All posts by George Walters

Dear Zachary: a letter to a son about his father.” A Movie You All Should Watch

You know, for years I have always said that a lot of our laws here in Canada aren’t worth the ink to put them on paper and still do.  For most parts a lot of these laws we have, only protect the guilty and the innocent get hurt or killed.   The guilty here in Canada in a lot of cases goes Scot free, or if anything, they are out on bail in a matter of hours.   I sit back some times and wonder, what goes through these Powers To Be’s minds, knowing though that I can never figure them out, as, well, their minds are corrupt in ways beyond my vision or thinking.   Now why I am writing this article, is to promote a movie, that I think every one here in Canada should watch, maybe watch twice.     It’s called; Dear Zachary: a letter to a son about his father.” This movie I should tell you, is one that will stay with you for the rest of your life.  It also shows you how the laws here in Canada can let the guilty go free and how that in part allows the innocent to get killed.

Here is  a link if you are thinking like I am, so that you can write your member in Parliament and let them know your thoughts on the subject. What they do with your letter? Well who knows but if for nothing else you have done your part in maybe saving another person’s life.  Also, there is a lot of other info about the movie when you get to this site, so take a minute to look around.  After that or before if you so choose, go on out and  pick up a copy, sit down and see how a bit of our legal system here in Canada works. Just click the link below where it says, Dear Zachary: Support Bail Reform. My Opinion Only

Dear Zachary: Support Bail Reform

“Books By The Bay” July 17th-19th

Just thought I would keep you folks informed of the upcoming event, Books By The Bay.  It will be held in Callander July 17 – 19.   My lovely wife and myself will be speaking for a half hour or so on July 17th, at 7:30 PM.  Hope to see you all there and make sure you say hello.  Looking forward to it.  Here is the link, it will take you to a place where everything is explained.    Run your mouse over the Books By The Bay Below, click on it and wolla!!!

Books By The Bay

Book Signing Picture, At Gulliver’s In North Bay

Thought I would share a picture of my lovely wife and myself at our book signing in North Bay.  The picture was taken by our very good friend Suzanne Brooks, owner of Gulliver’s in North Bay.

I would also like to give you a link to Gulliver’s in North Bay, as my books are readily available for you there also, along with lots of others. Great folks to deal with too.    Here is the link. Just run your mouse over where it says, Gulliver’s – Home Page, click, and your on your way.

Gullivers – Home Page

Ruth & George Walters. Picture taken by Suzanne Brooks. Great picture.

When A Soft Drink Comes To Mind, Think, Aspartame

You know, I was reading the paper the other day and spotted this article about the schools here in Ontario are thinking they might not allow regular soft drinks in the schools anymore, unless they only sell the diet kind with Aspartame.  Now being an old farmer, I got to thinking about them few words. As over the years I have dealt with all kinds of poisons, pesticides and things.  Through my eyes, Aspartame is not a good thing to be putting into anyone’s body, especially our young ones.  It has been found to  lead to the degeneration of brain cells and various mental disorders, according to a research review conducted at the University of Pretoria and the University of Limpopo and published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  But myself I think it does a lot more than just that once in your body.  Now that is just a couple places that has done some research on the stuff, there are hundreds more.  But it doesn’t take a scientist to see how dangerous Aspartame is.  How would I know? Well, here is a simple experiment you could try which will show you how dangerous this stuff really is.   Just take a few packages and sprinkle it around an Ant Hill.  The ants will take the sweetener  back to their nest, which in turn after just a few short days kill the whole nest.  Kind of makes you think doesn’t it.  The best you can do, if you so desire a soft drink, is to drink the regular kind, not the one with aspartame in it, along with remembering the word, moderation.    I firmly believe, that today these so called health officials all got blinders on. and as my old Dad used to say. “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Hey! I like a good old coke every once in a while, as well as the next guy or gal.  So … when I seen this article I just had to, well you all know, yep, let you know my opinion on the subject.

