm up a touch more in a bit, which should get rid of some more snow. We didn’t have anymore new snow overnight. Highway 522 is bare and wet, but travelling should be good. On another note I have been burning a we bit of wood these days, saving my oil. I can always tell how the winter went, heat wise by looking at my wood pile and so far it is looking good. Today I will be working away on some stories for my columns and magazines I write for, along with my Podcasts. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Have a great day. GW

Morning Report March 3/2020

Good morning. A cloudy day here waking up in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures were sitting at -5.6 C | 21.92 F. It will warm up more as the day progresses, which should get rid of a bit more snow. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning as it was all day yesterday. My wife and I did go pick up some supplies yesterday which took most of the day. But it was a nice day with sunshine following us all the way there and back. Stores are busy with folks stocking up, on things. Certain items are all sold out. Monday isn’t the best day to go to town we found, as they don’t restock the shelves till around Wednesday. But … we made out okay. We didn’t have any more snow overnight. Today I will work around the house here on a new Podcast and relax. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Have a great day. GW

Morning Report Mar 1/2020

Well first day of March and we all woke up to sunshine here in Port Loring, Ontario. It is a wee bit cool with temperatures sitting at -14.1 C | 6.62 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward with temperatures hovering just about the freezing mark, which should start the snow to melt. Highway 522 is bare this morning for most parts. There are a few icy sections throughout, but travelling today should be good. We didn’t have anymore snow overnight. Total amount on the ground would be close to 1 foot. With that … I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Have a great day. GW

Morning Report Feb 29/2020

Good morning. Well it’s not too bad of a morning other than being a touch cool, with temperatures sitting at -15.9 C | 3.38 F. But for us heat really isn’t an issue with us using the wood furnace. But in saying that wood heat does have its drawbacks as we all know. I actually don’t know how much longer I will be using it to heat with. I am slowly edging my way towards other avenues so to speak. We will see how it goes. Highway 522 is partially covered this morning with some icy sections throughout. But that is understandable, with all the snow we had the last two days. But it won’t last long, as temperatures will rise after tomorrow above the melting point. We didn’t have any more snow overnight. On another note my wife and I did manage to clean out our driveway yesterday. Seems every year things are getting a touch harder to do. But we both are getting up there in years. The main thing is, we have to learn our limits of what we can and cannot do. That’s where things gets interesting ha ha. Anyways, life is good for most parts, so not complaining. Have a great day. GW

Morning Report Feb 28/2020

Good morning. Well … it’s a cold morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures were sitting at -15.5 C | 4.1 F. It will warm up a wee bit as the day moves forward. But not much. Then on Sunday things will start to change for the good with temperatures rising above the freezing mark, and the long range after that is looking good. Highway 522 is snow covered this morning and I suspect will remain that way for most of the day. Travelling won’t be the greatest. The sun is trying to come out at the moment but I think for most parts, it will remain mostly cloudy for the rest of the day. On another note, our wood furnace is doing its job for the past day or so. I usually don’t use it if the temperatures are up near the thawing point, but when its cold as it is now, it sure feels good. The heat it throws off takes the cold right out of the body. With that, I am off for my morning cup of coffee and then if it warms up a bit will see about cleaning our driveway. Have a great day.

Morning Report Feb 27/2020

We are back to winter here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Over night we had close to 6 inches or so. It is still coming down and will continue throughout the day. We could see another 6 to 10 inches by tonight. Highway 522 is snow covered with some icy sections throughout. Not a good day for travelling and distance. Temperatures have cooled down also sitting at -11.7 C | 10.94 F. It will get a bit colder as the day progresses and even colder tonight. So with them temperatures I am off to light up my wood furnace and then have my morning cup of coffee. Today I will remain in the house here and relax a bit. Have a great day and if out stay safe. GW

Morning Report Feb 26/2020

It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures are a touch cool sitting at -10.6 C | 12.92 F. Highway 522 at this time is bare and dry, but that will change later on this afternoon and into tonight. It does look like that a storm is tracking our way and we could see up to 12 inches or so of new snow before it has gotten it out of its system, late in the day tomorrow. So if your in need of things in town this would be the day to go get it. We didn’t have any new snow over night. Other than that not to much to report here this morning, so I am off for my morning cup of coffee. I might make a run to the dump, I have to check and see what I have waiting. Ha Ha. Have a good one and if out tonight and tomorrow take care when driving. GW

