Raw Milk

Now there is an interesting topic, Raw Milk.  I could talk about that all day. You know for years where I was raised on the dairy farm I drank over ten glasses of raw milk a day. I got to tell you there is nothing as tasty as cold raw milk and not only that,  it’s soooooo good for you.  Here in Canada though its been outlawed,  just another law that was brought down the tubes to protect folks,  or so that is what they would like you to believe.  Another thing is that milk of today or should say store bought milk, well I can’t drink one glass, if I do I almost bend over in pain or headin to the bathroom.  Not sure why they call it that,  years ago we called it the out-house,  that was to direct to the point I suspect.  Amazing huh my stomach loves raw milk and won’t tolerate pasteurized milk.  So if one sits down and thinks about that a bit,  it doesn’t take a scientist to tell me that I shouldn’t be drinking store bought milk.  I also think if folks went by their feelings when eating or drinking things,  that they would be a lot better off. Hard to do though in today’s world as there isn’t to much out there to eat any more that’s  pesticide free or not loaded with chemicals.  Well as I said at first,  I could go on here for ever,  but you all know what I am getting at.  Watch what you eat, read labels, ask questions and the best fix would be for us all grow and raise your own.  The more self efficient you become, the better off you will be and in doing so,  you will become so much healthier.  Talk Soon.

Snowy And Cool

Well  called for a bad storm last night and it looked as if it was heading our way but so far only got about six inches or so.  Could get more as one just don’t really know living here in Port Loring.  We get a lot of storms that come off Lake Huron .  Got the old shop stove going and once the snow ends will get at the driveway cleaning.  Yep winter is here.  Talk Soon.

North Bay Column Update

Hi Folks well this week my column in the Nugget pertains to a story my old Grandfather told me about one of his trips north years ago. Just imagine the roads back then, sure not like today’s I bet. This story relates to a stop over he made one night. Well it’s quite a story so don’t forget to get your copy, as you won’t be disappointed. Oh and don’t forget my column only comes out in the Nugget in Saturdays paper. Talk Soon.

Community Voice Column Update

This weeks story in the Community Voice is Part Two on Woodworking it pertains to setting up your shop with equipment and things and this week its about the table saw. In my books other than the shop itself, the table saw is about the most used piece of equipment in the shop. So don’t forget to pick up a copy or you will be missing out. The Community Voice comes out around Thursday or Friday of each week.   Talk Soon.

December 1First Coldest Day So Far

Well you can always tell that we live in the great white north when you wake up to -10 Below 0 F Temperatures.  Which is -23 below, powers that be, scale.  I asked the wife to plug the car in before she came in yesterday and this morning I got to thinking if I plugged the other end in to the shop.  Sure enough the car was plugged in but not where there was power.  Oh well I do make sure it has enough antifreeze in the old girl, not the wife mind ya,  the car,  so it should be ok.  Just that when it’s plugged in it starts a lot easier and things.  Just takes a bit of hydro that’s all.  I could cut back there if it became an issue.   Got the shop stove going and stoked up the furnace in the house and things are warming up in here.  One just don’t like to get out from under the covers on mornings like this. Oh well joys of country living and we love it, keeps one healthy.  Talk soon.

Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Well got up to more snow here this morning, I guess we got about six to eight inches of the white stuff. We just love it the wife and I, as we don’t got to go anywhere. Thing about being self efficient, we put enough away to last us all winter if need be and then some. If one really thinks about it you save all way round. The folks in the city could also do what we do and it would save them a bundle, as they wouldn’t be running to the corner store for this and that every day. Just the savings on gas in todays world, is something not to take lightly. But to each their own I guess. Sure looks pretty out there with all the snow hanging from the hug pines. I put out two big bags of suet for the birds and they are just lovin it. Get a lot of Woodpeckers of all kinds and Nuthatches around here and they drop by for a morning meal. Nice to sit here with a tea and look out every day> I don’t know why any one wouldn’t sooner have a life like this, than all the hustle and bustle. Do what you want, when you want and not being told to do this, or do that. It’s possible, one just has to take the right road in life. Well, guess I will go and put a log on the fire, got the shop stove going earlier, so it’s nice and warm in there and ready for me to do some work, if the urge hits. Talk Soon.

Eating Last Summers Preserves, We Are.

