All posts by George Walters

Obama Says Reconciliation With Taliban

This sounds nice in writing but I can pretty well tell ya it will never happen.  Not over there in that country.  My opinion only.

President Barack Obama is holding out hope that U.S. forces in Afghanistan can peel away elements of the Taliban and possibly move them toward reconciliation. We or anyone else shouldn’t be over there anyways.  Hundreds of good men and women from Canada and USA gone forever.

Stolen Chicken

Take notice of the name on the bags they were put in to sell to folks.  Kind of makes you think Huh

Police are warning consumers to check their chicken after a shipment of the meat was stolen, repackaged and sold to unsuspecting customers.

A tractor-trailer with a large quantity of pre-packaged boneless, skinless chicken breasts was stolen near Paris, Ont. on Wednesday. The next day, police found the stolen chicken in an industrial building near Kipling Ave. and Rexdale Boulevard.

They discovered the meat had been opened and re-packed for sale in large plastic bags.

Although police didn’t specify where the chicken was found, they said the building wasn’t designed for meat processing.

Police don’t know whether the chicken was properly refrigerated or sanitarily packaged, meaning the meat could be unsafe to eat.

The chicken was sold with a label reading “Boneless Chicken Breast Meat” and “Wing Zhing Trading Ltd.”

Police are asking anyone who bought it to throw it away and contact them at 416-808-2373.

Greyhound Bus Killer

You know here is a fellow that went out and killed another human being in cold blood. Now with a good lawyer and the medical profession behind him this fellow is only going to jail.  I gotta’ tell ya, I sure don’t have much use for our justice system the way it is being run today.  I would love to tell ya what I think should be done with him. But I won’t as I think you all know.   My Opinion Only

Vince Li, who this week was found not criminally responsible for the beheading of a fellow Greyhound bus passenger in Manitoba last summer, will not be walking free any time soon, says an expert on issues involving mental illness.  Won’t be walking around any time too soon. What the heck is that for a statement.  I don’t know where this world is headed.

Unions Say No Pay Cuts. Kind Of Makes You Think HUH?

General Motors is struggling to survive, Chrysler has eliminated a shift in Windsor, yet the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) executive says that it can’t make wage concessions?

Some CAW members get 10 weeks paid vacation, family law legal fees, fully funded pensions and a good wage. Yet these people expect other Canadians to underwrite the “largest unsecured loan in Canadian history.” The federal government is not in the business of saving businesses, nor is the Canadian taxpayer.

The car industry –as it exists now — in Canada is dead. If automakers and their unions are willing to make the industry viable, they can. But don’t expect other Canadians to keep propping up a failed industry.  I say if they don’t want to help themselves why should we.  Simple as that.  My Opinion Only


Just one more reason to get to growing your own garden come spring. Which by the way isn’t to far off. Also look for my new gardening book comiing out April 2nd 2009   not far off either.

If you don’t already eat broccoli regularly, you could be putting your ability to breathe easily at risk. The reason? Research by University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) scientists concludes sulforaphane, a natural compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables (like Brussels sprouts and cauliflower), appears to protect against respiratory inflammation that causes asthma, allergic rhinitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other conditions that make it hard to breathe.

The Battle Against Big Pharmaceuticals

Well they have had their way for a good number of years and now it’s time they get what they deserve in some cases.  I also believe though that one should make sure they know what they are putting into their body before they do it.  Do the research before taking the steps, my old Dad used to say. My Opinion Only

In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against Wyeth in the Diana Levine case, setting a crucial precedent in the battle against Big Pharmaceuticals. The ruling ends an important part of the Big Pharma / FDA conspiracy racket that sought to market extremely dangerous (and even deadly) drugs while providing full legal immunity to drug companies, even when those companies actively lied about the safety of their drugs by hiding negative drug studies from the public and the FDA.

The decision has hit Big Pharma hard. The industry, already reeling from layoffs and a loss of innovation, is now facing a wave of lawsuits from potentially hundreds of thousands of people who have been harmed by dangerous prescription medications. The legal path for such lawsuits has now been cleared, and drug companies can no longer claim legal immunity just because they managed to deceive the FDA into declaring their dangerous chemicals were “approved.”

Over Prescribing Antibiotics

For years medical doctors prescribed antibiotics for almost everything and anything when it came to infections.  Overuse of these antibiotics has resulted in “super bugs” – bacteria that is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Serious consequences can result from this resistance; stronger antibiotics are being discovered but eventually bacteria will become resistant to those as well. On a personal health level, antibiotics result in gastrointestinal changes because along with killing off bad bacteria they also kill of the good bacteria necessary for digestion. Destroying the bacteria also increases the chance for even more infections. To help restore the bacteria in ones stomach I highly recommend you take Acidophilus & Bifidus each tablet containing 6 billion live cells.  Actually I am on it now and it has helped me immensely. I take one capsule with each meal. My Opinion Only

Exrays And Why To Stay Away From Them

Scary stuff for sure.  I know for one I am not going for exrays just for the sake of it. Just wished I didn’t go in for the ones I have had so far.  Got talked into them and the trouble is not one of them did one thing to help me.  Take A Look at this article Might save you some grief in the future.

A new report released by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement reveals that Americans’ exposure to radiation has increased more than 600 percent over the last three decades. Most of that increase has come from patients’ exposure to radiation through medical imaging scans such as CT scans and mammograms.

Most patients have no awareness of the dangers of ionizing radiation due to medical imaging scans. Virtually no patients — and few doctors — realize that one CT scan exposes the body to the equivalent of several hundred X-rays (, for example. Most women undergoing mammograms have no idea that the radiation emitted by mammography machines actually causes cancer by exposing heart and breast tissue to dangerous ionizing radiation that directly causes DNA damage.