Black Fly Season Is Upon Us Here In The North

Well I got to tell you, them old black flies are sure out there with a vengeance this year.   I just hill-ed up my tomatoes and moved a few things around a bit in my veggie garden and looking down at my pant legs I seen they were just covered.  They are pretty smart too, as they like to climb up under your clothes and have lunch.   The doctor told me I was looking good the other day, when I went in for a visit, saying. “You must be outside a lot George, as you have lost your winter weight.”  I said, “Yep, but I think the reason for loosing a bit of weight is that the black flies are carrying me off a little at a time.”   They don’t usually bother me to much, but they sure love my wife.  Reason being they like to get into her hair and hide.  Thing one has to remember is, not to put on any smelly soaps or perfumes.   Folks that wear them things up here in our neck of the woods are just asking for trouble, as they can smell you a mile away, and they know it’s humans they are smelling too.  But they will soon be gone as I spotted a couple dragon flies, and once they  get to eating it doesn’t take them long to clean them up.   Also the bats eat a lot of skitters, so don’t be trying to rid your back yard of them.  Also remember, if you got some Comfrey growing in your back yard, it is one of the best things you can put on your bites and things, as it will stop the itch within minutes.  Also buy up some ivory soap and wash your face and hands with it as the bugs doesn’t like the smell.  Mothers Day to Fathers Day I always say that’s when the black flies are at their worst.   So………………there you go, will talk at you all a bit later.  Thinking, nice cup of coffee now and watch my wife dust the house.  Rough life huh???

Bell & Others Are Throttling Its Wholesale Customers, In Other Words The Little Guy

You know, every once in awhile us older folks have to look to the younger ones for help.  Or should say, look to the younger ones to keep us up to date on what is happening in the high tech world of today. Now take the Internet.  Over in China now the Powers That Be are controlling what one looks at on the Internet.  Won’t happen here in Canada some say.  Well I am not so sure about that.  As a  matter of fact, I know it will happen, just a matter of time.  That is, if something isn’t done and done quickly.  I am lucky that I have two pretty high tech sons to rely on, when it comes to me being informed with things like this, which is a good thing.  Take Bell now.  For years they have been trying to get the CRTC to take their side in what some say is Internet throttling.  Not a good thing in my eyes and if this isn’t stopped, it will eventually be bad for anyone using the Internet.  Here is a few words from a good company that I use and like.  Don’t go and think I am trying to sway your thinking or moving to another company either, as I am not, I am just saying that if you are interested in enjoying the Internet, saving the Internet, then take a look at this article.  Then, if you feel like I do, click on the link and let the Powers That Be, know your feelings. Don’t have much time either.  Doing so will give you a good feeling inside that at the very least, you did your part to keep the interent a free place to come to for advice and good rates and not being dictated to on what you can watch.  I should also say it’s not only Bell that is taking part in this power trip, it’s the large cable folks too  So……………all the blame can’t be put just on Bell.   Take a look.

In March 2008 Bell started throttling its Wholesale Customers (TekSavvy among a group of many) without notice. We attempted to have the CRTC force Bell to stop as it removed our ability to do business and give Market choice.  The throttling was done in the name of congestion, even if Bell, at the same time launched higher speeds (which they did not share with their wholesalers) and also dabbled with launching IPTV, which consumes even more capacity.

The CRTC sided with Bell in November 2008 but launched a Public Hearing to discuss Network Management Practices, clearly showing they made a decision on throttling without having all the details in hand to do so.  As a result we launched a request to reverse their decision from November (The Review & Vary) in May 2009.

The only way we are going to make a difference at this point is to get full public support to stop companies like Bell from bullying the market and the regulators!  The Telecom and Cableco Monopolies control 96% of our marketplace, so if we don’t stand up and voice our concerns, this will become a two party dance where choices and services are going to be completely removed and rates raised to unreasonable levels!

