Morning Chat Dec 8/2020

Good Morning!. It’s a bit cloudy here in Port Loring, Ontario this morning. We should see some sunshine later on this morning. Yesterday after the clouds moved out of the area, we had a really nice day. I took advantage of it and brought a couple of wheelbarrow loads of dry pine I have in my bush for the shop stove. I don’t like burning up my nice dry hardwood, I save that for the wood furnace in the house. I then dug out a nice chopping blog I had lying around by the wood pile, which I planned on doing now for the past year or so. It never ceases to amaze me, how you know you should do something, but you never do it. The chopping block raises the wood up so you can split it easier, and it also is easier on the old back. LOL I then did a bit of work in the woodworking shop and later on in the day I did some work on a podcast I have on the go. There is always something to do. This morning I will do some more work in my shop, and then take it a bit easy in the afternoon. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning so that will make it nice for travelling. My wife and I don’t have to go anywhere for a couple of weeks, other than the post office. Which makes it nice as that way we don’t have to be around folks we don’t know. Best to be safe, then sorry with this virus among us. Other than that, not much happening in our small community these days. Now I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife and will then see what the day has in store. I just make the plans, the results … who knows. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right for yourself, family and friends. We are getting closer every day to the vaccine that hopefully starts to put an end to this mess we have been in for the past few months.

Open your eyes

Ontario is reporting an additional 138 cases in public schools across the province today, bringing the total in the last two weeks to 1,526 and 5,402 overall since school began.

And how many have they infected at home and other places?

Ah!!!!!! Do I need to say more? It doesn’t take a Philadelphia Lawyer to figure out what needs to be done. Since opening places like bars, churches, gyms and others. What has happened? Bottom line it all boils down to money, and votes, not what’s good for the people. But hey! That’s my opinion for what it’s worth.

Morning Chat Dec 7/2020

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy day starting things off here in Port Loring, Ontario Canada. We did have some sunshine later on in the day yesterday, and I suspect it will be about the same today. It is cold outside with the temperature sitting at -8.5 C | 16.7 F. It should warm up a wee bit as the day moves forward. Not much though, but if we do get some sunshine it will make it feel a lot nicer than it is. LOL. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning for most parts. There are some icy sections here and there … most, as I keep on saying going around the curves. You would think that would be the place they salt the most. LOL On another note my lovely wife put up some decorations outside and inside for Christmas. I have to say they do look nice, and they do get you in the spirit of Christmas. You know … I have been hearing a lot of folks saying that Christmas won’t be Christmas this year with this virus. Yes … that will be true for all those that have lost family members and friends. But Christmas in itself hasn’t changed. Not one bit. We all have exactly what we had last year, other than maybe doing a bit of shopping in the malls and visiting a wee bit. For my wife and I, even though we can’t see our boys, we are not going to let it get us down, not by a long shot. We will still have our Christmas tree, turkey dinner with all the trimmings and to top things off, we will be all watching our favourite movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. My wife and I along with our boys have been watching that movie every Christmas since it came out. Kind of a tradition around here. It will however be a touch different this year though as we can’t be together totally. So what we will be doing is using our laptop along with the phone … setting them up, so we can all be chatting together watching the movie at the same time. Everything will be the same but different. My old Dad always told me when something isn’t right, make it right. That is what that thing is on your shoulders is for. LOL I miss that old feller. At any rate that is what we are going to do. Every day is what you make it. If you let this virus get the better of you … it will. My family and I choose not to let that happen. Where there is a will there is a way of doing things, no matter what. With that, I am off for my cup of tea with my lovely wife and will then see what our day has to offer. As I always say every day is like a mystery novel. You just never know what the ending will be. “Stay safe, protect each other, love each other… but don’t get together this Christmas,”