Well about now I suspect most folks are into their preserves and things, that they have made from their gardens last summer. I know we are and got to say they are pretty tasty. I  know a lot of folks today say, well, I just don’t have time any more to do them up.  I can buy them cheaper in the grocery store and things like that. That’s not the point in reality though, if you grow your own and do up your own preserves and things you are getting pesticide free produce. Also you know what goes into your garden so you get the full benefit of all the minerals and things. Like your own well water, the water that you get in the country from your own well is full of minerals and things that your body loves.  Same as growing your own vegetables.  It doesn’t take much space either.  So for a good healthy way of living why not get your own garden going this coming spring.  I will guarantee you will feel a lot better for it and hey as I keep on saying, you also become a little more self efficient,  in other words you stop relying on other folks and powers to be for help. Can’t beat that huh and how much is your health worth.  With out your health all the money in the world isn’t worth a plug nickel.  My old Dad used to say, being wealthy isn’t determined by how many dollars you have in your pocket. Talk Soon.

Note Of Appreciation From Bart

Good day sir:

I’ve been reading your stories since they first appeared in Community Voices. Am I ever glad that you joined this team of story tellers. Now I see that we have the good fortune to have your stories appear in the Sat. edition of the Nugget. You’ve had some very interesting things happen to you throughout your life. Thank you for sharing them with us. You fill the shoes of Mr. Hakala very well as I had read his stories for a few years but never took the opportunity to thank him. I just read your story about Grey Wolf and his bear friend, “awesome”, to say the least. Please keep up the good work. Bart

Brisk Morning Here In Port Loring

Well I got  to tell ya a feller might have to put on an extra tea-shirt this morning going outside, I know I had to getting the shop stove going. Got down to around 1 Degree old scale last night or I guess I will say it -17 C.  Hmm Now doesn’t 1 degree sound a lot better. That’s what I keep saying all this metric does is fool people into believing things that aren’t true.  Oh well their choice or should say the Powers to be choice as we didn’t have any say in it.  Got to go to town this morning so guess get things in order for the trip.  Talk soon and keep warm.

Cold But Nice

Well compared to yesterday we got a cold day.  Picked up an old light which I put out back by my bird feeder.  A friend of ours have one out by theirs and it gave us the idea. As every night they get flying squirrels that come for a meal.  I didn’t even know they lived in this neck of the woods and we live in the woods. This way we will be able to have a look see.  It also gets pretty dark on the one side of the house that faces the bush so this will light up things a wee bit. Also might be able to get a glimpse of the deer as they come through during the night.  Things like this that don’t cost anything other than an hour of hydro each night makes for an interesting life.  Got the light hooked up and brought in some firewood for the shop so pretty well set for the day. Home made chicken noodle soup is on the old cook stove so one can’t ask for anything more than that. Pretty rough life huh? Talk Soon.


You know this is the only country in the world that I know of that if one cuts taxes folks get to complaining. I guess them folks has got so much money that it doesn’t matter to them.  If you look at Alberta there is no PST at all and hey guess what,  they do pretty well. It would be ok if the money that they got from taxes went to the places that needed it but it doesn’t and never will.  It’s like most all these charity things or sending money to poorer countries.  I bet if one could see the bottom figure of what really ends up getting to the poor countries you would find out about five cents out of ever dollar if that.  This Province is paying so much for tax that it’s getting hard for any one to make ends meat. I could go on here for an hour but for what good it will ever do, well it’s just a waste of time. The Powers to be of the world today has got folks so paranoid that they can’t look after them selves, that if it wasn’t for the Powers to be folks would not exist.  That is wrong, people have look after themselves and one day, remember this one day,  it will not be money that rules this old world it will be brains and being self efficient.  Talk Soon.

Almost A Full Moon

Well we almost have a Full Moon out there,  will be here tomorrow.  Walking back from the shop tonight I spotted it up above and with that showing itself it will sure make for a cold night.  Usually one can tell what the months weather will be if he or she takes notes on what the weather is on a full moon.  As what ever it is then that’s what you will pretty well have for the coming month.  So that’s a pretty good  estimate in my eyes.  I have used that way of telling the weather for over 50 years now and well, most the time it’s right,  but you know,  Mother Nature has a way of sending us what ever she wants.  This morning the smoke from the chimney was just hanging in the air and heading towards the ground. One can sure tell when the smoke does that, that it’s going to be a cold day.  Also good way to tell us to put on an extra shirt.   The next full moon is two days before Christmas, the 23rd.  Talk Soon.

Column Update For The Nugget

This Saturday in the North Bay Nugget my story is about my younger days on Go Home Lake which is located just off HWY 69 south of Perry Sound.  The folks that raised me along with myself put in a road back to the lake years ago a real job for sure.  The lake actually was named after me, well sort of. The way it came to being was one day Reg and Laura was sitting chatting on what to call the lake now that it was open for folks to see.  “Well said Reg after giving it a lot of thought, one of these days George here will be going back home with his real Dad, so lets call it…. Go Home Lake.  And well, that’s what they did and today if you happen by the lake along  HWY 69 and you  see the sign, you will have a heads up on how it all came about.  So don’t forget pick up a copy of the Saturdays North Bay Nugget. Talk soon.