Here are the details on how to submit your comments:

1) Go to:

2) Select “Part VII / PN ” from the drop down list and then click “Next”

3) In box entitled “Subject” line, insert “CRTC File #:

4) In the box entitled “Description / Comments / Questions”, insert any comments that you may have on the review and vary application.

5) If you would like to attach a document, select “yes” and follow the instructions for attaching a file.

As indicated in the Title, I believe the deadline is June 22nd, so don’t wait to long

PS – R&V details here:

Oh, an if your thinking it is to much work to do this, well……… it isn’t.  Just click on the link. Copy the information they show ya, and paste the information in the subject line, simple as that. Takes only a minute of your time and easy to do and leave them a comment on your feelings.

My Opinion Only

Merck Pushing HPV Vaccine

Now I find this an interesting topic.  Thing is we have to take control of our own life’s and not let these drug companies dictate to us what we should be or should not be doing these days.  My opinion only.

Take a look: Currently, Merck is still hawking its Gardasil vaccine to young girls (in spite of all of the adverse effects that have been reported) and also wants it to be used on older women and even young boys. In light of all of the Vioxx news, how many people will want to roll up their sleeves? Parents really must think seriously about whether they should trust the health of their children to companies that have a history of putting profits ahead of people.

Things One Can Do For A Healthy Body.

You know for years now, I have tried my hardest to figure out natural things that fight diseases and things without taking prescription drugs. If one would ask me what the biggest of all the things that one could do,  I would say this.  First off, I think we all eat to much protein.   Some comes from beans which is not so bad, but most comes from meat.  Now don’t get me wrong, I  like a good old steak just like the next fellow or gal, just that I kind of figure that we shouldn’t be eating as much.  I have maybe one steak every four months, if that.  I would have to say that if we cut back on the protein we would all be a lot better off.  One reason is that protein covers our cells which some would say is a good thing. I say not so, as it also covers cancer cells.  So the problems then arises I figure, as our bodies defences can’t get through the protein to kill the cancer cells,  which gives cancer a chance to grow and spread.  If we didn’t eat as much protein, the cancer cells would be vulnerable and well our bodies defences wouldn’t let them spread.  Now how does one get to eating things that eat protein.  Well simple. The next time you are at the grocery store, instead of stocking up with meat, especially red meat, by pass it, and get right to the part that is good for you.  Yep the veggie section.  Once you get into eating more veggies you will notice a huge difference in the way you feel.  Just one more reason to get out there and get your own garden to growing.  But as I always say, if you can’t get to planting a garden then try and buy organic. Seeking out a good old farmer and buying directly from him, would be a step in the right direction.  So there you  go, a bit on my feelings of what one simple thing a person can do to prevent them nasty diseases from getting to you.  Final note. I believe with all my heart, that finding a cure for cancer isn’t the answer. It’s preventing it.  But saying that i also believe one can beat it too. Not with radiation, or all them drugs they keep pushing on one, but with just using common sense.  I for the life of me can’t understand why anyone would subject themselves to all them side effects, but hey who am I?  My opinion only.

Gulliver’s Quality Books and Toys / Book Signing

Thought I would share a picture of my book signing at Gulliver’s Book store down town North Bay on May 9’2009.   Was a great day and had a great turn out too.  Would also like to say thanks to Suzanne,  her staff & Steve Hardy, managing editor from the North Bay Nugget and very importantly all you folks that dropped by, for making our day so enjoyable.  Great place and if your in need for books or gifts, or just a place to browse, well this is the store for you.   You won’t be disappointed.   Thanks Folks!

Myself & Suzanne Brooks Owner Of Gulliver's Quality Books & Toys, North Bay Ontario
Myself, My Lovely Wife Ruth & Steve Hardy, Managing Editor of North Bay Nugget
Myself signing books for Lucien Lafontaine

Book Signing At Powassan Farm & Pet Store, Great Day!