Morning Chat Dec 6/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy cold morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature was sitting at -7.9 C | 17.78 F. It will warm up but not much as the day moves forward. The good part is we should see some sunshine later on today, tomorrow and the next day. That will be a welcome change. It seems no matter how cold it is, if the sun is shinning everything is better. Highway 522 is bare and dry for most parts. There are some icy sections here and there, so care should be taken on the curves. On another note my wife and I went to North Bay yesterday to pick up some groceries we order online. That way we don’t have to go into the stores. It was a nice trip in and back home. It’s good to get out once in a while and breathe some new air. While there we visited our son from the parking lot at his apartment, dropped him off a few homemade dinners his Mother made for him, and then drove around a bit, just to take in what others are doing, virus wise. And from what I see it’s not good, as the parking lots around the stores were full, along with the stores. It was actually hard to find a parking spot to eat our lunch that my wife made for us before we left. I am not sure where folks minds are these days, as with shopping online and curb side pick- up what more could you ask for? Bars and restaurants that are allowing folks inside in my mind is a bad thing. I say if you have to eat, get take out. If you want a damn beer, pick up a case and go home and enjoy it. Heck!! You can buy a case of six for the price you pay for one or two, at a bar or restaurant. And the thing is we are so close to having a vaccine. Just one more month. If it was up to me, I would close everything down completely for two months. Airports, churches, you name it. Leaving only the stores open we need to survive. To me the help we need right now, is right in front of us, but a lot of people just don’t give a damn, and they will keep on thinking that way, until they are made to do what’s right. The powers that be, should have nipped in the butt in the very beginning and stuck to their guns. If they had done that, it would have become a part of our life like some other countries. It wouldn’t have been nice, but we would have gotten by saving a lot of people from dying. Anyways, that is my rant for this morning. LOL With that I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife, and will then get to doing some woodworking, in my shop today. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right, to ease this virus from spreading.

Morning Chat Dec 4/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning once again here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We are having some rain mixed with a bit of ice at the moment. I don’t suspect it will amount to much and it should be a pretty nice weekend. Highway 522 is bare at this time, but there are some icy sections here and there, so care should be taken, if out and about. The temperature isn’t too bad neither for this time of year sitting at 1.4 C | 34.52 F. If the temperature drops a touch we could see around an inch of snow. As I said in other posts, I don’t suspect we will be having a real cold winter this year. We could see some snow though, but that all depends on how the storms track. At the moment they look as if they might by-pass us. Time will tell, as no one, not even the scientists really know what Mother Nature has in store. Now If you’re wondering, how these scientists really predict the weather. Read this bit of information below.

A Native American asked his chief about the coming winter.
“How bad will this winter be?” He asked.
“It is good to be prepared. Get some firewood ready” replied the chief.
The chief then called his friend in the national weather service to ask him. ” How bad will this winter be?”
The meteorologist said “this will be a pretty cold winter”
The chief then told his people what the meteorologist said. A few weeks later the chief called to ask again, just to be sure.
“Well,” said the meteorologist, “its gonna be worse than we thought this year.”
Again the chief relayed this to his people and told them to pile more firewood.
Right before the winter came, the chief called the meteorologist once more to ask, “how bad will this winter be?”
The meteorologist said “it’s gonna be worse than we thought”
The chief thanked the meteorologist and asked him “how do you get such accurate information?”
“Well, we have teams of scientists that study patterns to predict what the weather will be like. But we found that the most reliable method is
to just look at how much firewood the Native Americans have put away.”

I would have to say that is about right! LOL

On another note, I did do a wee bit of work in my woodworking shop yesterday. For one lone woodworker, I can sure make a mess. But … it is nice and clean, ready for the next project. And I do have some work to do, I just need to find the energy LOL. With that I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife, and will then see what develops for the rest of the day. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right for yourself, family … and friends.