Planer Gave Up The Ghost

Well worked in the shop most the day today.  Had a bit of a problem with the old Planer. I bought it a few years ago a Ridgid>  The bearings are shot in the old girl and I guess it isn’t worth fixing.  So guess it’s time to go shopping.  Didn’t expect that this time of year but we used it a lot so what can one do.  Now I wish I didn’t sell my heavy duty one I had back at my old shop.  Oh well what can you do can’t cry over spilled milk.  Other than that had a pretty good day.  Got a few Flutes made and made a mess in the shop.   Talk Soon

Warm Day Here Today

Well not much going on here today. Had a bit of rain last night and early this morning, a few accidents I hear up near HWY 11 next to HWY 522.  Guess that rain must have froze a wee bit.  Nothing worse than freezing rain for driving I have found.  Did some shop work today and that was pretty much my day. Maybe tomorrow I will come upon some things to write about.  Talk Soon.

WX200 ff:            localhost:9753  20/11 20:44:41  
  1.3             Display:    Clock/0/0          Power: AC  Battery: ok 
             ---------- Outdoor -----------  ----------- Indoor -----------
Temperature: 35.1 F Hi 61.5 F 31/10 14:24    73.4 F Hi 77.2 F  9/11 19:10  
                    Lo 13.5 F 18/11  7:13           Lo 61.0 F  2/11  8:25  
   Humidity:   77 % Hi   98 % 20/11  6:11      33 % Hi   46 % 31/10 13:12  
                    Lo   34 % 17/11 15:28           Lo   32 % 17/11 19:42  
  Dew Point:   32 F Hi   46 F 31/10 19:35      43 F Hi   52 F  2/11 17:46  
                    Lo   32 F 31/10 14:50           Lo   34 F 19/11  5:36  
Wind Gust:036NE @  0.0 mph    Wind Gust Hi:288WNW@ 26.2 mph   31/10 19:54  
      Avg:036NE @  0.0 mph      Wind Chill:  36 F   Lo:   1 F  6/11 23:17  
Rain Rate: 0.00 in/h  Yesterday: 0.08 in Total:32.56 in since  1/ 1  0:00  
Barometer: Steady at 29.18 in  30.06 in  sea; 12-24hr forecast: Sunny

Wet Night

Well had a cool morning but then temperatures rose all day up to around 36 now.  Also windy with rain.  Talk Soon.

WX200 ff:            localhost:9753  19/11 20:59:41  
  1.3             Display:    Clock/0/0          Power: AC  Battery: ok 
             ---------- Outdoor -----------  ----------- Indoor -----------
Temperature: 36.7 F Hi 61.5 F 31/10 14:24    72.7 F Hi 77.2 F  9/11 19:10  
                    Lo 13.5 F 18/11  7:13           Lo 61.0 F  2/11  8:25  
   Humidity:   86 % Hi   97 % 12/11 18:41      34 % Hi   46 % 31/10 13:12  
                    Lo   34 % 17/11 15:28           Lo   32 % 17/11 19:42  
  Dew Point:   34 F Hi   46 F 31/10 19:35      43 F Hi   52 F  2/11 17:46  
                    Lo   32 F 31/10 14:50           Lo   34 F 19/11  5:36  
Wind Gust:181 S @  7.6 mph    Wind Gust Hi:288WNW@ 26.2 mph   31/10 19:54  
      Avg:181 S @  6.3 mph      Wind Chill:  28 F   Lo:   1 F  6/11 23:17  
Rain Rate: 0.00 in/h  Yesterday: 0.00 in Total:32.48 in since  1/ 1  0:00  
Barometer: Falling at 29.03 in  29.91 in  sea; 12-24hr forecast: Rain

Pumkin Pie Fresh Out Of The Garden

Well I had a pumpkin this year that grew in spite of all the damage that I did to it. I wrote a story of this pumpkin and it will be in the North Bay Nugget come next week, I think. This pumpkin though deserved to become pies so this Fall after Halloween I put it in the cold room. Today the wife took it out and it is about to become a Pumpkin Pie. Sounds good to me. Also the seeds are lucky ones,  so kept all them for next years plantings. The neighbor,  Bee next door,  gave us a recipe for home grown pumpkin pie and a thank you goes out to her,  so will let you know what it tastes like when all said and done maybe a picture of the finished product.  Talk soon.

Author, Writer of Fiction/Non Fiction, Columnist, Podcaster Storytelling, Woodworker, Farming, Gardening