Well we had an excellent day at the book signing in Powassan on Saturday June 6/2009.  Had a great turn out and folks came from all over to see my lovely wife and myself.  It was held at the Powassan Farm & Pet Centre 788 Main StreetBetty the owner, out did herself in making us feel right at home. Our thanks goes out to Betty, her staff, and all the folks that happened by.




Book Signing In Powassan June 6/2009

For those that are interested, I will be signing books in Powassan at the Powassan Farm & Pet Centre, 788 Main Street,  from 10:30 AM to around 2:00 PM Saturday June 6th. My new gardening book, Join Me In The Garden, is now out and in the stores.  I also would be more than happy to answer your questions on gardening or farming.  Going to be a great day, as it is their appreciation day, so drop by and say hello to Betty and all her staff, along with myself and my lovely wife. Also there is going to be a barbecue from 11:00 AM to around 1:00 PM, so bring along your appetite too.  Hope to see you there.

Saturday Morning Humor

A bit of humor for your Saturday morning coffee.  Thinking back to my farming days I would have to say it’s true too.  Have a good weekend.

Old ranch owner John farmed a small ranch in Montana.
 The Montana Wage and Hour Department claimed
 he was not paying proper wages to his workers and sent an
 agent out to interview him.'I need a list of your
 employees and how much you pay them,' demanded the agent.

'Well,' replied old John,
'There's my ranch hand who's been with me for 3 years.
 I pay him $600 a week plus free room and board.
 The cook has been here for 18 months,
 and I pay her $500 a week plus free room and board.
 Then there's the half-wit
 who works about 18 hours every day and does about 90%
 of all the work around here.
 He makes about $10 per week, pays his own room and board
 and I buy him
 a bottle of bourbon every Saturday night.'

'That's the guy I want to talk to, the half-wit,' says the agent.

'That would be me,' replied old rancher John.

Cancer & Remedies

You know when I get to thinking about health these days I get the feeling that some folks don’t want us to get better.  Take cancer one of the worst diseases going.  After all these years, why hasn’t a cure been found?  Well, I don’t think I have to tell you why a cure hasn’t been found, as I figure most folks already know the answer to that question, or should know.  At any rate.  My way of thinking is that the cure for cancer is in prevention, yep prevention.   Thing is today folks minds have been swayed and some no longer think for themselves.  I kind of figure that maybe there is more than a few out there too, but lets leave it at that for now.  I remember years ago an old doctor friend of mine saying that if folks got more vitamin D and calcium, that cancer could be cut in half if not more.  Where does Vitamin D come from.  The good old sunshine.  Today though they are telling folks to stay  out of the sun as it gives one cancer.  I say, all the things they are selling you to protect you from the sun is a lot of the problem. Today folks hardly get outside at all any more. Sit here right where I am now behind a computer, inside, no sun can get near a fellow or a gal.  Thank goodness I only do my writing for a short time, as I am outside in the sunshine for most the day, hours on end.  Sure you have to ease your way into the sunshine if you  aren’t used to it but like anything else think moderation.   Remember that us humans are a part of nature, so get outside and enjoy it, as without it, we are nothing. So……………… again, don’t be fooled, do your own thinking and as my old Dad used to say and I like this one.  Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.  My Opinion Only.

Here is another view on the subject, not mine, but something to think about. Take A Look

One of the most common side effects of chemotherapy is, ironically, cancer. It’s a classic example of conventional medicine: The “treatment” for the disease promotes yet more disease, resulting in guaranteed repeat business from patients (“customers”) who are never allowed to cure anything. Instead, diseases are “managed” with a lifetime of drugs, repeat doctor visits and complete isolation from anything that might actually cure the patient and end the cycle of dependency on doctors and pharmaceuticals. Hmmmmm.

Insurance Companies Hmmm.