Morning Chat Dec 3/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures though aren’t as cold as they were yesterday and with the clouds being like they are, I am thinking we might have a few flurries off and on today. Tomorrow will probably be the same. We did have a pile of snow yesterday, that’s for sure. I asked Kerry Booth this year to clean my driveway, that way it will be a bit easier for my wife and I. We actually have enough to clean up with the decks, parking lot, the snow behind our car and going into the shop. I also make some trails around a piece of our property so the wife and I can walk throughout the winter months to keep fit. Make it nice. Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning so travelling will be fair, but care should be taken as there are icy sections on some curves. Yesterday Kerry installed my new snow tires, so that should be a great help this winter keeping us out of the ditch. LOL My old ones were getting a touch wore down. They are okay for summer but with the snow and ice we get in our area we will feel a lot safer with the new ones. As they say … all it takes is money. But not complaining. Kerry is a good fellow and gives a person a fair price on things. Hard to find these days. Today I will take it a bit easy, my old back is acting up somewhat. Not sure why, it was fine all day yesterday and the week before. Does that sometimes. Sign of getting old I suspect. LOL With that I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife and will then get back into making a new podcast or two. I enjoy doing them and the fringe benefit is they keep the mind fit. Oh, first we have to help the lady next door, she is up in years, and she hasn’t a place to put her car out of the weather. So it needs some cleaning all around it, so she can use it. With that, take care and stay safe the virus is getting stronger than ever.

Morning Chat Dec 2/2020

Good Morning! It’s quite a change, weather wise here in Port Loring Ontario, Canada. Yesterday windy with heavy snow, and today sunshine. But it is much cooler with the temperature sitting at -8 C | 17.6 F. The sun should remain with is for most of the day. Over all, we had around a foot of snow in the past two days. Kind of pretty out there this morning. It’s amazing how Mother Nature can be so miserable, and then become so nice. I guess it is something like us humans in one respect. Crazy mixed up world we live in. Highway 522 is snow covered and I suspect will remain that way for most the day. More snow is on the way for late Thursday and Friday around another 2 inches or so. With that I am off for my morning cup of tea and a bite to eat, and then will see what the day has in store. Other than moving snow that is. Take care and stay safe.

Morning Chat Dec 1/2020

Good Morning. Dec 1/2020 here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada and elsewhere. I’t sure been quite a year. This morning we all woke up to around 5 inches of snow in our sleepy community. It is still snowing and will continue with more snow all day and into tomorrow. Which in turn, at the end of things will be a great amount. The temperature is sitting at -3.8 C | 25.16 F. I don’t think my wife and I will be going anywhere. The wind is supposed to pick up too as the day moves forward, which will bring a lot of drifting. Highway 522 is covered completely. I haven’t seen the plow as yet this morning. I did hear them going up and down the highway through the night a couple of times. Yesterday I lit my shop stove, so it is warm in there, which will make my equipment run better if need be. I like to keep it going in the snowy cold days. Today I suspect I will stay inside where it’s warm and work on a podcast or two. With that I am off for a cup of tea with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store once again. Take care, and stay safe. The one good thing about this storm we’re having right now. People stay home.

Morning Chat Nov 30/2020

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario Canada, Along with that we are also getting some rain. It’s not that cold yet with the temperature sitting at 3.6 C | 38.48 F. It won’t warm up much more today. Things are about to change though, as we will be getting some snow, which will be heavy at times, and then blowing snow will begin tonight or Tuesday morning and continue into Wednesday. We could see about 15 to 30 cm or around 11 inches or so before things ease off Wednesday afternoon or evening.
On top of all the snow we could see some wind gusts up to 70 km/h – 80 KM/h which will cause some blowing snow to occur Tuesday and Tuesday night. So I am thinking travelling won’t be too good for the next few days. As of now Highway 522 is bare and wet. On another note I did get my snowblower out this morning and working along with bringing in some firewood for the shop and lit it. So it will be nice and toasty in there, keeping things warm in case they are needed. Like the Generator, chain saw, things like that, and … my snowblower starts easier when warm. Today I will clean up my shop some since it is nice and warm out there and then will work on another podcast. With that I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store. You never know. Take care, and stay safe.