Even low doses of radiation can add up to significant increases in lifelong cancer risk. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (2007) found that survivors of the 1945 atomic bombs unleashed on Japan during World War II still faced significant increases in lifetime cancer risk. And the levels of radiation to which these particular study subjects were exposed is equivalent to receiving only two or three CT scans, explains an ABC News story (…).

Yes, it’s true: A couple of CT scans can expose your body to as much radiation as standing a few miles from an atomic bomb explosion. This is a simple scientific fact.

Herbal Medicine Works Again

I like it when this happens to folks.  Goes to prove that one just has to seek out help from Mother Nature, as she is just a waitin’ to help us.

64 year old Janet Hafner says she’s been off her diabetes medicine for nearly 6 months and she’s been controlling her high cholesterol through herbal medicines.
She says not only is it good for her pocketbook but her overall health.
Hafner says,  “To be able to control it better and to know I am not going to have to increase medications and add more medications and eventually go on insulin.”

Banker Humor

A young banker decided to get his first tailor made suit. So he went to the finest tailor in town and got measured for a suit. A week later he went in for his first fitting. He put on the suit and he looked stunning, he felt that in this suit he can do business.

As he was looking at himself in front of the mirror he reached down to put his hands in the pockets and to his surprise he noticed that there were no pockets. He mentioned this to the tailor who asked him, “Didn’t you tell me you were a banker?”

The young man answered, “Yes, I did.”

To this the tailor said, “Who ever heard of a banker with his hands in his own pockets?”

Humor, I Got To Remember This One When I Go For A Trip

A man walks into a bank and says he wants to borrow $2,000 for three weeks. The loan officer asks him what kind of collateral he has. The man says “I’ve got a Rolls Royce — keep it until the loan is paid off — here are the keys.” The loan officer promptly has the car driven into the bank’s underground parking for safe keeping, and gives the man $2,000.

Three weeks later the man comes into the bank, pays back the $2,000 loan, plus $10 interest, and regains possession of the Rolls Royce. The loan officer asks him, “Sir, if I may ask, why would a man who drives a Rolls Royce need to borrow two thousand dollars?”

The man answers, “I had to go to Europe for three weeks, and where else could I store a Rolls Royce for that long for ten dollars?”

Big Banks Cut Lending Rates

Big banks cut lending rates.

You know this statement proves how folks minds have been swayed into thinking that things like this is a good thing.  When the banks cut rates it doesn’t help the working man one bit.  Also doesn’t help the economy one bit either.  Reason being if folks don’t have a job they shouldn’t be borrowing anyways.  All that lowering the rates do is make money for the banks, simple as that. They aren’t out there to help you, they are out there to make money.  Don’t take folks much in the way of thinking to figure that out.    My Opinion Only

Are You Smarter Than Your Right Foot?

See if you can outsmart your foot, bet you can’t. 1) While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. 2) Now, while doing this, draw the number “6” in the air with your right hand. 3) Your foot will change direction. I told you so. And, there’s nothing you can do about it! Go ahead: KEEP TRYING ALL YOU WANT. Have a great day.

Camp Potatoes Hmmm Good

4 Potatoes, sliced
4 Onions, sliced
4 tb Butter or margarine
10 oz Cheddar cheese, sharp
Salt & pepper to taste

Grease a large square of heavy foil. Arrange sliced potatoes on foil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover with sliced onions. Add chunks of butter or margarine. Wrap and seal foil. Cook over hot coals on a grill until done (30 or 40 minutes depending on fire). Open foil and add thin-sliced cheddar strips. Cover again and grill for a couple of minutes, until cheddar melts. Only thing left to do is to sit back and enjoy!

The War In Afghanistan

Now here is an article in today’s paper that I agree with, well part of it.  I think Harper did the right thing in saying what he did.  First off there is no way we can win this war for Afghanistan.  If they want a good country to live in they are going to have to get off their buts and do it their selves.  We and other countries have helped them to much as it is, and the more we do the less they will do. That is fact.  Anyone can see that if they take a minute to look.  Some say why it took so long for Harper to see things. That’s a real dumb question, as he wasn’t the one that put the troops there to begin with.  Takes time to make things right, so no way can folks get to blaming him.  So take a look at the article for what it is worth.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s candid statement that the Taliban cannot be defeated — and that responsibility for the war must instead be given to Afghans — was endorsed on Monday by John Manley, who chaired an authoritative 2008 investigation into Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.

But others are asking why the Canadian government has taken so long to admit that NATO’s military efforts are not working.  As I said what a dumb question I sure would like to see who is doing the asking.  My Opinion Only.

Home Made Bread

Home made bread saves money and is so much healthier for you. Using fresh ingredients will cost less than a store-bought loaf. The bread which results will be nutritious and tasty, with endless variety. Many people fear that making bread is a long and complicated process. Instead you will find it leisurely and relaxing, requiring attention for short periods of time throughout the process. Adding bread baking to your routine will reap health and benefits for years to come. Why not take control of your health by making your own bread? It costs much less and you know what ingredients are in it.
The practice of making bread has been around for six thousand years. Yet, many people feel intimidated at the prospect of making bread.
Baking bread does not have to be a fussy or time consuming thing. Anyone can fit bread making into their schedule. It really only needs a few minutes of attention here and there. As you get more comfortable with the process, you will find that your bread choices are limited only by your imagination.
Always make more bread than you think you will use. Bread is a very sociable commodity. There is always someone to share a loaf of fresh baked bread.