You know folks, every once in awhile something comes along that really bugs me.  Oh…….. I know, some of you think a lot of things bug me, and I guess your right.   Anyways, like today I got my car insurance bill for the year in the mail.  As usual, it has gone up like everything else, but I suspected that.  Thing that got me was that there was an added $60.00 on my total bill.  I called about it and they told me it was an insurance that if I got into and accident that my rates wouldn’t go up and I wouldn’t loose my six star rating. I asked, “well, what would happen if I had an accident?”  They told me I would loose all my stars and my insurance would all but double.  I said, “you mean after dealing with your company for over forty years with no accidents to speak of, you wouldn’t give a fellow a break of some kind if it did happen?”  “Nope, they replied, the only way for you to protect yourself, is to pay the extra cost, which would cover you.”  Now I don’t know about you folks, but I kind of think this is just a bit of a rip offTaking advantage of a fellow in other words.  I am beginning to believe, that insurance companies today don’t like folks with a good track record.  Why would I say that?  Simple.  If one hasn’t had an accident or speeding ticket for sometime they get a low rate, or at least they should be getting a low rate.   So…….. the companies don’t make as much money. All boils down to the almighty dollar.  Again, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what they are up too, and in my case I have a good driving record, as my wife does, so what happens?  I get charged extra.  Some will say, be thankful I have that protection.  I say, we would all be better off without any insurance and go back to fending for ourselves like it was many years ago.  Let their be no suing folks any more and things like that and insurance wouldn’t be needed.    So…… such it is and I will pay it, as us old fellers sure can’t afford to have our insurance doubled if we have an accident, even if I haven’t had one in over thirty some years or so.  So there you have it, I had my say and that in itself is something.  Now, I wonder what the Powers That Be will come up with next that kind of ticks me off?  My Opinion Only.

Good Foods Mixed With Good Wisdom

You know, I figure that over half of all the cancers could be prevented by simple changes in diet and exercise.  Take Selenium, Selenium is a mineral that forms an important part of our immune defense function, as well as a component in heart muscle.  Where can one find it? Some can be found in meat, fish and vegetables.  Thing is one has to find the best source. Myself, I believe that home grown tomatoes are your best source.  If you can’t grow your own, then seek out organic, should say local organic, and talk to the folks that are selling the produce. Reason being, so that you can find out if they really are organic or not. Some folks like to say one thing, and do another.  Don’t let folks corrupt your mind my old Dad used to say.   I would also like to say that the combination of certain foods is the way to get the most out of things.  Now take tomatoes and broccoli. You combine them together and you have a major trump card in your fight against all kinds of cancers, and other diseases. Remember to use fresh tomatoes and fresh broccoli if it all possible.  I know, the powers to be probably don’t agree with me, but hey, I figure if they are entitled to dictate to me what is right and wrong through their eyes, well I deserve the right to say my feelings also.  Bottom line is this.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what the problems of today are, when it comes to health and beliefs.  One just has to look around and open ones eyes, simple as that.   And one last important item.  Don’t be fooled into doing things, or………….believing in things, that you feel deep down is wrong.  Believing is just a glorified word and that is all it is.  Heard a feller one time. say this. You can’t convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it’s based on a deep-seated need to believe.  Works for me.   My Opinion Only

General Motors Funding & Things

You know for most my life I haven’t believed that government ownership of things is right. Why?  Well anyone that works for the Government or any company owned by the Government only cost the tax payers money, and lots of it in my eyes, as  we the people have to foot the bill for anything the Governments do.  Now this funding GM or should say taking part ownership in it sure isn’t a good thing.  GM has been having trouble for years simple as that. Now think about this. Now that the Powers That Be have part ownership in the company what’s to happen with all the other car companies? Simple they are in trouble as you can bet that the Powers To Be now will be spending huge amounts of money trying to get folks to buy GM.  Not a good thing that’s for sure.   I got to say they sure are free with our money these days and to top it all of I never received one phone call asking me what my views were on the subject.  Ha Ha as if that would happen.  My Opinion Only.