Morning Chat Nov 29/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature is sitting at 2.9 C | 37.22 F. It won’t warm up that much more today. It will also remain cloudy along with a few lingering showers off and on. Tonight however things will cool down, and tomorrow we could see up to 3 inches of snow by the end of the day. But as I say. It is nearing the end of November, and so far we have been pretty lucky not having much snow. So with that in mind, I am thinking I will bring out my snowblower from my storage shed and get it running, just in case. I ordered a new set of snow tires from Kerry Booth’s Garage here in town, so I suspect he will be calling for me to bring my car down to have them installed in a day or so. Which will make things nicer this winter for picking up our groceries in North Bay. Great place to deal with. Highway 522 is bare and dry so far this morning. It should remain that way for most of the day. With that … I am off for my morning cup of tea with a scoop of chocolate, along with a muffin that my lovely wife made the other day. After that, I will see what the day has in store. Every day is a mystery. Stay safe and protect yourselves. Wearing a mask is the best thing you can do these days, when out and about. Listen to your instinct, not what others are trying to tell you.

Morning Chat Nov 28/2020

Good Morning! Well it’s a sunny morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. It is a touch cool though with the temperature sitting at -0.9 C | 30.38 F. It will warm up a wee bit, but not much. The snow we had has left us, but we did have a heavy frost overnight, which is making things a bit icy. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning and there isn’t much traffic moving around. Mostly locals. Being that the weather has been kind of crappy I have been staying inside. I have lots to do, writing stories for my columns in newspapers, magazines and working on my Podcasts. Today I will do much the same. I will however get out for a walk for some exercise a bit later, once the ice has melted. We don’t need to slip and fall. Not much else going on or happening in our area these days. With that I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife and will then let the day unfold around me. Take care, stay safe and do what is best for yourself, your family, and others with this virus. It is getting a lot worse at the moment. Crowding in on us here in Port Loring. Not here yet that I know of, but close.

Morning Chat Nov 26/2020

Good morning! It’s a cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. A real gloomy day actually, looking outside. The temperature isn’t all that bad though sitting at 3.6 C | 38.48 F. And it will warm up even more, as the day moves forward. Not to shabby nearing the end of November. We will also see some rain in the morning hours. Tomorrow however we should see some sunshine for a change. Which will be nice. Highway 522 is bare and dry so far this morning so travelling will be good throughout. There isn’t much traffic these days with a lot of folks staying home. Which is a good thing I am thinking. On another note I finished up another Podcast yesterday and will continue on with another today. So with that I am off for a cup of tea with my lovely wife and will then see what the day has to offer. Take care and stay safe.

Being Self Efficient

Laboratories in Toronto and Montreal once produced groundbreaking shots for polio, diphtheria, and tuberculosis, among others. But poor business models and privatization programs eventually led to those companies being sold off to foreign multinational pharmaceutical companies. Today, even if a Canadian vaccine candidate is proven effective, the companies developing them lack the means to produce them here.

For the whole story click link below.

Just one more reason why we here in Canada have to stop relying on other countries, and step up to the plate, and not be afraid of what other countries think or do for that matter.

Scientific Facts

From what I have learned the past few months is that by boosting up your immune system with vitamin C, and D3 you are reducing the risk of being infected with the coronavirus, and if you are infected … you are reducing the risk of having severe conditions from the virus.
Once you have taken the vitamin C and D3 along with other supplements to increase your immune system getting it ready for the Coronavirus, there are some other important things that you can do to keep a healthy body and a strong immune system. Here are a few!
Sleep well, and enough, as the body recovers the most while you’re asleep – this is when your immune system can work at its full potential. So make sure you get enough rest, between 7 and 8 hours a day if possible.
Make sure that not only you sleep enough hours, but also, at the right time. The body produces its most important hormones between 10 p.m. and 1:00 AM. So make sure that you are already asleep during this period.
Eat healthy and nutritious food.
Exercise regularly, and intensively, even if it’s just for 20 minutes a day.
Be positive, and avoid arguments and negative emotions. That last one is the hard one. But we all can do it.

It all boils down my friends to how healthy your immune system is.

Author, Writer of Fiction/Non Fiction, Columnist, Podcaster Storytelling, Woodworker, Farming, Gardening