Morning Report Feb 25/2020

We all woke up to sunshine once again here in Port Loring, Ontario. Temperatures have cooled down some, sitting at -4.6 C | 23.72 F. It will continue to be cool until Sunday, then it should start to warm up once again. Which will get rid of a lot of snow. There is a storm heading in our direction which should make an appearance starting tomorrow night, or late in the day tomorrow. But as I say it all depends on which way it decides to go. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning which will make travelling good. We didn’t have any snow overnight. Yesterday and the day before with temperatures being up there we did loose about half of our snow. I would say we have around 6 inches or so left, a bit more in certain areas. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and then will do some things around the house here. There is always something to do owning a home. But in saying that, it is nice to own your own home. LOL Have a great day. GW

Morning Report Feb 24/2020

Good morning from Port Loring. Ontario. Great looking morning with lots of sunshine. IT will turn cloudy after a bit. Temperatures were sitting at -1.6 C | 29.12 F. It will warm up quite a bit as the day progresses. Which should get rid of a lot of snow. The only issue is that starting tomorrow we could see more snow in the amount of 6 – 8 inches or so. It all depends on which way the storm that is approaching us wants to go. Along with that, temperatures will drop some and remain a bit cool for the remainder of the week. But after that is out of its system, we will be back to some warmer temperatures. We can’t really complain as it is still February. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, so if your in need of a few things in the big city LOL this would be the day to go and get them. For us we are set for a few days. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and then do some work on my Podcasts and Columns. Have a great day. GW

Morning Report Feb 23/2020

Good Morning. More sunshine for us here in Port Loring Ontario, this morning. Clouds will enter into the picture as the day progresses. But on the good side of things, it will warm up a lot. Waking up temperatures were sitting at -3.2 C | 26.24 F. It will rise above the freezing mark as the day progresses. No snow overnight. Highway 522 is bare throughout which will make travelling good today. The only other issue with the highway is how rough it is. That is caused with the frost coming out of the ground and heaving things up in places. Things will settle down once we get closer to spring. But in saying that, care should be taken not to drive to fast as them bumps and things can take a toll on your vehicles suspension. On another note, I am thinking those that have ice huts on the lakes should be taking extra care these days, especially with these warmer temperatures entering into the picture. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will let the day unfold around me. Might wash the car and get some fresh air in a bit. Have a good day. GW

Morning report

Good morning. Well we are having our share of sunshine for the past couple days. This morning once again it is showing off, which sure makes the day feel more comfortable. Highway 522 is bare throughout which will make travelling quite nice today. We didn’t have any snow overnight. Temperatures waking up were sitting at -3.9 C | 24.98 F. So being so warm I won’t start the wood furnace this morning. As a matter of fact, I let it go out overnight. So today we will burn a wee bit of oil if necessary. Good to use it once in awhile, as in doing so it keeps things working properly. It’s like anything in life, use it or loose it. Today I am into doing some work around the house here helping my lovely wife. Then I will get back to my Podcasts and Newspaper Columns. On the good side of things, I would think a bit later on today we will see some snow melting as it will warm up a lot more than it is right now, and will continue nice into tomorrow. We could see temperatures reaching a high of 5 C/40 F. Hmm, if I find some time I might just wash our car. It’s kind of dirty with the roads being the way they are. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will let the day unfold around me.