Allergies And What You Can Do

Well……….. this is the time of year, that young ones, along with older folks get to honkin’ and sniffin’. Some call it allergies.  Myself, I call it  nature.  Thing is, one has to remember that all these things in the air that are causing our nose to run and things, are a part of living, a piece of the big picture, one might say.  As soon as some folks sneeze once, in the house they go, or head off to the drug store for a cure, or, if that don’t work they go to their doctor for some other kind of drugs.  I feel that 90% of all these drugs could and should be eliminated.  I feel we are being used as Ginny pigs,  to be experiment on, and so on, not to forget all the money that is being made by some folks.  So……… you say, OK, you had your opinion, what should I do about it, I am in dire need of some help here.  Well, I say this.  First off, find out what is really bothering you.  What is bothering you is natures way of letting you know you are not doing something right.  What you should be doing through my eyes is forcing yourself to become more accustom to these things.   Let it happen in other words.

You can do one thing though, that will help immensely if needed.  That is to make up a small potion of warm salt water with a touch of baking soda and rinse your nose a couple times a day.  Doing this will still allow you to keep the good bacteria up in there that is needed for good health, and at the same time help you to stop sneezing and things.  Also, eventually you will become accustom to the  new world out there and build up immunities, so eventually you will be able to get out there in the country and enjoy life like you should be doing.  Simple as that. So…….. again, don’t be fooled what the Powers That Be are trying to force down your throat, literary.   Think for yourself. You can do it, I believe in you.  My Opinion Only.

Don’t Be Fooled Live Your Own Life

People living in areas with more parks, trees and grass live longer and happier lives, with less violence and improved mental and physical health, according to research presented at the conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago.

I have been saying this for years.  Thing is nature is where we come from, were we are suppose to be, and, where we all end up.  Thing is  most can’t see it.  For me though, it’s like looking at a huge wall, it’s right there in front of me, can’t miss it.   So…………….don’t get wrapped up in the world of today, don’t be fooled by what the Powers That Be keep on tellin’ ya, as they don’t want you to believe that you can achieve what you want in life.  They want control over you, they don’t want you to think on your own.  Now get out there and enjoy your life to the fullest.  Live for today, make plans, and enjoy  nature, it’s all around you, as it is what you are.   My Opinion Only.

Humor For May 20/2009

Perks of being over Sixty 

1) Over Sixties - One-liners
1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you. 
2. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first. 
3. No one expects you to run into a burning building. 
4. People call at 9 PM and ask, "Did I wake you?" 
5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. 
6. There is nothing left to learn the hard way. 
7. Things you buy now won't wear out. 
8. You can eat dinner at 4 P.M. 
9. You can live without sex but not without glasses. 
10. You enjoy hearing about other peoples operations. 
11. You get into heated arguments about pension plans. 
12. You have a party and the neighbours don't even realise it. 
13. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge. 
14. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room. 
15. You sing along with elevator music. 
16. Your eyes won't get much worse. 
17. Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off. 
18. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service. 
19. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either. 
20. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size. 
21. You can't remember who sent you this list.

Long Weekend & Holiday For Some

You know for years now I just can’t figure why this country celebrates this months holiday a week ahead of the US A.  I guess they feel we should be different or ahead of the US for some reason. Maybe the powers that be hate being seen as the same as the US.  Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel we have to do everything the same as the US does but for this holiday I do feel it should be one week later.  Especially for us folks living here in the north. Why? Well, up here this time of year we are right in the middle of black fly season and for those that haven’t had to deal with these things, well let me just say they love humans.   One kind of love I can do without.   Another reason, it is always still cold and wet up here this time of year.  So with them two items alone it sure doesn’t make for a nice holiday weekend for folks coming to the north.   So there you go, my thoughts on this holiday weekend.  Guess I will go and put a log in the old wood furnace as we got ice on the pond and light snow falling this morning.   For my wife and I though, we never celebrate the holiday as given, we wait till the following weekend been that way in our family for over fifty years now.  Have a great day.