Morning Report Feb 20/2020

Good morning. Well … once again we are having some sunshine, here in Port Loring Ontario. It has cooled down some over night and this morning it is sitting at -21.1 C | -5.98 F. But the cold will be ushered out, with tomorrow being quite warm with lots of sunshine. Highway 522 is partially covered with snow and some ice throughout this morning. Travelling will okay later on this morning. We didn’t have anymore snow overnight. Yesterday my wife and I did get most of our driveway cleaned out, but a friend was in the area and dropped by to see us. He had a plow on the front of his truck so he cleaned the most of it with ease. Worked out well. Today I am going to work away on some stories for my Columns and then will work on some more Podcasts I have in the works. Keeps me busy and in time I would like to have all my stories put into Podcasts. It will take a lot of doing, as I have over 2000 in total. But a little at a time gets things done, or so they say LOL. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Have a great day. GW

Morning Report Feb 19/2020

Lots of sunshine here this morning in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We didn’t get the snow they said or figured we would get through the night. Still … we will have to clean the driveway and things with what occurred yesterday. So, we will get our exercise once again. Highway 522 is pretty well bare throughout with a few snow covered areas. Travelling should be good though. We also should see lots of sunshine throughout the day which will make things nicer. Nearing the end of the week temperatures will rise quite a bit. We will then see some melting starting to take place. Temperatures were a bit cool this morning, but nothing like we did have a few days ago. Waking up they were sitting at -13.7 C | 7.34 F. It will warm up a touch shortly. On the ground we have around 8 inches or so of snow in total. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and then see if I can work up enough energy to do some work outside. Have a great day.

Morning Report Feb 18/2020

Good Morning. Cloudy snowy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Over night we didn’t get no snow to speak of but this morning is another story. Snow started around 7:00 AM this morning and I suspect it will continue to do so for most the day. We could see around 4-6 inches or so when all said and done. But on the good side of all this it isn’t as cold with temperatures sitting at -3.9 C | 24.98 F. Highway 522 is snow covered and probably will remain that way for most the day. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee. Have a good one.

Morning Report Feb 17/2020

We are starting the day off here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada with sunshine for a change. I have to tell ya, it makes my day. We didn’t have anymore snow overnight. Highway 522 is partially covered mostly frost. There is a few icy sections throughout. Care should be taken until the sun has a chance to do its work. There is a chance of some really heavy snow tonight and into tomorrow. The reason for that is the change in temperatures from very cold to not so cold. Put them together and, well … things happen. So … we will see what develops. I might have to start my snowblower tomorrow or the next day. But nearing the end of the week we should be into some warmer weather along with some sunshine. On another note we had a whole house iron out filter system installed in the basement and while he was at it we had him remove all the old pipes and taps, gauges and things too, and install new. I have to tell you, it sure made a huge difference in our water. It’s great for drinking washing dishes or what ever. Should have done it years ago. One of the best investments we made. Not cheap by no means, but well worth it, and it sure made my wife happy. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Have a great day. GW

Morning Report Feb 16/2020

All signs are showing that the really cold weather has left us for another year and spring will be earlier than what we are used to here in Port Loring Ontario. On another note its a bit cloudy here this morning. The good news is … it isn’t as cold with temperatures sitting at -3.3 C | 26.06 F. And we didn’t get the 3 or 4 inches of snow they said we would be getting. Makes me happy as I can get back into my story writing and Podcasts. Highway 522 is pretty well bare this morning, but there are a few icy sections throughout. Travelling should be good though. Tomorrow is Family day, not sure how many of you take it off. Every day to me is Family day LOL but, if it takes a holiday for some, so be it. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then see what mischief I can get myself into. I am good at doing that and leaving trails, so my wife says. GW

Morning Report Feb 15/2020

Once again the sun is hiding from us here in Port Loring, Ontario. We didn’t have any more snow overnight to speak of, but we are getting some flurries this morning. It will probably continue throughout the day and into tonight. We could see around 3 or 4 inches. Then if we are lucky we might see some sunshine for tomorrow. Temperatures though are much warmer than yesterday morning that’s for sure. Waking up they were sitting at -7.1 C | 19.22 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. Highway 522 is partially covered with snow, but not too bad at this time, but things will change shortly so travelling won’t be the greatest today. My wife and I went to town yesterday, which in-spite of the cold weather it turned out quite nice. We even had some sunshine for our trip in and back home. The roads were really good which made things just that much nicer. While there we had lunch with our son Karl and a nice chat, then picked up a few supplies. Great day. But no matter how you cut it, it takes a full day to go to North Bay and back home. At any rate, we are stocked up once again for a few weeks. Today I will be working on some Podcasts and kind of take things a bit easy. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee. Have a good one. GW